The inheritance of Yuwen sword is indeed full of attraction!

Zhou Heng looked around and saw that all the star ships stopped around a broken continent and moved slowly with the floating of the continent. It is strange that none of them should be berthed.

As long as the star ship is started, it is a thing to burn money. The more advanced the star ship is, the more powerful it will burn. Does everyone feel that the immortal stone is hot and uncomfortable if they don't burn it?

"Yuwen sword has great power to participate in creation. Although his dragon palace is only built on that continent, its influence can cover the whole continent. As long as the star ship falls, it can no longer fly!" Lian Jingxiang said on one side.

"People can?" Zhou Hengdao, this is a key question.

If people go in and can't get out, aren't they going to be trapped on it?

"Well, people can get rid of the gravity below, but if the star ship breaks free by force, the end will be that the ship's body can't support and fall apart!" Lian Jingxiang Zhengrong said.

Getting lost in the stars is not a small thing, because without the coordinates of the stars, the warrior is a headless fly in this dark universe.

"There, it's Xinghai robber!" Lian Jingxiang pointed away.

Zhou Heng looked in the direction she pointed out and saw that the star ships were indeed separated by a considerable distance.

There must be a certain distance between the star ship and the star ship, so that no one will suddenly burst into trouble. A Lingguang cannon will destroy the ship and kill people! It must be separated by a certain distance and have enough reaction time to support the psionic shield.

However, the star ships in that area have also pulled the distance too far.

Originally, it was like the shape of a big cake. Now that piece is cut out, it seems quite out of place with the surroundings.

"Aren't these people afraid?" Zhou Heng looked at the distance. To tell the truth, he didn't hate Xinghai robbers, because he was qualified to be Xinghai robbers because he killed enough people - if he hadn't been supported by the signboard of Sanxing pharmacist.

"The strength of Xinghai bandits is not weak. After hundreds of thousands of years of development, they have also formed their own world. There is even the existence of the creator emperor! As long as Xinghai bandits do not attack Xiancheng, they cannot have the power to attack Xinghai bandits on their own!" Lian Jingxiang said.

Zhou Heng sneered. In fact, both Xinghai robbers and Xiancheng giants are birds of a feather. The difference is that one occupies the commanding height of morality and the other is infamous, but it is no different in essence.

If the immortal city giants were so jealous of evil, would they now face the Xinghai robbers across the air? It can't be so emotional. I've been copying guys for a long time.

Zhou Heng didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of dog biting. He said, "when shall we go up?" he pointed to the vast continent.

"Don't worry, the gravity is still too big now. We will only be pressed into meat cakes now!" Lian Jingxiang shook her head. "According to the great power of Jue Xian City, it will take about two months. There will be a stable gap in the prohibition at the core of the mainland. Let the martial arts of riyao king and below enter! At that time, the gravity will be much smaller!"

"Otherwise, the gravity will suddenly become stronger, that is, riyao imperial city will be crushed in an instant!"

i see.

There are still two months to go. He just continues to figure out the blood River heavenly Sutra. Now he has some clues about the research on the first small rune.

"Brother Zhou, are you interested in going out?" Lian Jingxiang smiled.

"Play?" Zhou Heng showed a look of surprise. What fun is there in this desolate universe?

"Ha ha. Brother Zhou doesn't know. Not everyone comes to treasure hunt and adventure. There are many businessmen here. Look, the 107th star ship on our left is a restaurant, and the 67th star ship on our right is a casino!"

Zhou Heng couldn't help laughing and said, "I really didn't think of it!"

"No one cultivates for the sake of cultivation. Eating, drinking and having fun are the needs of most people, especially those of our big family. They have had rich clothes and food since childhood. If they can eat and drink well, who doesn't want to enjoy it?" Lian Jingxiang is very honest.

"This is not the first time that Xinghai legacy mansion was born in the fairyland. Every time this happens, businesses will come to join the fun, especially Tianbao Pavilion. Look, there will be a grand auction before the legacy mansion is officially opened!"

"Moreover, the items at this auction must be extremely precious, but the price must be ridiculously high!"

Zhou Heng looked at the restaurant in the distant starry sky and said, "Miss Lian, I'll take you all the way. How about I treat you to a meal?"

"You are so stingy. You want to send me away after a meal?" Lian Jingxiang smiled.

That's what she said, but she had taken out a Liuyun shuttle and set off with Zhou Heng and black donkey to fly to the "restaurant".

Since it's a restaurant, it's natural to open the door for business. You don't need to say hello first when you get on the ship. Liuyun shuttle stops directly on the deck. Lian Jingxiang puts away Liuyun shuttle. Immediately, a man dressed as a waiter greets him and says, "guest, are you only two? Do you have a reservation?"

