Tang Simiao has been struggling for a long time, but he can't think of a reason. However, he simply doesn't want to think about it. Maybe his heart is still, and his doze will come. Under the comfort of Shen Rufeng, Tang Simiao gradually fell asleep, leaving only a burst of news prompts

in fact, Tang Simiao, who is in a daze and thinking about things, can't hear Shen Rufeng's guarantee. Moreover, Tang Simiao doesn't really want Shen Rufeng's guarantee, but he is too sleepy and falls asleep without seeing the news in time

thinking of this possibility, Shen Rufeng was completely worried. He was just going to send Tang Simiao a few more messages to explain, but he was afraid of making too many mistakes, so he simply stopped

suddenly, after hearing a mobile phone prompt, Shen Rufeng thought it was Tang Simiao who had returned his message, so he picked up the mobile phone. However, when he opened it, he realized that it was the electronic document from his assistant

the assistant who has finished sending the documents stretches and relaxes. Just as he is about to turn off the computer to wash and go to bed, he suddenly sees a voice from his president. He is worried that the president has any new instructions, so he quickly listens to it

it doesn't matter if you don't listen. The assistant is afraid to turn off his computer. Naturally, he doesn't dare to let his president audit all night. He quickly calls Shen Rufeng back and is ready to explain. However, the assistant hasn't had time to speak yet

in the past, even if the documents were handed in late, Shen Rufeng didn't say anything. At most, it's just a reminder. It's really the first time to reprimand severely like today

but even so, the assistant didn't dare to directly express his inner doubts. After all, the person on the other end of the phone was his own food and clothing parents, and Shen Rufeng appreciated and promoted him. Finally, the assistant only dared to remind him weakly, "Mr. Shen, what I said to you today, you said you could hand it in later, Mr. Shen, maybe you have a lot of opportunities every day, It's true to forget. "

I have to say that I really deserve to have been with Shen Rufeng for so long. The assistant's words are really good. He not only expresses his own meaning, but also indicates that it's not Shen Rufeng's fault. He also indirectly praises Shen Rufeng, which makes Shen Rufeng feel embarrassed to lose his temper

the assistant quickly begged for mercy and said, "Mr. Shen, I'm wrong. I dare not. I promise that this situation will never happen again. If there is another time, I'm willing to accept all the punishment from Mr. Shen. In the future, the work assigned by Mr. Shen will be completed seriously and on time."

"no, Mr. Shen, I don't mean that, I mean..." the assistant didn't know what to do after listening to this sentence, so he stammered<

SHEN Rufeng was in a bad mood at the moment, and he didn't want to pay attention to it. He said directly, "it doesn't mean that. What do you mean? Is that what it means?The assistant didn't know what to say, so he could only listen to the movement of Shen Rufeng on the other end of the phone. After a period of buffering, the assistant decided to take a good chance to have a chat with Shen Rufeng.

But now, I dare to have a good chat with Shen Rufeng before I explain my problems clearly. I feel that I am really powerful.

But in fact, as soon as the assistant was ready to speak, he was interrupted by Shen Rufeng. It's really a pity that he didn't speak to Shen Rufeng at last.

Maybe Shen Rufeng said that she was tired, but she couldn't help it. Shen Rufeng had no choice but to end the call without saying, "OK, I'm going to sleep. I'll work harder next time. I hope it won't happen again. "

I didn't expect that Shen Rufeng was so angry just now. At last, he just said so lightly. I can't help but say that Shen Rufeng's personality is changeable and his face changes faster than turning a book.

In fact, Shen Rufeng was so angry at first, but it was because of Tang Simiao. Later, he gradually calmed down, so he didn't embarrass his assistant any more, because he was too excited about it.

However, even if he knows that it is wrong, Shen Rufeng is not willing to take the initiative to apologize. After all, Shen Rufeng is the founder and management talent of a group. How can he put down his position and apologize to an assistant? Even if he knows that it is all wrong, he should make the mistake and go to the right path step by step.

Suddenly, the assistant didn't dare to go to bed. He was afraid that there would be some unexpected situation, which was hard to deal with. This time, Shen Rufeng seldom let himself go, but in case of any more situation, it's not sure.

After all, Shen Rufeng's company is a better one in the industry, and many people are coveting it. It's better to be cautious. In case of any big trouble, it will be too late.

Poor Shen Rufeng didn't know how much damage his inexplicable behavior had brought to his assistant. He was so scared that his assistant drank a few cups of coffee to ensure that he would not sleep.

Shen Rufeng also realized that it was a little too much for him to do this, but he really couldn't control it. Therefore, men in love should never be offended, especially men like Shen Rufeng. A word of disagreement may cost you a lot.

After Shen Rufeng calms down, he goes to see his mobile phone and finds that there is still no news about Tang Simiao. He feels inexplicably flustered, but there is no way. After all, it's so late that he can't rush into Tang's house to see if Tang Simiao is angry?

It's estimated that we have to wait until tomorrow morning. We'll rush to Tang's home to have a look tomorrow morning. In case Tang Simiao is unhappy because of his wrong words, we have to make a good apology. After all, it's the person on the top of our heart.

Anyway, everything will have to wait until tomorrow morning. It's better to do other follow-up work well first. In that way, even if Tang Simiao is upset by himself, maybe Tang Simiao will forgive himself for doing his best. As long as Tang Simiao forgives himself, won't he be able to continue to pester himself?

Thinking of this, Shen Rufeng quickly changes his clothes and is ready to take a look at the place where he guards the kidnappers, so as to produce some strong evidence for the kidnappers to identify Shen Ruhan's mother and son in the court. In particular, Shen Ruhan's reputation is ruined by various means. That can be regarded as revenge for Tang Simiao's early humiliation.

But now the most important thing is that the kidnapper told us that Shen Ruhan was not involved in all this. If Shen Ruhan fully took all the responsibility, Shen Ruhan would still be at large. Even if Shen Ruhan didn't take part in the kidnapper's business this time, Tang Simiao's business was done by Shen Ruhan from the beginning to the end.

All of a sudden, Shen Rufeng has a brilliant idea. At this time, Shen Rufeng has arrived at the place where the kidnappers are locked up. Shen Rufeng says directly, "I want you to turn yourself in and change your confession, saying that Shen Ruhan ordered everything."

"That's no good. I'm just forced to do something bad now. If I'm allowed to do it directly in front of the judge, I'm really afraid. In case I'm found out later and I've committed the crime of shielding criminals, then I don't have to continue to be in prison. I don't want to come out of prison and go in again." Unexpectedly, the kidnapper directly refused Shen Rufeng's request.

Since the soft can't, it can only come hard, only heard, Shen Rufeng said, "your son is really lovely, how do you want to see your son earlier? If you want to see your son earlier, then you should be obedient! Otherwise, no one can guarantee what will happen? "