However, with the passage of time, more and more long snakes jumped out of the cold ice.

They roared towards Ye Yun.

Obviously, ye Yun has no need to waste time here.

When even one jumps up.

And in the process of leaping up, he also displayed the seven steps of heaven and earth.

Those long snakes who jumped up and jumped out very high were just biting the virtual shadow of Ye Yun.

As for ye Yun's real figure, it has appeared on the sixth ice.

Strangely, like the fifth ice, when ye Yun stepped on the sixth ice, the sixth ice did not break out any attack.

The most shocking thing is Ye Yun.

Because when ye Yun steps on the fifth ice, he can at least feel the irrecoverable cold air from the fifth ice.

But when ye Yun stepped on the sixth ice, he didn't feel the slightest cold from the ice at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that ye yunjue seems to have stepped on the general ground, and there is no difference at all.

"Compared with the fifth ice, the sixth ice must be more rebellious. I don't even have a chance to set foot under normal circumstances. Now I should also make a more wonderful but powerful attack!"

The opening is an ice crystal monster.

Now the ice crystal monster, a pair of eyes, the paper has been flashing an indelible light.

When ye Yun stepped on the fifth ice, many long snakes came out of the ice.

Now that ye Yun has set foot on the sixth ice, what wonderful scene will appear?

The ice crystal monster remains to be seen.

In fact, it's more than an ice crystal monster. All the orcs present are full of interest.

The orc territory is not small, and there are very lively events every day.

But it was the first time that someone dared to break through the five heavenly passes.

And many orcs are very interested in this kind of thing.

And it was like a gust of wind, which had almost blown all over the orc territory.

More and more orcs are entering this dreamland.

Of course, there are more orcs on their way.

When they arrived, they easily learned Ye Yun's story from the mouth of the orcs who had previously arrived.

Then the sound of falling chin comes and goes!

Ye Yun stepped on the sixth ice, just like stepping on the ordinary ground.

And ye Yun didn't hurry to roar towards the seventh ice.

Ye Yun wants to see what test there is on the sixth ice.

Then the time for a cup of tea passed.

There was nothing unusual on the sixth ice.

Even the slightest hint of cold in the symbolic appearance did not exist.

This situation not only surprised Ye Yun, but also shocked the orcs to speechless.

They don't understand why this happened.

In particular, the ice crystal giant beast rubbed his eyes. He really couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

Until, ye Yun had stepped up again, and then came to the seventh ice.

It's the same as stepping on the sixth ice.

No cold, no attack.

Not even the slightest difference.

This situation shocked the whole audience again.

Ye Yun stepped up and went towards the eighth ice.

This is the last piece of ice.

At least in the eyes of the orcs present.

If the eighth ice is still the same as the sixth and seventh ice, the difficulty of the eight ice is greatly reduced.

All eyes are fixed there.

Now the protagonist undoubtedly belongs to Ye Yun.

At the same time, there is the eighth ice.

Tear, tear

Suddenly, there was a cold sound.

It immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of many orcs.

At this critical moment, they all focused on Ye Yun. They even breathed very gently.

But at this time, someone broke the peace.

Someone can't help swearing.

Then he began to look around for the air conditioner.

But I didn't find this man.

"No, the sound of air-conditioning doesn't seem to come from any orcs present!"

Amethyst goshawk first felt something wrong, and couldn't help but wonder.

Not all the orcs present, is it Ye Yun?

Amethyst goshawk's words are still very authoritative, so the orcs present subconsciously looked at Ye Yun.

It's obvious that ye Yun's mouth is closed now, and it's impossible to make such a sound of air-conditioning.

Not all the orcs present, nor ye Yun, so who else can it be?

All orcs are confused by some monks.

"How do I feel that the sound seems to come from the eighth ice?"

The Amethyst lion spoke this time.

Compared with the Amethyst goshawk, although the Amethyst lion is slightly inferior, it is also a very authoritative lion king among all the orcs present.

What's more, just after the Amethyst lion finished speaking, the Amethyst goshawk has nodded heavily, which is obviously an agreement with Ye Yun's statement of marriage.

The next moment, all the orcs' eyes hit the eighth ice.

Tear, tear

The sound of inverted air-conditioning is still ringing, even more intense with the passage of time and ye Yun's continuous approach.

Then, when ye Yun's figure rose from the sky, there was only less than 100 meters from the eighth ice.

The eighth ice has moved.

To be exact, it changes automatically.

It thought that the top rose slowly, and then in the top position, it quickly turned into a fort.

This fort looks ordinary, but in that hole, there is an extreme cold.

Even with the passage of time, it is still growing stronger.

Ye Yun is only 50 meters away from the eighth ice.

At this time, a white ice shell with a height of more than one person appeared in the blast hole.

In the direction of Ye Yun, he roared in a completely destructive way.

The white ice shell not only carries the extreme cold, but also terrible energy.

Ye Yun seems to have expected this.

The giant black sword didn't know when it had appeared in Ye Yun's hands.

The black sword light appeared and went away against the white ice shell.


When the two were finally intertwined, a huge roar sounded.

Then the white powder floated in all directions.