I thought I was going to step on the peak of my life, but now I am directly in debt.

The holy essence of more than 5000 kg is still unclear even if it is given to him for ten lives!

Especially feeling the wolf like eyes of those who lent him the Holy Spirit, Zhang Yang even wanted to kill himself immediately.

"Remember, everything is possible in this world!"

More than 5000 Jin of holy essence came all at once. Even ye Yun was a little excited.

"I am willing to give 1500 Jin of Holy Spirit to buy this small holy gun."

The old man without arms was even hotter in his eyes, and suddenly increased the price of 300 Jin of holy essence.

This makes Ye Yun wonder. The armless old man is a sword repairer. Why do you want this small long gun so persistently.

With the old man without arms shouting, even the gun king and Xiao Heng were silent.

Both of them have less than 1500 Jin of holy essence. Moreover, the small holy gun is too small, and its value has been greatly devalued. It is estimated that it is worth 1500 Jin of holy essence.

"OK, deal!"

Little childe decided directly with some joy.

The little childe said and was ready to come forward and take down the small holy gun from ye Yun.

Ye Yun sneered at this.

Liu Shui started directly and overthrew the young childe who came to the ground.

"A hick, an ugly, what do you want? Do you want to default again?"

He was overthrown in public. The little childe was so angry that he lost face.

"I think you want to rob my holy gun."

Ye Yun turned to a dry cough and said, "what's more, I want to solemnly tell everyone that my holy gun is not small at all."

Between words, the holy gun in Ye Yun's hand is increasing.

It was not until it was as long as a foot long that it stopped!

Since the moment of starting with the holy gun, ye Yun judged that this is not an ordinary holy soldier at all, but the most high-end variety of holy soldiers: changing holy soldiers!

Changing Paladin, just like its name, can change its size almost arbitrarily as long as the user pours spiritual power into it.

If the holy soldier is not seen in ten years, then the changing holy soldier is once in a lifetime.

Bang Bang

For a moment, the whole open-air square was full of the sound of falling chin.

A complete holy soldier with changeable size is a peerless treasure!

"Young master Yun, I'm willing to spend 3800 Jin of holy essence to buy this holy gun."

One of the old men, who is nearly old, spoke. This time he was facing Ye Yun.

There is no doubt that the price of Ye Yun's holy gun has exceeded the total value of all Holy Spirits cut by the little childe.

Of course, although this old man is of extraordinary status, he can only pay this price by partnering with several other old men.

"I give 4000 Jin of Holy Spirit, and our skeletons will be determined to get this holy gun."

Gu Nanfeng not only offered in person, but also directly pulled out the huge tiger skin of the skeleton club.

However, the skeleton will this huge tiger skin, and some people don't buy it.

Just like the old man Wei Lin from Tianyi gate, he was already speaking in a straight voice: "brother Gu, it's bad to say that what is most determined to get this holy gun is our Tianyi gate."

Although skeleton club and tianyimen are among the four forces in the forest market, because the casino is the headquarters of tianyimen, old man Wei Lin has the capital to say this.

"Young master Yun, I'm very interested in this holy gun. Will you talk about the price of this holy gun in detail when we have dinner together after the gambling?"

At the moment, Wang Ruohan also opened his mouth with a smile, and once again released his charm to Ye Yun.

"Of course, everything depends on the wind girl!"

Ye Yun looked fascinated, but he was sneering in his heart.

This holy gun has reached the epic level. Ye Yun has no intention to sell it.

Originally, ye Yun was ready to sell in the face of the potential of all kinds of big people.

Now with Wang Ruohan's horizontal intervention, ye Yun sees the hope of keeping the holy gun.

One of the three masters of Tianyi school and the saint spoke one after another, so that the people who were ready to move suddenly lost their interest in bidding.

Even the ancient southerly wind sighed and stopped bidding.

"I give five thousand jin of Holy Spirit, young master Yun. I really need this holy gun."

It was the armless old man who spoke this time.

Even Gu Nanfeng gave up. Unexpectedly, the armless old man was not willing.

Besides, apart from the four forces, there are only a few super explorers who can take out 5000 Jin of holy essence at once in the forest ruins.

No one would have thought that this inexplicable armless old man was so rich.

But soon, the people were relieved, because the armless old man had immediately said, "of course, I can't take out five thousand kilograms of holy essence now, but when the holy stone meeting in seven days, I will send a lot of five thousand kilograms of holy essence."

"Hehe, don't you hear me clearly, you armless old man? I'm going to talk about the business of holy gun with young master Yun later. Are you provoking tianyimen by stepping in like this? Besides, why do you say you can gather up 5000 Jin of Holy Spirit in seven days?"

Wang Ruohan is determined to win the holy gun and is ready to fight against others.

"Miss, that's a bad thing. The good things from the holy stone have always been obtained by the one with the highest price. What's the provocation? As for gathering up 5000 Jin of holy essence in seven days, this girl doesn't have to worry about it. In seven days, our elders of Han Guang city will come to the gambling stone with a lot of money."

Han Weiqi opened his mouth and threw out a token belonging to the poor family.

Everyone sighed for a while. No wonder these people acted so boldly. It turned out that they were from a poor family in cold light city.

"And my Shangguan family. At the holy stone meeting seven days later, the elders of the family will come to gamble."

On the other side, Shangguan Yun also suddenly opened his mouth.

The people looked at him and his entourage with much dignity. After all, the Shangguan family is no less than the poor family.

At the holy stone meeting seven days later, not only all the great forces and figures in the forest ruins will come, but also many big families and forces in Linzhou outside the forest ruins will send people to come.

That's a real event!

"Young master Yun, you agreed to sell this holy gun to the little girl?"

Knowing that he can't suppress people with potential, Wang Ruohan has a coquettish opening to Ye Yun. His words can't help blinking his eyes, looking pitiful.

There was a chill in his heart, but on his face, ye Yun had to say, "thank you for your attention to the holy gun, but I've just made it clear that I'm going to sell this holy gun to tianyimen."