"There is a halo around the white masked man, which blocks the exploration of my spiritual power and makes me unable to judge his men and women."

The black hell king then said, and the words made Ye Yun's eyes shine.

Ye Yun remembered that when he and Xiaoxiang chu'er went to shuangdaochang through the holy bridge, he also met a spaceship going to shuangdaochang on the way.

When the spaceship entered Ye Yun and Xiaoxiang chu'er, it went and returned. A mysterious and familiar divine consciousness was released to explore the bodies of Ye Yun and Xiaoxiang chu'er.

Could that ship be the ship seen by the black hell?

And the mysterious and familiar existence released is that the black hell sees the man in white?

"As like as two peas," the halo blocked my exploration, but it could not stop the mysterious smell of its body. The mysterious aroma and the description of the fragrance of the flowers on the history books were exactly the same.

The words of the black king of hell prompted Ye Yun to frown.

According to the black king of hell, this masked man in white is probably the apprentice of the unparalleled female emperor.

However, the ranking war of DILIN list will not be carried out until a month later. Why did the unparalleled female emperor and this apprentice come to the shuangdaochang so early?

In order not to be discovered and suspected, ye Yun quickly left the treasure Pavilion.

When leaving, both the black king of hell and the cold emperor reminded Ye Yun to be careful of Xiaoxiang and Daqin.

Xiaoxiang Daqin can rank third in the list of DILIN. He still has two brushes to firmly press the black king of hell and the cold emperor.

Most importantly, Xiaoxiang Daqin is likely to worship under a high-rise gate of shuangdaochang, and his position in shuangdaochang will rise a lot in the future.

Now Xiaoxiang and Daqin are closed. Once they leave the customs, the first thing is to formally worship their teachers, and the second thing must be to find fault with Ye Yun.

"Xiaoxiang Daqin, I can still deal with it. You two don't interfere. All you can do is keep a distance from me. I always think someone in the shuangdaochang is secretly investigating me!"

Ye Yun left the treasure Pavilion and returned to ghost valley.

Ye Yun is a person who doesn't believe in evil. Even there may be evil in the ghost valley.

People who live in ghost valley will never die for more than two days.

This is a death curse that has been tested in practice and is like truth.

Ye Yun doesn't care.

Return to ghost Valley and ye Yun enters the ghost palace directly.

Two days, fleeting.

In these two days, ye Yun devoted himself to opening the lanterns obtained from the heads of those strange fish.

Of course, Kung Fu pays off. Ye Yun opened nearly 100 lanterns in these two days.

These have been enough for a long time.

As for ghosts, under the command of the old ghost man, they have been arrayed around and inside the ghost palace these two days.

Old man Wan GUI is from the ghost family. In his opinion, the ghost palace may have been inhabited by people of the ghost family.

In other words, the formation of the ghost palace was arranged by the people of the ghost family.

Less than the third floor of the ghost palace, the ghost old man was very unwilling, so he opened the ghost palace with the help of other methods.

On the first night, when ye Yun lived here, a ghost appeared.

The ghost soul is like a blood man. The land it passes through is red with blood.

His purpose is to drop two drops of blood into the eyes of the people who live in the ghost palace.

The ghost spirit comes down from the third layer, that is, ye Yun's mental power level, before he can detect and see it.

Other people whose mental strength is lower than 17 grades can't detect the ghost at all.

I don't even know when the ghost God has approached, and then drop blood into my eyes.

This kind of blood is very magical. Once it drops into people's eyes, it can quickly spread all over the body through their eyes.

After ingestion into the body, this blood will not cause the slightest damage to a person's external skin, internal bones, or even internal organs.

But it can absorb a person's invisible seven souls and six souls, and then dye a person's eyes red to promote the person's death.

In fact, this is also the usual reason why those who stay in the ghost palace have no scars on their whole body, but wait for their blood red eyes to die.

Unfortunately, this time ghost spirit met Ye Yun.

When the ghost appeared, ye Yun noticed it.

And the ghost helped secretly and almost caught the ghost.

After all, the ghost spirit was released by the evil thing on the third floor of the ghost palace. There were still a few brushes and fled to the third floor.

After that, I never came out again.

But the ghost spirit inspired the old man.

That's why the ghost old man ordered the ghost to keep arranging in these two days.

The whole ghost palace is a ghost array.

And now the ghost old man ordered the ghost to set up a ghost array.

Ghost array needs ghost array to be cracked, which is similar to the principle of attacking poison with poison!

It is worth mentioning that in these two days, Xiaoxiang chu'er didn't bring anyone up to find fault.

However, after two days, the patrol team of shuangdaochang came.

Outside the ghost Valley, many people came to watch the excitement.

Two days passed. In their opinion, ye Yun must have died in it.

Among them were Xiao Xiang chu'er, Ouyang Guanghui who was helped to come, and Wu FA who was carried.

They all want to see the patrol team carry out Ye Yun's body.

If they have a chance, they will not be stingy with their saliva. They will spit on Ye Yun's body.

The members of the patrol team were like great enemies one by one. They defended all over the body, and then entered the ghost valley with some caution.

One of the patrol team members carried a stretcher over his shoulder.

Of course, it's for placing Ye Yun's body later.

About half an hour later, all the members of the patrol team returned under the eyes of everyone outside the ghost valley.

However, to everyone's great shock, the stretcher was empty and there was no body belonging to Ye Yun.

"This time Ye Lin didn't even leave the body?"

It was Xiao Xiang chu'er who spoke subconsciously.

In her opinion, ye Yun will die. There is no suspense.

Everyone else nodded.

"You may not believe it. When we opened the gate of the ghost palace, we saw Ye Lin intact, that is to say, Ye Lin spent two days safely in the ghost palace!"

One of the members of the patrol team spoke and said that the shock on his face had not been removed.


This word was heard in the ears of all, no less than thunder.