"What did you say just now?" Gu Jinyan looks at Shi Yiqi's face. Originally, because of yesterday's tossing night, his tired face flashed, surprised and surprised.

When a Qi hand stroked Gu Jinyan open chest above the scratch, even if has scabbed, but still can see how hard she started yesterday.

"Ah Yan, I said, let's get the marriage certificate! We are married. Don't you want to marry me? " When a Qi hand still stroked the scratch on Gu Jinyan's chest, she looked up, staring at Gu Jinyan's eyes, looking at the look on his face.

Gu Jinyan's face didn't change, but his heart was full of waves.

I always misunderstand that they had a relationship yesterday.

When a Qi see Gu Jinyan at the moment of appearance, brow slightly wrinkled, doubt way: "you don't want to marry me?"

Gu Jinyan shook his head, reached out and touched her head. A soft voice rang out, "OK, let's get the certificate."

He stopped for a moment and went on: "I was so happy just now."

As Gu Jinyan's voice falls, the wrinkles between Yi Qi's eyebrows gradually disappear.

When he touched her head, Yi Qi's hand moved to her forehead and gently stroked the place where she had just frowned, rubbing it with her finger pulp again and again.

When a Qi feel forehead by his touch of a little fever, hand grabbed him to touch her forehead hand.

"We'll get the certificate later?" Shi Yiqi's eyes are shining.

She was afraid that Gu Jinyan said that she was too anxious, and added: "anyway, today is at this point, you should ask for leave!"

The light coming in through the gap of the curtain is very dazzling, it should have been in the afternoon.

It happens that today is also a weekday.

"Asked for leave." Gu Jinyan nodded. His face was calm, but his mind was meticulous.

"I'll get up and wash. We'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau later." Gu Jin says that he wants to get up.

Suddenly, Qi grabbed him and said nervously, "I haven't finished washing just now. I'll go first."

With that, she ran back to the bathroom, where Gu Jinyan's hand was stiff.

He had no choice but to smile, got up from the bed, went to the bathroom, knocked on the bathroom door, said: "from time to time, I went to my room to wash."

In the bathroom to clean up the messy clothes on the floor, a Qi suddenly froze action.

After half a sound, she called out, "OK."

Gu Jinyan outside the door heard Shi Yiqi's response, and then walked out of her room and went to the next room.

When a Qi will hold from the ground to pick up the dirty clothes into the dirty clothes basket, and will wear last night that was torn clothes thrown into the side of the garbage can.

When she cleaned the bathroom, she washed her head again, dried her hair, changed her clothes and put on a light make-up.

After everything is done, Gu Jinyan has been waiting for her in front of the bed in her room.

Shi Yiqi looks at Gu Jinyan's clothes. It's a white shirt, which fits her round neck white skirt.

She looked at his shirt, not like the usual shirt in a suit, which showed a sense of leisure.

He untied two buttons at the collar, revealing the delicate jaw line and the extraordinary clavicle.

When a Qi swallowed saliva, went to Gu Jinyan's side, said: "I'm ready."

Gu Jinyan nodded and stood up from the bed. When Yi Qi went to the cabinet next to her, she took her bag and put it on her shoulder.

Gu Jinyan asked, "do you have your certificate with you?"

When a Qi nodded, said: "with good."

They went downstairs together and got into the car.

Gu Jinyan first took Shi Yiqi to have a meal to fill his stomach, and then drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Along the way, Gu Jinyan drove and turned to Shi Yiqi from time to time. He always felt that it was not true, although it was something he dreamed of.

Until the car arrived at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, he found a parking space and stopped the car.

Because today is a working day, and it is not a good day. The gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau is empty, and no one can be seen.

When Yiqi just ready to get off, put in the bag of mobile phone ring up.

Gu Jinyan in the driver's seat frowned slightly.

When a Qi will take out the mobile phone from the bag, swept a look at the caller ID, is Lu Nanji called.

She said to Gu Jinyan: "wait a moment, I answer a phone call, Nanji called."

"Good." Gu Jinyan responded by looking at the way she picked up her mobile phone to answer the phone.

"Hello! Nanji, what can I do for you? " When Yi Qi pressed the answer button, put her cell phone to her ear and asked.

Lu Nanji's voice came from the mobile phone, "Yiqi, your brother shiyishuo came to Lingcheng, now he signed a contract in the Miao group."

When Yiqi heard Lu Nanji's words, something flashed in her mind. It was because she saw the picture of Shi Yishuo drunk today that she was cheated to get drunk today, and then she was given that kind of medicine. Fortunately, Gu Jinyan appeared in time. If Gu Jinyan hadn't brought her back, she couldn't imagine what would happen today“ You said he signed at the Murdoch? " When a Qi frowns to ask a way“ Well, sign up for the artists of the Miao family. " Lu Nanji replied: "Yiqi, I told you at that time that shiyishuo wanted to enter the entertainment industry. You can't stop him." Just Lu Nanji this sentence just finished, when a Qi cut off the phone. She turned to Gu Jinyan and said, "ah Yan, I have something urgent now. I need to go to the Miao group." The look on Gu Jinyan's face was obviously different. He nodded and said, "I'll send you there." Backing out of the parking space, Gu Jinyan inadvertently glanced at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau. His eyebrows wrinkled. The car started and drove into the traffic flow on the road. Gu Jinyan asked, "what happened?"“ A Shuo has come to Lingcheng, and now he is ready to sign a contract in the Miao group. " Shi Yiqi's face was tense and ugly. Gu Jinyan glanced at Yi Qi's ugly face, which could not be covered even with light makeup“ What's the matter? You look terrible. " Gu said“ Ah Yan, ah Shuo is 22 years old and has a life to rob. He can't touch the entertainment industry. You may think I'm superstitious, but he's my brother. There are some things I would rather believe in than not. " Shi Yiqi said. Gu Jinyan's eyes flashed under the lens. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Shi Yiqi, saying: "you call Miao Kai with my mobile phone." Shi Yiqi looks at Gu Jinyan's mobile phone, glances at the look on his face, and then reaches out to pick up the mobile phone“ Ah Yan, thank you Shi Yiqi took the mobile phone to unlock the password lock, found the address book, saw her contact information at the top of the contact, and her heart was immediately warmed“ From time to time, you don't have to say thank you to me. " Gu Jinyan seriously drove the car, slowly said: "this seems too outsider." Just after searching for Miao Kai's contact information, Yi Qi's hand was stiff, and she slowly said, "well. Ah Yan, I won't say thank you next time. "