Unexpectedly, Tang Xiaohua, who was happily eating chocolate cake nearby, said, "it's more exciting to have someone here." After that, he gave Tang nianan a very meaningful look.

Tang Simiao and Gu Yuanyuan both tacitly ate the cake in front of them and did not speak. However, they prayed for Tang nianan in their heart. They asked Tang nianan to pray for his own good fortune. It seems that Tang Xiaohua is most afraid of these things. It's hard for him to get by.

Although Tang Simiao prayed silently for Tang nianan, they also felt that Tang nianan deserved to make fun of what Tang Xiaohua was afraid of? So there's a saying right: "some people can't stop themselves."

Tang nianan also knows that Tang Xiaohua is talking about him. I'm secretly regretting that I can't offend Tang Xiaohua with anything. I have to offend Tang Xiaohua with this. Fortunately, I didn't frighten her out. If I do, I'm really sorry for my sister. I can't do such a thing any more. But how can I coax her out now.

Tang nianan was in distress. Ren Tianyou suddenly came in with a group of people, shouting, "Yuanyuan, where are you? What's going on? Is there anything wrong? "

Unexpectedly, Ren Tianyou, who has always been afraid to enter the haunted house, dares to come in. Tang Simiao and they can't help but feel very curious. Did Ren Tianyou get any stimulation today? He suddenly changed his sex.

Although Gu Yuanyuan thought so in her heart, she was honest. In order not to let Ren Tianyou worry, Gu Yuanyuan quickly and loudly replied, "Tianyou, we are here in the mirror house. We are all right. You don't have to worry. Go out quickly! Don't you like to come here? There are many terrible things in the back. I'm afraid you will be afraid. You'd better go back quickly! "

Most boys love face, especially in front of their loved ones. Tang nianan used to laugh at them for a long time just because he was afraid of haunted house. If he went out at this time, he would be laughed at.

What's more, Gu Yuanyuan said just now, if I am Ren Tianyou, if I go out now, it doesn't mean that I am afraid of those things. How can sister Yuanyuan believe that I can protect her in the future? Joke, I am a man, how can I be afraid of these things.

What's more, with so many people around now, what's to be afraid of? Considering all aspects, Ren Tianyou decided not to go out, but to move on and find Gu Yuanyuan.

After a while, Ren Tianyou and his party finally find Gu Yuanyuan, and Tang nianan is the most moved. Seeing Ren Tianyou coming, Tang nianan jumps on Ren Tianyou and gives him a big bear hug. Ren Tianyou almost falls down because he is unstable.

Unexpectedly, Tang nianan was as excited as a three-year-old child when he finally met his mother. "God bless, I knew you would come. You must know that I am very distressed at the moment, so you came to rescue me, right? I've been a good brother for so many years. "

Tang nianan is agitating, eager to get more sympathy and comfort from Ren Tianyou. Unexpectedly, Ren Tianyou didn't listen to what Tang nianan said at all, but with a little disgust, he pushed Tang nianan away from his arms.

Turning around, Ren Tianyou walked toward Gu Yuanyuan with a smile. He was very concerned and worried and said to Gu Yuanyuan, "sister Yuanyuan, are you ok! I don't know if you've been worried about me for so long and haven't come out yet. I'm relieved to see that you're OK. "

Tang nianan, who was left out in the cold, said shamelessly: "valuing color over friends!" However, Ren Tianyou didn't have time to deal with Tang nianan. Now she is Gu Yuanyuan, so she didn't respond to Tang nianan.

Although Ren Tianyou doesn't respond now, it doesn't mean Ren Tianyou doesn't respond later. Seeing Gu Yuanyuan is OK, Ren Tianyou has time to pay attention to other things nearby. Seeing the leftover cake on the table, he gets a little angry. "I'm waiting for them outside and I'm afraid of them. I didn't expect that they were eating happily inside Cake. "

He was extremely unbalanced in his heart. Of course, Tang nianan was the first one to vent his anger. He quickly said to Tang nianan, "I'm afraid of you outside, and I'm under great psychological pressure to come to you, but you are here to enjoy the cake alone and leave me outside."

Now, the most aggrieved place is Tang nianan. He doesn't know what he has done wrong. Today, he is not treated by others.

when he meets his good brother, he puts up with it. But now that so many people are eating cake in it, why is Tang nianan alone.

