Knowing that Xiao Wang was coming out to get the ice bag, Tang Simiao didn't dare to delay and said to Xiao Wang directly, "yes, you have to wait for a while! I'll get it for you now. "

After that, he ran directly to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and began to look for the ice bag. However, he was embarrassed to find only ice cubes. Now he was in urgent need, so Tang Simiao had to run to find a clean towel, which was wrapped in ice cubes for external application.

Anyway, it's boring to wait outside. I just take this opportunity to make a simple apology to Xiao Wang for what happened just now. "Dr. Wang, please don't worry about what happened just now. Miaomiao is also concerned, but confused. She doesn't choose what to say at the moment. I'll compensate for her."

In fact, Xiao Wang is not unreasonable. As long as Tang Simiao and his colleagues are willing to apologize to the teacher, "it's OK, I can understand. I just think Miss Tang shouldn't talk to my teacher like that. I think Miss Tang should solemnly apologize to my teacher. After all, my teacher shouldn't be questioned like that."

"That's natural. We have to apologize for our improper speech, but you know Mr. Chen doesn't want to talk to us now. We don't have a chance to apologize! So you have to reconcile more in the middle and enlighten Mr. Chen well to save him from being in a bad mood and bad for his health. You are the doctor who knows best. " Shen Rufeng naturally understood the meaning.

Sure enough, hearing Shen Rufeng speak like this, Xiao Wang is really in a better mood. He thinks, "I also know how to care about the teacher's health, which means that I really respect and love the teacher. Moreover, in this case, I can't help but speak out and understand. It's OK to say a few words for them."

Want to understand, Xiao Wang is also satisfied with the nod, "the teacher side, you don't have to worry, I hope the teacher will come out, you won't let me down!"

Seeing that Xiao Wang finally agreed, Shen Rufeng was naturally extremely excited. He felt that the big stone that had been pressed in his heart had finally fallen down. He quickly seized this opportunity to show his attitude, "please rest assured that you will never be disappointed."

Just at this time, Tang Simiao, who had packed the ice, came back and immediately handed the ice to Xiao Wang, the assistant who was waiting at the door

Unexpectedly, Tang Simiao was so attentive to Ren Tianyou's affairs. At first glance, the towel used for the package of ice cubes was made of his mind. The towel felt so soft that he must be afraid of hurting Ren Tianyou's skin, and his heart became more firm. Just now, Tang Simiao was totally concerned.

As a result, Xiao Wang is more determined to intercede for Tang Simiao. After all, Tang Simiao's kind and gentle girl should be forgiven.

Xiao Wang, who has been thinking about things, suddenly thinks that Tang Simiao is still holding the ice and waiting for his answer. He is afraid that if he waits a little longer, the ice will melt and waste Tang Simiao's mind. He says: "yes, of course it can be used!"

Then he directly took the ice in Tang Simiao's hand and went into the room. Before he left, Tang Simiao told him, "Dr. Wang, please take care with Mr. Chen, and I'll give you the blessing." With that, he bowed deeply to Dr. Wang, "it's hard for you!"

Doctor Wang, who was holding the ice, knew that he had to go in as soon as possible, or the ice should melt later, so he just said to Tang Simiao, "don't worry, it's the doctor's bounden duty to save the dying and heal the wounded." And then they just opened the door and went in.

Seeing that Xiao Wang finally came back, Chen asked with dissatisfaction, "why is it so slow? Don't you know the patient is waiting for it? "

Knowing that Mr. Chen is not really angry with himself, he is just afraid of delaying the patient's illness. As the saying goes, "saving people is like fighting a fire!" If the best cooling time is missed because the ice is not delivered in time, and the patient's condition worsens, it will be unimaginable.

Xiao Wang originally wanted to borrow ice for Tang Simiao, but before he spoke, he received an oral notice from Mr. Chen, "Xiao Wang, come and help the patient cool down! The temperature in the patient's body can't keep rising like this, otherwise something will really happen, and measures must be taken immediately! "

It's true that the top priority now is the patient. Xiao Wang didn't dare to delay any more. He swallowed his words directly and ran to Mr. Chen to help him cool down. He hoped that the patient could recover his temperature as soon as possible and return to normal life as soon as possible.

