Gu Jinyan compares the kitchen knife with the scalpel.

When a Qi had a cold, kitchen knife cut vegetables, scalpel cut can be organs.

"Hungry?" Gu Jinyan looks at Shi Yiqi, a pair of eyes are ordinary.

When a Qi take back the idea in the mind, look to Gu Jinyan, point head. In order to cooperate with shiyiqi's words, her stomach sends out the sound of "Gulu Gulu".

When Yi Qi touched his head and laughed.

"Just a moment. It'll be ready soon. This is the last dish. You go wash first Gu Jinyan looks at Shi Yiqi's "Gulu" ringing stomach, smiles and then buries himself in slicing potatoes.

Shi Yiqi retreated from the kitchen and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face and comb her hair.

After everything is done, Shi Yiqi sits on the dining table, watching Gu Jinyan come out of the kitchen with a dish in one hand.

He went to the table, bent down and put the dish on the table.

Looking at Gu Jinyan, Shi Yiqi stood up and said, "I'll help you with the dishes."

Shi Yiqi's eyes swept the two dishes on the table. The colors were gorgeous. She looked at them and smelled the fragrance.

Before she tasted it, her mouth was watering.

Gu Jinyan nodded and said, "good."

When a Qi with Gu Jinyan together into the kitchen, Gu Jinyan let her serve a pot of fried vegetables, he himself served a bowl of steaming tomato and egg soup.

They walked out of the kitchen one by one.

"I'll take my job. Sit down and wait for it." Gu Jinyan said to Shi Yiqi.

"Good." Shi Yiqi directly sat on the bench in front of the table, holding her chin with two hands, and looked at the three dishes and one soup on the table - hot and sour shredded potatoes, green pepper fried shredded pork, minced meat, eggplant, tomato and egg soup.

After watching for a while, she picked up the mobile phone she had just put aside, put the four dishes together, found a good direction, took a picture with her mobile phone, and took a look at the time. Now it's nine o'clock in the evening.

She sent out the photos with the word "Midnight snack".

Lu Nanji is eating with people outside at the moment. While waiting for the dish to be served, she looks at her mobile phone. When she sees the news of Yiqi's hair, she comments below.

Lu Nanji: are you well?

Shiyiqi holding the hand of the mobile phone has not put down, they see Lu Nanji's comments, they returned a message.

Shi Yiqi @ Lu Nanji: already[ [smiling face]

Lu Nanji @ Shi Yiqi: happiness[ Flowers] [flowers]

Shi Yiqi looks at Lu Nanji's reply and puts down her mobile phone with a smile. She looks up at the kitchen and Gu Jinyan comes out with the bowl and chopsticks and the rice basin.

Shiyiqi looked at his hands full of things, quickly stood up, took his hands of things, placed on the table.

When Gu Jinyan came to the seat opposite Yi Qi, he untied his apron and put it on the back of the chair. Then he picked up a bowl and put a spoonful of rice into it.

He handed the bowl with rice in his hand to shiyiqi, and then filled a bowl of rice for himself again.

Shi Yiqi looks at Gu Jinyan's slow and orderly action, and her two eyes almost smile.

She reached for the chopsticks, took off a pair of them and put them on her bowl. Then she handed the other pair to Gu Jinyan.

Gu Jinyan's slender fingers hold the chopsticks handed by Shi Yiqi. His fingers accidentally rub against Shi Yiqi's palm.

Looking at Gu Jinyan holding the chopsticks, Yi Qi quickly pulls her hand back and holds the palm tightly, leaving the warmth of Gu Jinyan's fingertips in the palm.

"Eat." When Gu Jinyan saw it, Yi Qi didn't move her chopsticks, reminding her.

When a Qi this just took back just don't know to float to where of the thoughts, she raised the Mou son, Mi Mi, smile to say: "well, eat."

She took the chopsticks and reached for the hot and sour shredded potatoes. She pinched them and said with a smile, "Dr. Gu, I didn't expect you would cook."

When a Qi chopsticks clip to the potato into the mouth.

"When I cook for the first time, I follow the recipe. It shouldn't taste bad." Gu Jinyan said confidently.

His cell phone in the kitchen is still on the screen, which shows the google recipe of tomato and egg soup.

When Yiqi was stunned, the sour taste in her mouth filled her taste buds. She quickly took out a tissue and vomited the things in her mouth on the tissue. Her whole face was wrinkled.

"Have you upset the vinegar jar? So sour Shiyiqi sticks out her tongue, and her mouth is full of vinegar.

Gu Jinyan looks at Shi Yiqi in a puzzled way. The recipe says to put a little vinegar, so he pours some.

"Try it." Shiyiqi pointed to shredded potatoes.

Gu Jinyan took the chopsticks and put them into his mouth. His brow gradually wrinkled, but he still chewed and swallowed the food. Then he said, "it's really sour."

When a Qi wrinkled into a ball of face has not recovered, Gu Jinyan see her painful appearance, poured a cup of boiled water and handed her.

"It's hot. I'll drink it later." Gu Jinyan said gently.

When a Qi will be handed over the cup, a shallow sip, really some hot mouth, but the mouth of vinegar was washed away some“ You can try something else. " Gu Jinyan suggested. The menu is very simple, and it's not difficult for him to operate it again. He stares at the sour shredded potatoes and thinks about how much a little is? Because the first dish failed to taste, Shi Yiqi was also a little afraid of other dishes. She put her chopsticks into the minced meat eggplant and put a little eggplant in her mouth“ There's a lot of soy sauce. " Shi Yiqi's face is bitter. It doesn't look like soy sauce. How does it taste like soy sauce? How does Gu Jinyan do it? When a Qi sighed, heart a horizontal, will leave two dishes also one by one taste. Fried shredded pork with green pepper, the meat is not cooked. Tomato and egg soup is not bad, but the salt is less. Three dishes and one soup, only this soup, shiyiqi can be imported. Finally, Yiqi ate a bowl of soup paofan. For fear that Gu Jinyan would be sad when cooking for the first time, she finished the rest of the soup. Gu Jinyan finished the meal in silence, and no one moved the other three dishes on the table. Looking at Gu Jinyan putting down his chopsticks, Shi Yiqi belched, touched the belly full of soup, and comforted: "for the first time, I put more soy sauce in the kitchen, vinegar and so on are common things. Don't be sad. The first time I cooked, I brought out a plate of black charcoal! At least your tomato and egg soup tastes good. You see, I've drunk it all. " Looking at Gu Jinyan no response, Shi Yiqi continued: "you see your fried dishes, although the taste is not good, but the knife, the color, star chef are not up to." Gu Jinyan's dark eyes flashed with a ray of light. A white light flashed across the transparent lens. The corner of his mouth rose slightly, and his tone was a little low. "Really?" When a QI efforts to nod, did not notice Gu Jinyan upturned corners of the mouth. Gu Jinyan stood up, bypassed the long table, walked to Yiqi's side, stood beside her, looked down at shiyiqi sitting on the chair. A pair of eyes locked in her round belly, and then move up, congealed in her lips stained with water.