Several people lingered in Zhao Jie's office, and it was time to get off work.

Looking at the messy cases on her desk, Zhao Jie raised her head and looked at Miao Kai. She just took a look and then drew back her sight.

She reddened her cheeks and rearranged the cases on the table.

Miao Kai looked at Zhao Jie's head lowered to sort out the case. Thinking that she had just delayed her work, he pulled the chair next to her and sat directly on it.

He supported his chin with one hand, looked at Zhao Jie and said, "you should finish the work first."

Listening to Miao Kai's voice, Zhao Jie grabs the case's hand in a daze. This person is here. Where does she want to see the case again?

Quickly sort out the case, put it into the file folder, and lock the things in her hand into the cabinet.

Looking at these two people, Zhao Tongtong felt that the atmosphere was subtle. She walked towards the office door quietly. Standing in front of the door, she opened the door and got out of the door sideways.

Miao Kai is aware of Zhao Tongtong's action. As soon as she goes out, he and Zhao Jie are left in the office.

Watching Zhao Jie put the cases on the shelf, Miao Kai looked at Zhao Jie and asked, "don't you finish handling these cases?"

Zhao Jie's action was obviously shocked. She quickly put things on the shelf, drew her hand back and said, "I'll come back tomorrow morning to deal with it."

With this sentence finished, she quickly retracted her hand, the whole person is not the same as usual, she walked to the cabinet where she put the bag, picked up the bag, and went out.

Just went to the office door, she looked back at Mukai, who was still sitting on the seat, and said, "don't you go yet?"

Miao Kai looked at Zhao Jie's slender figure and said with a smile, "doctor Zhao, don't you change your white coat?"

There's heating in the office, not outside. It's just cold to go out in a white coat.

When Zhao Jie was reminded by her, she looked down at her white coat. She blinked and scolded herself.

She put her bag on the shelf beside her. "I'll go change."

Ran to the dressing room to change clothes, she was wearing a blue suit, hair tied a ponytail, the whole person looked very capable.

When Miao Kai heard the door opening, he saw Zhao Jie come in. He went directly to her, hung her white coat on the clothes rack beside her, picked up the bag that Zhao Jie had just put on the rack, and pushed Zhao Jie out of the office.

The door snapped and closed.

Zhao Jie remembered that she didn't know when to leave.

She looked sideways at Mukai and said, "have you turned off the heating in my office?"

"It's off." Miao Kai went to hold Zhao Jie's hand, but Zhao Jie dodged.

The two men walked side by side towards the front until they came down to the first floor and went to the parking lot.

Miao Kai opens the co pilot's door and Zhao Jie gets in.

Just after getting on the bus, hearing the sound of the door closing, she looked to Miao Kai, blinked and whispered, "how can I follow him to get on his car?"

Miao Kai got into the driver's seat and took a look at Zhao Jie. Seeing that she was a little dull and her seat belt wasn't fastened, he leaned over and pulled down the seat belt to fasten it for her.

This suddenly pressed down figure, let Zhao Jie Meng's head up, just to the dark eyes of Miao Kai.

"You'll take me home later." Zhao Jie took a look and quickly moved away.

"I'll take you to dinner." He doesn't hold fast now. After tonight, will this woman change her mind again?

"I don't eat, I want to go home, or I'll go down and fight myself." Zhao Jie said as she untied her seat belt, a posture that she really wanted to go down.

Mukai immediately said, "OK, I'll take you home." It's good to eat at your house.

He hasn't eaten Zhao Jie's cooking yet!

When the car started slowly, Zhao Jie looked out of the window and saw that the road Miao Kai was driving was really the way to her home.

However, in front of her home in a big supermarket, Mukai stopped the car, looked at the supermarket, said: "I go in to buy something."

What else can she say when others buy things.

Zhao Jie nodded, which was regarded as default.

I thought Mukai was just going to buy something, but as soon as he went in, he went for more than half an hour.

Zhao Jie looked out several times. Just as she took out her mobile phone and was ready to call Miao Kai, there was a sudden movement in the back compartment.

Zhao Jie looked at the past, the driver's side of the door was opened, Miao Kai came in, holding a string of sugar gourd to Zhao Jie's front, said: "here you are."

Zhao Jie looked at the sugar gourd stretched out in front of her. She was stunned. She looked up at Miao Kai and said, "where did you buy the sugar gourd?"

Why doesn't she remember this supermarket selling sugar gourd?

Miao Kai raised his chin. Zhao Jie followed his sign and saw a teenage girl and boy selling ice sugar gourd across the road.

"I think those two children are selling sugar gourd on such a cold day, so I bought one." Mukai touched his head and said, "I don't eat this, so I'll give it to you." Zhao Jie took the sugar gourd in her hand and listened to Miao Kai's words. Her eyes became moist. When she was a child, she liked to eat sugar gourd very much. When her parents went out to play, they would give her sugar gourd as long as they saw the seller. Girls! Like to eat sweet and sour more normal. But since her parents died, she hasn't eaten iced sugar gourd. Miao Kai started the car, turned to look at Zhao Jie, saw her looking at the sugar gourd in her hand, a look of crying, frowned and asked: "Zhao Jie, what's the matter with you?" Hearing his voice, Zhao Jie raised her head and looked at him. The tears in her eyes suddenly burst out. Seeing that Zhao Jie was crying, Miao KaiDun looked at the sugar gourd she was staring at. "Why are you crying? Don't you like it? If you don't like it, don't cry! " Zhao Jie lowered her head and wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, saying: "it's not mine. I like sugar gourd very much, but my parents used to sell it to me." When Zhao Jie mentioned her parents, Miao Kai frowned and was silent. As if knowing what Miao Kai misunderstood, Zhao Jie quickly explained, "I don't blame you. It's been a long time, and I've put it down. It's just that I haven't eaten sugar gourd for a long time. It's just a touch. " Mukai pursed his lips and spewed out a few words“ Zhao Jie, can you give me a chance to chase you? You care about me in your heart. Give me a chance and give you a chance. How about that? " Zhao Jie tore open the package of the sugar gourd, looked at the red sugar gourd, half ring spit out a "good" word.