The girl named immediately stood up.

She cleared her voice and said, "it's not that I don't want to hand in my homework, but that Yu Qiqi's tone is too bad."

"So that's why you don't hand in your homework?" English teacher looked at her, angry smile, "because of the bad tone, delay their own learning, delay the class time, you think you are very reasonable?"

"It's not my intention."

"But you did." The English teacher gave her a cold look and then knocked heavily on her desk. "You don't like Yu Qiqi. You can give my homework to me. Why didn't you do it?"

The English teacher's eyes were scarlet, and the girl was afraid. She bowed her head and her voice became weak. "I want to give it to you in class?"

"Give it to me in class? Don't you know that handing in homework in class will delay everyone's time? Is that how you waste your precious study time? "

Finish saying, the English teacher's line of sight immediately girls, looking at the class continue to denounce.

"I remember I asked Yu Qiqi to collect his homework before the fourth class, and I happened to be on duty today. If you don't want to hand in your homework to Yu Qiqi, you can hand it in after the fourth class. Of course, you can also hand it in to me before the first class.

Why don't you?

Don't tell me that time is not enough. It takes less than five minutes to go from class to my office and hand in your homework. Don't you even have five minutes?

You just can't stand Yu Qiqi's being a class representative and deliberately tricking her, can you? "

The last three words, the English teacher's voice is particularly heavy, fingers up, hard to knock on the table.

The breath in her body ran around in her chest unevenly, and her heart ached with anger. She never thought that this group of smart children could not hold even Yu Qiqi.

Even like to play group exclusion, let Yu Qiqi take the initiative to resign with her.

But also some girls, their vicious mind, let her very disappointed with them.

Ruan Yu several people looked at the platform lost the past elegant calm English teacher, just feel that some things seem to gradually out of control.

After the English teacher scolded them angrily, the breath in his chest came out almost.

She calmly looked at all the students present, "don't you like Yu Qiqi? Well, she has now offered to resign, you have no class representative, no one will take care of your homework, she will not let you hate, I will not arrange a new English class representative.

Because there is nothing I can see among you people. In the future, I will take up your after class time and collect your homework myself. "

Voice landing, the English teacher opened the book, "well, I have finished what I should say, now come to class!"

In this class, we were so scared that we didn't even dare to speak.

The English teacher was obviously angry, so they didn't want to touch her bad luck.

When the bell rang and the English teacher left, the low pressure in the classroom dissipated.

Everyone was relieved.

This kind of English teacher is really terrible, and never dare not to hand in his homework again.