Shi Yiqi stayed in the hotel for three days because her eyes were swollen that night.

The next morning, when her assistant brought her food, when she opened the door, she happened to see the room opposite her being cleaned by the waiter. It seemed that she had checked out.

Since he checked out, shiyiqi will continue to live in this room.

Some things, sad after, that is to face him.

Three days later, her eyes became swollen, so she asked Mu chi to visit Jincheng.

MuchI is a native of Jincheng. From children to adults, from men to women, they know where they like to play.

With him as a tour guide, Shi Yiqi had a good time these three days and forgot Gu Jinyan's story for the time being.

The relationship between her and muchI seems to have become more intimate because of the day and night together these days.

In a twinkling of an eye, time has passed, and it's time for her and muchI to shoot commercials.

In order to keep secret, the copy of the advertisement was handed over to both of you the day before the shooting.

However, both of them are excellent front-line actors in the entertainment industry. After just one night's recitation and speculation, they have figured out the artistic conception of the advertisement.

Shi Yiqi arrived at the scene with muchI, but they were in two cars.

The two people got off the car one after the other. There was a distance of three meters between the two cars.

It's rare that the movie queen, who was well-known the year before last, appeared in the same scene with the movie emperor.

If it wasn't for the staff who signed the confidentiality agreement, everyone would take out their mobile phones and take pictures of them in the same frame.

"I remember that last year's selection of the best actress was not over. Two days ago, I saw that they were still far ahead of each other in the number of votes. I didn't pay attention to the busy work these two days."

"The vote is still two days away. I just peeked at it secretly. The two of them won twice as many votes as the second place. As long as no one buys the water army to vote, it must be the two of them. "

"My God! It's a perfect match for them to go together! "

When several female staff members of the advertising shooting place look at the time when Yiqi and muchI are walking side by side, they all put their heads together and gossip.

"When you say that, I really think they are married. No, I want to put their photos together."

After that, the man took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found their photos on Weibo, downloaded them, and directly opened the mobile phone PS for a quick operation.

"When you say that, I really think so? Why hasn't anyone ever heard about them? " One of them asked strangely.

"Because they're both zero gossip! As soon as there is an affair, it will be clarified immediately, and the love history will be clean. "

"It seems so." One person agrees.

"Don't you think it's more suspicious? Both of them are One of them unintentionally followed what they said and took over.

"You seem to know the truth." The others said in unison.

"You see, my picture of P is good. They are really married." Just now, the person who said "P" photo buried himself in "P" photo, saved it, and left a backup in PS by the way.

She held up her mobile phone and wanted to show it to several other people, but she found that all of a sudden there was no one around her.

The people who were still talking just now all scattered and bowed their heads to do things.

She glanced at the man who was still gossiping. Standing not far away, she cried, "Xiao Mei, how did you get there? What about the others? "

"I'm ready. What do you think?"

The man she called Xiaomei looked back at her and gave her a crazy wink. Then he saw the man standing behind her and immediately lifted some props and sent them to the villa.

They all gossip together. Naturally, she knows what Xiaomei's eyes just now mean. She slowly turns around and looks at Gu Jinyan with a gloomy face behind her.

She immediately changed her face and called respectfully, "President Gu, good morning."

"Let me see the pictures." Gu Jinyan put his hand in front of the female staff member and said solemnly.

The female staff member's head is slightly low, but her eyes have been looking up. But judging from Gu Jinyan's facial expression, he must be in a bad mood at the moment, but what's the operation of looking at her photo?

She didn't understand, but the boss spoke and had to listen.

The mobile phone she was holding in both hands was changed into the palm of her hands, holding it in front of Gu Jinyan.

Gu Jinyan reached for his mobile phone, but the screen didn't go out. He looked at it directly.

A picture is all over the screen. It's a group photo of shiyiqi and muchI in white clothes, cuddling each other.

PS technology is OK, but there are still some flaws, probably because the PS function in the mobile phone is not as powerful as that in the computer.

Gu Jinyan looks at the photos in his mobile phone, then looks up to the villa. Far away, he can't see what Mu Chi and Shi Yiqi are doing at the moment.

Gu Jinyan looked down at the mobile phone in his hand, and the photos on the screen were particularly dazzling. The staff member of P chart carefully stares at Gu Jinyan's expression, and his hand's movement, silently guessing all kinds of things that will happen later. Gu Jinyan stared at it for a while, then he pressed his finger on the screen of the mobile phone several times, flashed the photo and handed the mobile phone back to its owner“ PS technology is very good. It seems that you are just a logistics department. It's better to transfer you to the advertising department for post-processing. Would you like to? " Gu Jinyan's voice was flat and faint. He could not hear a trace of emotion, but his words were very serious. The female staff heard Gu Jinyan's words, some surprised raised her head, looked directly into Gu Jinyan's eyes, and then slowly said: "really?" Gu Jinyan had already turned around and walked to other places, while his secretary was still at the same place. Hearing the incredible look on the face of the female staff, he said with a smile: "Congratulations, you have a chance to get a promotion. I'll take you to the director of advertising department to report and practice. "“ It's true. " The female staff member is just like a dream. She holds a mobile phone in one hand and pinches her waist with another free hand. The pain is transmitted to the brain nerve from her waist“ Ah! they hurt! It's not a dream. " For example, they all work as coolies in logistics, and they don't have a literary position. It's a luxury idea to have an independent desk of their own. The salary of the advertising department is much higher than that of the logistics department. Even if it's just an internship, it's also a rare opportunity“ Let's go. I'll take you there, but it's just an internship opportunity. It's up to you to become a regular. " Said the secretary. But the person that Gu always sees personally, can become regular successfully certainly. He didn't say that. Shi Yiqi and muchI walked into shihhailin (villa name). Li Yue came here in advance and knew the terrain very well. He took the lead in leading the way for the two people behind him. Mu Chi looked at Shi Yiqi and said with a smile, "it's said that you seldom receive scripts of intimate plays, isn't it true?"“ Well Shi Yiqi nodded and said, "I don't know much about feelings, and I'm afraid to contact strangers, so I won't take it."“ No? That's a pity. I have a big production here. The position of the female owner has not been decided yet. I would like to recommend you. " Murchi said with some regret.