When the mobile phone in Yiqi's bag rings, Xiaobei raises her head and is attracted by the ring of her mobile phone.

"Xiaobei, play by yourself first, and then your aunt will answer the phone."

Shiyiqi looked at Xiaobei and nodded. Then she took her mobile phone, pushed the ward away, went to the safe passage and pressed the answer button.

"What's the matter, Ma?" As soon as the phone was connected, Yiqi called the other party.

This call is from her foster mother.

Listening to the person on the other side of the phone, Yiqi suddenly frowned and said in surprise, "ah Shuo hurt someone again? How much does the other party want? "

This sentence asked, when a Qi and silence, seriously listening to each other.

After a long time, she said slowly, "I'll transfer the money to you later."

She stopped for a moment and said to the end of the phone, "Mom, ah Shuo, he's beside..."

All of a sudden, her words stuck in her throat, and she couldn't speak out. The other end of the phone was still listening. For a moment, shiyiqi was in a panic.

"Mom, it's OK. I'll call you later."

When Yi Qi sighed, she cut off the phone.

It was her adoptive mother who called just now. Although she was an adoptive mother, she treated her like her own daughter.

She was adopted by the couple at the same time by a boy named Shi Yishuo, who was three years younger than her.

The content of the phone call is that her brother caused another fight, and the child's family demanded compensation.

Her mother is only a Chinese teacher in a primary school, and her father is also a librarian in that primary school. Her salary is low. After paying high school tuition for Shi Yishuo, she barely makes a living.

I don't know when, in shiyiqi's memory, the timid younger brother behind her buttocks became a troublemaker. She thought about it seriously, like two years ago.

She hung her eyes, looked at the mobile phone screen for a while, opened the bank software, and turned 300000 to her mother.

The money was drawn from Mukai's check last time.

Fortunately, shiyiqi's hometown is a small county, even if the students are injured, the amount of compensation will not be too large.

When a Qi operation is good, then out of the safe passage.

Zuo Wei just came out of Gu Jinyan's office, and the two people's eyes collided.

When a Qi some surprised to see left Wei, looking at the smile in front of the people walking towards her, slowly open mouth called: "master, hello."

Zuowei nodded and said with a smile, "Qiqi."

Master still remember her, when a Qi's face overcast, heart some small filch.

"Master, you still remember me." The tone of the words rose slightly.

"There are not many new performers like you. Of course I remember you." Zuo Wei smiles very kindly.

When a Qi some embarrassed, she bowed her head, habitually stroked the ear of broken hair.

Last time she twisted her foot and came to Lingcheng Central Hospital, she saw Zuo Wei. She looked at her with some worry and asked, "elder, are you sick?"

Zuowei listened to her, looked at her and said with a smile, "there's no big problem, just come over to review."

When a Qi looked up left Wei, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, "really all right?"

She was still worried“ You haven't received the play for a long time. When do I want to work with you again? "

Shi Yiqi took over the script for the first time. It was a very small role in a play. At that time, she and Lu Nanji just started. She was a newcomer to the circle, and Lu Nanji was a new agent who had just brought people. They bumped and bumped all the way and walked very hard. It took a lot of effort to get such a small role.

At that time, she just stepped into the entertainment industry, her acting skills were very strange, no one knew her, and the role was not very important.

She was scolded several times by the director, it was Zuo Wei who stopped the director full of swearing.

At that time, Zuo Wei said to her, "it's OK, work hard, and you can reach the peak that everyone envies."

Later, she redoubled her efforts to learn acting lessons, learn what others can't do, and try to learn what others can't. Lu Nanji invested a lot of time and money in her. Later, by chance, she met a noble man and became popular.

Speaking of acting, Zuo Wei showed a bitter expression, "my age is no longer suitable for mixing in the entertainment industry. I've retired. "

"How?" Shiyiqi was a little surprised.

"The entertainment industry is a youth food. I'm old enough to take care of my family."

It's a pity that Shi Yiqi can't perform on the same stage with her predecessors who have admired her for many years.

"I've seen all your plays! It's growing fast. " Zuo Wei praised.

When Yiqi listened, a smile appeared on her face, "thank you for your praise, I hope you will recover soon!"

"Thank you. I'll go ahead if I have something else to do. "

Zuo Wei says goodbye to Shi Yiqi and walks directly into the elevator. Shi Yiqi watches her leave. Behind him, the door of Gu Jinyan's office opens. Gu Jinyan comes out with the case folder in his hand. He just sees Zuo Wei waving to shiyiqi in the elevator. Gu Jinyan took a steady step and walked slowly towards shiyiqi. He stopped behind her and said, "do you know her?" Shi Yiqi didn't notice who was behind her. She suddenly heard the voice and was shocked. She turned around and saw that it was Gu Jinyan. The panic disappeared. She said with a smile: "no one in the entertainment circle doesn't know her!" Zuo Wei used to be a sensation in the entertainment industry for a long time. She won the best actress of the golden statue award for five consecutive years. She is friendly. She is a powerful and respected elder. She is Shi Yiqi's example, the source of her motivation and the goal she wants to surpass“ Oh, yes. Dr. Gu, what's wrong with her? Is it serious? " Shi Yiqi asked. Gu Jinyan looks at Shi Yiqi in doubt. She told her, did she come here to see a doctor? Gu Jinyan pulled his mouth slightly and showed a sarcastic smile. When a Qi don't understand his facial expression, ask: "she is to come to see a doctor for you?" She remembers that last time she seemed to come out of Gu Jinyan's office, and this time it seemed that the direction was also his office. This floor is his ward. He should be the only doctor! Shi Yiqi is not sure“ No, "he said Gu Jinyan's face is cool, but his voice is heavy“ I'll go to the ward round. " With that, he directly stepped forward, crossed shiyiqi and walked forward. When a Qi side body, looking at Gu Jinyan wearing white coat figure, eyes slightly narrowed, think just soon, Gu Jinyan embrace her waist, cheek dyed pink. He didn't say hello to himself before he left. This time he told her to go to the ward round. Does this mean that her position in his heart has changed? When the corner of her mouth rose, her eyes turned into crescent moon, and her whole face laughed like a flower.