Seeing that Chen and Wang hadn't come out for such a long time, Tang Simiao couldn't help pacing outside the door, and kept saying, "there shouldn't be anything wrong! It's just a common fever and drinking. There won't be any big problem! "

As a matter of fact, we all know if it is serious, but we just don't want to admit it. In particular, Tang Simiao has been giving himself some good psychological hints to comfort himself that everything is OK with Ren Tianyou.

In fact, Tang Simiao knows how far things are going, but he just doesn't want to face them. After all, Tang Simiao always regards Ren Tianyou as his own brother. Even if something happens to him, he doesn't want Ren Tianyou to do anything.

Seeing Tang Simiao's state of anxiety tonight, he was also distressed. He quickly said, "it's OK. Don't worry. You have to trust Mr. Chen. The longer they stay in it, the longer the treatment time is, the more accurate the treatment process is, and the higher the recovery rate will be."But the more Shen Rufeng said that, the more anxious Tang Simiao was. He vaguely thought of another unpleasant thing, and said anxiously, "but when I started that way, I don't know if Mr. Chen would be angry, just in case..."

Before Tang Simiao finished speaking, Shen Rufeng stopped Tang Simiao from saying what he wanted to say next. "Miaomiao, I know what you want to say, but please believe that there won't be such a case. Mr. Chen has saved lives and healed countless injuries. He is a doctor of national level with medical ethics. He has great skills and great reputation."

Hearing what Shen Rufeng said, Tang Simiao felt at ease. Instead of wandering around, he sat down on the sofa and continued to wait for the results brought by the doctors.

Seeing that Tang Simiao has finally calmed down, Shen Rufeng also starts to say some of his own ideas slowly according to the situation. In fact, he mainly tells Tang Simiao the content of his conversation with Xiao Wang, hoping that Tang Simiao can agree with his own ideas.

I only heard Shen Rufeng say gently, "Miaomiao, you see, Mr. Chen spent most of the night here to see Ren Tianyou, and he is so old. What do you think people want?"

Tang Simiao thought about it carefully and shook his head. "I feel that Mr. Chen doesn't have any good intentions. The famous and rich Chinese medicine leader may really be for the love with your mother and the strong sense of responsibility as a doctor."

"Well, in terms of the friendship and responsibility of others, do we have to thank them?" Shen Rufeng continued to follow Tang Simiao's reply.

Unexpectedly, Shen Rufeng would ask such a retarded question. Tang Simiao could not help but look at Shen Rufeng with a little disgust, which means that it is a waste of time to ask such an obvious thing?

But looking at Shen Rufeng's yearning eyes, Tang Simiao was embarrassed to refuse, so he had to say it again, which could be regarded as an expression of his attitude. "Of course, people have helped us so much, so we have to thank them."

It has to be said that what Shen Rufeng wanted was such a result, so he continued to follow suit and said, "Mr. Chen certainly doesn't lack anything, so I really don't know how to thank him. But I have an idea, Miaomiao. Do you want to listen to it?"

It can be said that after so many things, Shen Rufeng's position in Tang Simiao's mind is incomparable. Therefore, Tang Simiao is very willing to listen to Shen Rufeng's suggestions.

So Tang Simiao immediately nodded and said that he was willing to listen. After Tang Simiao's approval, Shen Rufeng stopped beating around the Bush and said what he wanted to say. "I think we still owe Mr. Chen an apology."

After hearing these words, Tang Simiao said, "but haven't we already apologized? At that time, Mr. Chen didn't pay any attention to us. People didn't take us seriously at all. Do we have to apologize again? It's just plain annoying. "

I didn't expect that Tang Simiao would talk like this. Shen Rufeng really couldn't agree with him, but he was embarrassed to say something more serious. He could only say half jokingly, "Comrade Miaomiao, this is your mistake. Your idea is a little dangerous! How can we say that? After all, it's our fault. If it wasn't for our improper speech, could Mr. Chen ignore us directly? "

Although he made mistakes first, he had to be given a chance to make a fresh start. Everyone had human rights. Tang Simiao also knew that he had done something wrong and apologized very seriously. On the contrary, Mr. Chen didn't say a word all the time. He only knew to turn around and leave in anger, which was really a bit inappropriate.

"Is it really so difficult to stop and say a word sometimes to correct other people's mistakes? People are equal and should respect each other. Anyway, I've already apologized. It's someone else's business to accept or not. I won't say it again. " The more I think about it, the more angry I am. I just say it.

Shen Rufeng is also helpless, but in order to better cooperate in the future, we can only gradually persuade him to make peace.