Miao Kai and Miao Chongshan end the call.

He was full of doubts. Originally, I called to understand what happened between grandma and aunt? Why my aunt left home for many years has never been mentioned by my family.

However, on the phone, when Mukai heard his father's words, he didn't know how to ask.

Miao Kai was silent for a moment. After thinking about it in his mind, he picked up his mobile phone, pointed it into wechat and sent a message to Gu Jinyan.


Country Z.

Today, Gu Jinyan said that they brought their children out to play, and all the projects followed their children's wishes.

Little Gu Cen had a good time with this foreign lady.

The relationship between the two people is also very good.

Gu Jinyan's mobile phone is put in shiyiqi's bag. In the noisy environment, the prompt sound of wechat is covered.

Shi Yiqi saw that the spirit of the young man Dai Rui has been looking for opportunities to talk with he Lianlu, she poked Gu Jinyan around, asked: "do you think they will be together?"

Gu Jinyan's line of sight looked in the direction that Shi Yiqi pointed to. He slowly drew back his line of sight, looked at Shi Yiqi, and said: "from time to time, how can you suddenly gossip like this?"

"Everyone has the heart of gossip." When a Qi hands chin, looking forward to the two children playing in the water.

"If you play like this, will you catch a cold when you go back?" The water here is cool. Although it's hot here, children's health is poor and their immunity is low. It's not good to soak in water for a long time.

Gu Jinyan listened to the worry of Shi Yiqi and said, "go back to take a hot bath for him in the evening and let him drink some ginger soup. Tomorrow will be fine."

Hearing what Gu Jinyan said, shiyiqi was relieved.

Happy time always feels very short.

Little Gu Cen reluctantly bid farewell to the little girl named Dai Han, who is two years older than him.

Dai Han is Dai Rui's cousin.

Gu Jinyan looked at a pair of eyes on the window of the girl's small Gu Cen, he went over, bent down, will be small Gu Cen from the ground.

"Xiaobao, my little sister is going to bed, too?" Shi Yiqi said beside.

Small Gu Cen listened to, immediately chin wrinkled in a piece, a very aggrieved appearance.

He shook his head and said, "I don't want to. I want to go to the lady's house to sleep."

He Lianhui on the car heard Gu Cen's words, immediately "ha ha" up and down, laughing: "Yi Qi, your family's little treasure is in love with Dai Han."

Dai Han is a sensible little girl. She looks at Gu Cen and says something to he Lianhui.

After hearing this, he Lianhui relayed it to Gu Cen in the language of country G: "Xiaobao, Dai Han asked me to tell you that if you are obedient, she will come to you tomorrow."

Gu Cen, who has been making a lot of noise, immediately lies on Gu Jinyan's shoulder and doesn't move when he Lianhui's words are heard.

Shiyiqi looked at small Gu Cen not make, and he Lianhui said a, followed by Gu Jinyan into the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Gu Jinyan gives little Gu cenpaoer a hot bath. Shi Yiqi asks the hotel attendant to bring ginger soup and warm it in a kettle.

She took a bath herself, changed her pajamas and came out.

At this time, Gu Jinyan also came out of the room with Gu Cen in his arms. The father and son were wearing parent-child clothes. At the same time, Yi Qi was wearing the same clothes with them.

This is also the heart of the soul, coincidentally.

When a Qi see small Gu Cen squint a pair of sleepy eyes from the bathroom shaking the body came out, immediately to the warm ginger soup over, coax small Gu Cen to drink.

However, after taking a sip, Gu Cen was immediately choked by the spicy ginger soup.

"Cough..." small Gu Cen cough, just drink ginger soup all vomited out.

Gu Jinyan saw it and took out a black handkerchief from nowhere. He squatted down and wiped Gu Cen's wet chin clean.

Then, he looked up at Yiqi and said, "I'll do it!"

Gu Jinyan sits on the sofa, hugs Gu Cen to his leg, and then takes the bowl with ginger soup from Shi Yiqi's hand.

Gu Jinyan handed the bowl to little Gu Cen's mouth and coaxed him into saying, "Xiao Bao, open your mouth."

Small Gu Cen a pair of confused eyes looked at the hot thing that just drank, shook his head, way: "don't."

"If you don't drink it, you'll have a stomachache tomorrow! Stomachache tomorrow to go to the hospital injection Oh Shi Yiqi said beside.

Small Gu Cen shook a head, continue to refuse a way: "take medicine, do not give an injection."

Both Shi Yiqi and Gu Jinyan thought that he was willing to drink ginger soup. Gu Jinyan handed the ginger soup bowl to Gu Cen again.

Small Gu Cen shook his head again, way: "don't."

Shiyiqi has a headache. How can Xiaobao have a sunny day and a rainy day today.

Gu Jinyan looked at Gu Cen, put the ginger soup in his hand on the low table in front of him, and asked him: "Xiaobao take medicine?"

"Stomach pain, take medicine, sweet." Three strings a piece, when a Qi some did not understand, but Gu Jinyan but seconds understand. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in his heart: this little boy stole the "stomach medicine" he asked helianlu to prepare in the morning. Shiyiqi listened, immediately will small Gu Cen's head to his side, way: "medicine bitter, not sweet." Little Gu Cen shook his head and said, "medicine is sweet." Said, he also reached out to point to Gu Jinyan, fat little hand just stretched out, finger has not straightened out by Gu Jinyan a grasp. Gu Jinyan reaches out his hand and takes the ginger soup to Xiao Gu Cen's mouth. He threatens: "don't drink it, and don't let Dai Han come to you tomorrow." Small Gu Cen opened his big round eyes, and finally opened his mouth helplessly and drank the spicy ginger soup "Gulu Gulu". Originally, it was good for the child to drink two mouthfuls. Gu Jinyan forced the whole bowl to small Gu Cen. A bowl of ginger soup is clean. Shiyiqi looked at Xiaobao and drank it. She was relieved immediately. Small Gu Cen bitter with a face, Gu Jinyan a loose bound his hand, he immediately two arms extended to Shi Yiqi, Wei qubaba said: "Mom, want sugar." Shi Yiqi thought that when she played today, she put the sugar she bought for her child in her bag“ Mom, go get you some sugar When a Qi got up into the room, will carry today's shoulder bag out. When a Qi will be inside the things turned out, the bottle of "stomach medicine" bottle was she put beside. When Gu Jinyan saw it, Yiqi turned out her mobile phone, took it over and pressed to light the screen. He found that Mukai had sent him a message, so he went in and read it. Small Gu Cen looking at the bottle of "stomach medicine", riding the two adults don't pay attention, he took the bottle in his hand, learning the appearance of a Qi opened, poured out two into his mouth.