Lu Nanji raised his eyes, looked at Su Baizhou, and asked seriously: "if I and Ge yuan change positions, what do you do?"

Su Baizhou was stunned. How can he answer this?

"Nanji, I'm wrong."

"You are indeed wrong. You are not more reliable than Mukai. Today, reflect on yourself and think about it Lu Nanji dropped this sentence, stood up and walked towards the outside of the study.

Su Baizhou stayed in his study. He didn't know Ge yuan was pregnant... If he had known at that time, he and Lu Nanji might have

Su Bozhou shook his head. Now his head is in a mess. He can't understand everything, and he can't understand himself.

Lu Nanji went out and went straight out of the gate. He was sitting on the steps of the gate. The weather outside the house was hot, and a heat wave hit him head on.

She looked up at the clouds in the sky. She could not help feeling that the cloud looked like Xiaotiantian.

Helplessly sighed one breath, the matter first like this!



Mu Chi looked at the information in his hand, his whole face as black as charcoal.

What he is holding is the person behind the evidence sent to him by Li Yue for investigation.

This man is the solemnity of Zhuang group!

This makes murchi puzzled. Why does solemnity do such a thing?

He didn't know me at all.

Is there something wrong?

Mu Chi pursed his lips and said nothing.

Li Yue looked at Mu Chi and asked in a low voice, "brother Chi, what's the matter with you? Is there a problem with this information? "

Mu Chi shook his head. There is no problem with the information. The problem is solemnity.

"You go and investigate the solemnity." Mu Chi raised his head, looked at Li Yue and said.

Li Yue listened, nodded and said, "I'm going now."

When he left the office, Mu Chi looked through the information just now, and thought of Wu Liao's words in his mind. Does this person know something?

Mu Chi took out his mobile phone and directly dialed the mobile phone number left by Wu Liao last time. After two minutes, he was picked up.

Wu Liao's voice came into Mu Chi's ear from the receiver.

"Mr. mu, have you found a clue?" There was a three-point carelessness in the tone.

"Do you know something?" Murchi asked directly.

"It depends on what Mu always thinks I should know?"

After listening to Wu Liao's words, Mu Chi was silent for a moment and said, "are you free? Let's meet and talk. "

The voice on the other end of the phone said with a smile: "if Mu always wants to consult, of course he is free."

"The consultation fee will be given to you." Murchi road.

"Good." Wu Liao answered and said, "when Mr. Mu is free, you can call me directly."

"Are you free at three this afternoon?" Murchi asked.

Wu Liao listened to Mu Chi's words, reached over his work arrangement, nodded and said, "yes, where is the location?"

"Tiantian cafe." Murchi reported the name of a coffee and said.


After the two hung up, Wu Liao found a person's number in the contact and dialed.

"Hello The people over there answer the phone very quickly.

"It's me, Wu Liao. I have an appointment with you at three o'clock this afternoon. I'll put it off one day later. " Wu Liao said.

When Moya heard his words, she frowned and asked, "why? Didn't you make an appointment before? "

"I have something on my side." Wu Liao said.

Moya immediately asked excitedly, "is there any new evidence to prove my mother's innocence?"


"Then you go. We'll put off meeting for a day."

Three o'clock in the afternoon, Tiantian cafe, private room on the second floor.

Mu Chi and Wu Liao sat opposite each other, and a cup of coffee was placed in front of them, with white smoke in the cup.

Murchi's right hand holding the stirring rod in the cup, gently stirring the liquid in the cup, the brown liquid formed a vortex.

"Did you know from the beginning that the person behind this was solemn?" Mu Chi raised his head and fixed his sharp eyes on Wu Liao.

Wu Liao listened to his question and said with a smile, "I didn't know at the beginning, but it was later investigated."

Mu Chi looked at the expression on Wu Liao's face and asked seriously, "do you know anything else?"

Wu Liao hit the table with one hand. His index finger and middle finger knocked on the table. He said slowly, "I did find something, but..."

Wu Liao stood up, put his hand in front of Mu Chi, took down a tiny eavesdropper under the collar of his suit, put an index finger to his mouth, and sat down with Mu Chi with a "Shh" action.

When murchi looked at the silvery thing like a small button, he was stunned. This is

Recalling that in the morning, Li Yue kept asking him, he could not help frowning. Did Li Yue put this on him? In the morning, when going out, Li Yue said that his collar had not been finished, so he helped him to trim it. It is estimated that he pressed it at that time. It's just that... MuchI can't figure out why Li Yue has been with him for so long? And how did Wu Liao know that there was a bug under his collar? Mu Chi looked at Wu Liao suspiciously, with deeper and deeper wrinkles between his brows. Wu Liao took the eavesdropper, covered it with an empty teacup, and then said to Mu Chi, "my ears are not very good, so I used a hearing aid." Wu Liao took down the miniature hearing aid in his ear and continued: "I heard the sound of electric current all the time just now. I saw it several times before I was sure it was under your collar." Mu Chi said in a calm voice, "when did you find out about solemnity?"“ The day after I got in touch with Mu Xiping's case. " Wu Liao said. For lawyers, clues are important evidence to overturn the case. Mu Chi stares at Wu Liao, some can't understand him. According to the information given to him by Li Yue, this man should be a lawyer with the most important interests, but this time it was a bit surprising. Seeing that he had been staring at him, Wu Liao said with a smile, "people outside have misrepresented me. It's a bit frightening. In fact, I am also a good lawyer for the people. With regard to those black eating black cases, of course, the price is high over there. I've helped over there. " Mu Chi eyebrows pick, it is so for a while. No wonder he is so attentive to muxiping“ We've been talking for a while Wu Liao looked at the gold inlaid watch on his right hand and said, "I have something to do next. Let's call again." Murchi nodded. Wu Liao picked up his briefcase and was ready to go out. After two steps forward, he stopped, turned back and said, "Mr. Mu remembers today's consultation fee!"