"Ah bah, what kind of dog's eyes do you look like? Don't you see the donkey? We are three! Three!" the black donkey was angry and stretched out a hoof to compare three, but its feet and hoofs can't be separated. It's all one foot.

The waiter was startled by the black donkey. It's not unusual for monsters to be psychic, but the donkey who can speak in a flower skirt has never seen it! Fortunately, he was used to the scene. After a little stunned, he said, "three, three!"

"Your business here is so good that you still need to make an appointment?" Zhou Heng was curious.

"Guest, our business is really good. If you don't have an appointment, you can only have a rest in the hall first!" the waiter led them down the deck and entered a large cabin. There are dozens of people waiting here.

Gee, this business is not only good, it's extremely good!

"Guests, first look at the menu, choose the dishes and tell the small one. The small one first asks the chefs to prepare. When you have a position, you will immediately notify two, no, three!" said the little two.

Zhou Heng took the menu he handed over, glanced and couldn't help but pull his teeth.

How dark!

Zhou Heng hasn't heard of many dishes above, but he can recognize several dishes, which he ate in Tianfang Pavilion. But Tianfang Pavilion is famous for its high price, but it's nothing compared with here.

At least ten times more expensive than Tianfang loft!

Not the most expensive, only more expensive!

But it's so expensive and so many people flock to it. I don't know what's going on!

Zhou Heng thought about himself and couldn't help laughing. Maybe someone was greedy, maybe someone loved face, maybe someone was the same as him. Fortunately, he made a lot of immortal stones, which are useless!

"Brother Zhou, won't you back down?" Lian Jingxiang smiled and deliberately teased Zhou Heng.

"Since I want to invite you, even if I lose all my money!" Zhou Heng also smiled.

"I'm so hungry that my chest is close to my back. There's no place for me. Let's sit on the ground and eat!" the black donkey was shameless anyway. He immediately had a bad idea.

Zhou Heng and Lian Jingxiang decisively ignored it as if the cheap donkey didn't exist.

He ordered several dishes and asked Lian Jingxiang to add some. Finally, he was robbed by the black donkey and added more than a dozen. Only then did he return the menu to the waiter. Next, he had to wait.

Fortunately, the immortal is absolutely not impatient. He can pass without frowning for hours, days and years - of course, this does not include Zhou Heng and black donkey.

Zhou Heng is too young. He has never been closed for a few years. The black donkey is too lonely.

After another, some people waited until they left here, but new guests came. There was no day or night in the stars. The "restaurant" opened continuously.

After two hours, it was Zhou Heng's turn.

Just as they stood up, they saw four young people just coming in from the outside. When they saw Zhou Heng, they stopped one after another. A man in a blue robe with a scorpion tail behind him said, "give your place!"

He spoke proudly, as if he was not asking Zhou Heng to give up his position, but giving Zhou Heng a favor.

With that, he walked back with the other three people regardless of whether Zhou Hengtong agreed or not.

The waiter looked at Zhou Heng. The restaurant has its rules. He must get Zhou Heng's consent first.

"Why are you still waiting? Don't you lead the way quickly?" the scorpion tail man said coldly to the waiter. There was terrible pressure between his eyes.

This alien is quite young. Judging from his vigorous Qi and blood, he will never be more than two thousand years old, but his cultivation has reached emperor Yueming!

Of course, he can't compare with Zhou Heng's entry speed, but the 2000 year old Yueming emperor is outstanding in the fairyland. Even ziyingming and Guo yuhou are over 5000 years old!

Among the people Zhou Heng has met, I'm afraid only Zhong Gufeng and Yuan shaohuang can compete with this person in the entry of cultivation!

It should be the forces from the sublimation realm!

Zhou Heng didn't even look at him. He smiled at the waiter and said, "let's go!"

"Boy!" the scorpion tailed man drank violently, his yellowish brown eyes suddenly said coldly, "you're asking for embarrassment!"

Zhou Hengli ignored it and strode past, but the cheap donkey was not so easy to talk. When he passed the scorpion tail man, he spit on the ground and said, "ah bah, a good dog doesn't stand in the way!"

The scorpion tail man was very angry and smiled. He grabbed Zhou Heng and said, "stay for me!"


Zhou Heng turned and punched out, and the two forces collided, forming a hurricane shock wave. Fortunately, most of the people here are extraordinary. They have opened their defenses to dissolve the shock wave, and the hull is strong enough to withstand such an impact.

Scorpion tail man took seven steps back, and a surprised look flashed in his eyes, as if surprised that Zhou hengnian was younger than him, but he had the strength to compete with him.

"Fight out, don't disturb other guests' meals!" at this time, an ethereal voice sounded, but it was full of dignity!

That is the existence of riyao territory!

The scorpion tailed man stared at Zhou Heng for a while, and then stepped aside. The so-called strong dragon doesn't pressure the earth snake. Moreover, he can't be called a strong dragon in front of the existence of riyao territory.