Li Hui stretched out her finger and scolded, "as I said just now, young master Xi is a wife slave. I can't guess that. What a fool."

Then you're a fool!

They all hit back at Li Hui in silence.

The president's office was so quiet that even the sound of losing a needle could be heard. Those who were scolded by him were all immersed in their work, as if they didn't hear his curse.

In the past, this group of rude people had rushed up to tear him.

Why didn't you care this time?

Li Hui frowned, and the air-conditioning came from behind. He could not help shrinking his neck. "Well, where is the remote control of the air conditioner? It's too cold to raise the temperature."

"I didn't turn on the air conditioner today."

I don't know who replied weakly to Li Hui.

All of a sudden, Li Hui's neck stopped and her eyes glared. A big invisible stone came down.

"It's quite hot in Africa. Shall I take you there to get warm, eh?"

Li Hui

In just a few seconds, a layer of sweat oozed from Li Hui's forehead. His lips were trembling and his hands and feet were cold.

Mamma Mia!

Who can tell him that the great devil is always behind him?

"Li Hui, I'm asking you a question. Please answer it."

With a deep voice and strong impatience, Li Hui suddenly bounced up like a spring. He turned to face Xi Muhan and replied quickly, "Mr. young, I'm not cold at all."

Eighteen year old Xi Muhan is over 1.8 meters tall, while Li Hui is only 1.75 meters tall.

Xi Muhan stood in front of him, his slender body blocked the light behind him, and his eyes were black and heavy.

"Then you are very idle, huh?"

The last epilogue has a long arc, but it is dangerous.

Li Hui's ears moved, and her heart seemed to jump out of her throat.

He would rather punish him directly than use this kind of psychological tactics!

Li Hui lowered her head. Her hands hanging on her side loosened and tightened. Finally, she raised her head as if she had made up her mind. She closed her eyes and looked at death as if she were going home. "Mr. young, I'm sorry. I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't discuss your gossip behind my back. I want to punish you at will. I have absolutely no complaints."

"Well, I'll punish you for cleaning the toilet for a month."

"OK, Mr. young."

Li Hui almost did not want to come down, just finished, he just reflected what he promised.

Sweep, one, one, month, of, toilet, place

Although Xi's toilet can be called the most luxurious and clean in X city, and the water in the toilet can be directly drunk, it is still a toilet!

A cleaning addict like him will collapse in a month!

Li Hui wanted to cry and tear less. She grabbed Xi Muhan's shirt and begged pitifully: "Mr. young, can I get another punishment?"

Xi Muhan drooped his eyes. When his little girl did this pathetic action, it was lovely, pitiable and tender.

In contrast to Li Hui, a big man, he has nothing but incomparable nausea in his heart.

"Oh?" Xi Muhan raised his hand, pulled out his shirt and raised his eyebrow. "Why don't you sweep the toilet of the whole building for a month, eh?"

Li Hui

They gave Li Hui a sympathetic look.

Li Hui has been born without love.

Before leaving, Xi Muhan did not forget to enslave him.

"Before I go to work tomorrow, I want to see Wang Miaomiao's detailed information."