Thinking of her heavy hand, Lina glanced at Su Zeyu's hand covering her head and walked over, kicking her leg with her slipper.

"Don't sit in my bed."

Su Zeyu looked at Lina and looked around at her big single room. He said, "you have no place to sit here except the bed."

As soon as Lina got her foot hooked, she pulled out a low stool from under the bed. "Do you sit here?"

Su Zeyu looked at the small bench and looked up at Lina. His amber eyes seemed to say: are you serious?

This bench can only sit for children like Gu Cen.

Lina seems to understand his mind, said frankly: "or now roll!"

Su Zeyu obediently moved his butt to the small bench and rubbed his sore back neck with one hand.

Lina goes to the side and blows her wet hair with a hair dryer.

The hair dryer is whistling.

Su Zeyu looks at Lina with his head on his side. It seems that her whole life hasn't changed in such a long time. The only thing that has changed is the attitude towards him.

The sound of "Huhu" stopped suddenly.

It turned out that Lina had already blown her hair.

Lina put down her hair dryer, looked at Su Zeyu and said, "can you go now?"

"You're too heavy. My skull still hurts! You can't keep me all night. " Su Zeyu looks like a rascal.

Lina went straight to the door of the room and opened it.

Outside, a cold wind came in, which made Su Zeyu wake up.

He looked up at Lina, then turned to the open door, got up and went over.

Before going out of the door, Su Zeyu suddenly stops and turns to look at Lina.

Just washed hair with a light fragrance, with the wind blowing to Su Zeyu side.

"Lina, do you have a problem?"

Lina stares at Su Zeyu with her eyes. She raises her foot and directly kicks him in the ass, kicks him out and slams the door shut.

Su Zeyu staggered forward two steps, wiped a little bit and hit the wall of the wall.

A corridor is very narrow, only about one meter wide.

Su Zeyu holds the wall. Touched to feel the buttock that oneself is kicked painful, turn a head to look toward the door that closes tightly.

Suddenly, a light flashed in the dark.

The closed door opened. Lina stood against the light and threw a dark object at Su Zeyu.

Su Zeyu raised his hand, and when he went to see it again, the door closed again.

He looked down at the thing in his hand, which was his mobile phone on the bed.

Helpless smile, Su Zeyu whispered Oh ah: "can be really a ruthless woman."

At the beginning, but she provoked him in the hospital, and now she found her and kicked his ass without hesitation.

However, Su Zeyu turned his head to a dark corridor, turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and illuminated it. You can see the stairs at the end in the dark.

He raised his foot and walked over, remembering the place where Lina lived.

When he got downstairs, he found that the community was famous for demolishing dangerous buildings. It made his heart more worried.

After taking a taxi and returning to his residence, Su Zeyu took a bath and lay on the bed, thinking about what happened after meeting Lina tonight.

It's a restaurant, it's a bar, it's a place like that. All this shows that Lina is short of money.

The next day, Su Zeyu went to work as usual.

I met lily at the gate of the hospital. She was wearing a horsetail and a white coat. She was very energetic.

"Good morning, Dr. su." Lily came to Su Zeyu's direction and waved.

Su Zeyu also nodded to her, "good morning."

They walked side by side toward the elevator and finally got on the elevator together.

It's still early working hours. There are only two of them in the elevator.

Lily looked at Su Zeyu several times, opened her mouth, closed it, and finally said, "is that your girlfriend that day?"

Su Zeyu looked at lily, shook his head and said, "it's not my girlfriend, it's the object I'm after."

The light in Lily's eyes suddenly disappeared and then reappeared.

"Since you are not girlfriends and girlfriends, I can pursue Dr. su."

Su Zeyu looked at Lily and said, "I shouldn't have hit you, but I suggest you don't look at me."

After work that day, Su Zeyu went to the bar he went to yesterday.

As he thought, Lina worked there again.

Su Zeyu sat on the bar and ordered the juice as usual.

Lina looked at him with a haze on her face. The salary of the bar is very high. It's a weekly job, and it can also work part-time in the restaurant. You can't give up the high salary just because Su Zeyu met you.

Day after day, the bartender who exchanged Lina's job also met Su Zeyu. He has seen Su Zeyu's order. It's all juice. Su Zeyu should be the first one who doesn't drink in the bar, and he is so handsome. There are many beautiful women who usually chat up, which is very noticeable“ Mr. Su, are you after us, Lina? She has a boyfriend. I advise you to give up! " The bartender came to Su Zeyu's ear and said softly. Su Zeyu looked at the bartender and said, "have you met her boyfriend?" The bartender shook his head and said, "I haven't seen her, but Lina is so beautiful. Before, a rich man pursued her. She said that she had a boyfriend. She loves him very much Hearing this, Su Zeyu frowned, looked at the bartender, stood up and said, "I'm going to find Lina." Su Zeyu waits for Lina at the back door, and they walk one meter apart. Suddenly, walking in front of Lina stopped. At midnight, the dim street lights lengthened their figure. The cars on the side of the road kept honking“ Su Zeyu, when are you going to follow me? " Su Zeyu looked at Lina and said, "I want to know who your boyfriend is? Did you hand it in after you left Lingcheng? " Hearing Su Zeyu say this, Lina frowned and moved her eyes, "my business is none of your business. Don't follow me With that, she turned straight away. However, before she took a few steps, she was caught by the wrist and stopped. Su Zeyu stopped in front of Lina and said seriously: "that boyfriend is fake!" When Su Zeyu said this, he saw the guilty in Lina's eyes. He was right in his guess“ Why did you break up with me, even shiyiqi. Is there an accident? Are you short of money? " Lina tries to open Su Zeyu and grabs her wrist, but the man's strength is too strong. She directly raised her foot, straight to Su Zeyu's next three roads“ Ouch Su Zeyu let go of his hand with a cry of pain. He covered his crotch with both hands and jumped back several steps.