At this time, the person who was extremely unbalanced in his heart should be changed from Ren Tianyou to Tang nianan, so Tang nianan also said, "someone's words are really nice. We've been to haunted houses together so many times before, and every time you wait for my sister and me to come out in the cold drink shop to eat ice cream, where did you go in and look for us worried?"

Tang nianan said this with a high standard, and Gu Yuanyuan next to him naturally knew what it meant, so she lowered her head shyly. Tang Simiao just ate the cake quietly and didn't speak, and didn't intend to join their boring war of words.

Of course, Ren Tianyou won't easily show her true thoughts. After all, if she is forced too hard, what will Yuanyuan do when she is tired of herself? So Ren Tianyou continued to say, "a few times ago, you went in for a while and came out. This time, you've been in the haunted house for more than an hour. You've never seen you play in the haunted house for such a long time. Of course, you'll be worried!"It seems that there is nothing wrong with Ren Tianyou's words. To be honest, Tang nianan felt that I was speechless when he heard Ren Tianyou say that.

But Tang nianan was also a proud boy and said, "shouldn't we eat cake here? This is sister Yuanyuan's birthday cake. Don't forget, today is sister Yuanyuan's birthday

Of course, Ren Tianyou didn't dare to forget it. He quickly said, "do I care if you eat cake? It's because today is Yuanyuan's birthday, but you don't ask me to eat cake and celebrate Yuanyuan's birthday together. That's why I'm so angry! " So answer, Yuanyuan sister should not be angry! Even Ren Tianyou praised his wit.

Unexpectedly, Tang nianan can continue to take over, "my sister and I thought that you would never go into the haunted house. We knew you were afraid, so we didn't tell you that we wanted to accommodate you, but we wanted to have an unforgettable birthday for Yuanyuan. As a result, we decided to eat cake in the haunted house. We have more feelings and atmosphere. I believe you won't object to it."

Now that Tang nianan has already said that, what else can Ren Tianyou do? If it's not good, it's that you don't want to celebrate Yuanyuan's birthday. If it's good, it will prove that you are timid and will make Yuanyuan look down on you.

So, Ren Tianyou can only continue to carry it to the end, "then you don't discuss with me. How do you know that I won't come in? I'm not coming in now? Before I didn't go into the haunted house with you, I thought it was too naive and disdained to play with these things. If there was something important, I would definitely come in! "

Seeing Gu Yuanyuan here, after all, she has been a good friend for many years. Let's leave a good image for Ren Tianyou! Tang Simiao and Tang nianan unanimously decide not to continue to tear him down. They just ask Ren Tianyou to eat cake together.

Tang Xiaohua quickly and sensibly took the cake Gu Yuanyuan had just cut and gave it to Ren Tianyou, "this is what sister Yuanyuan knows you're here. She specially cut it for you. Eat it, brother Tianyou!"

Ren Tianyou heard that Gu Yuanyuan cut it specially for herself. The slightly rising radian at the corner of her mouth became bigger and bigger, and the smile at the corner of her eyes and eyebrows could not be hidden. Seeing Ren Tianyou's hopeless appearance, Tang nianan disdained him and gave him a big white eye, so he walked away silently.

But since Ren Tianyou is here, it's doomed that she can't stop. When Gu Yuanyuan doesn't pay attention, she smears a large piece of cream on Gu Yuanyuan's face. Gu Yuanyuan doesn't know it. When she reacts, she has been smeared into a big cat by Ren Tianyou.

Seeing Gu Yuanyuan's reaction, Ren Tianyou ran away quickly. Gu Yuanyuan ran after Ren Tianyou with a cake tray and cried, "Ren Tianyou, stop for me!"

However, Ren Tianyou continued to shout without skin or face, "happy birthday, sister Yuanyuan, the birthday girl is a kitten, so cute!" With that, he made a face at Gu Yuanyuan, who was chasing after her.

As if feeling that the effect was not good, Ren Tianyou continued to shout to the cake eating crowd nearby, "as long as you put more cream on the birthday person's face, you will be blessed in the future."

Although I know that Ren Tianyou is joking on purpose, those little ones are very excited. It's rare to have this opportunity. Of course, they won't let it go! So also joined the ranks of wipe cake, in a moment, Gu Yuanyuan became a real big cat.

Gu Yuanyuan, of course, was not willing to be outdone. After a circle, there was a little bit of cream on everyone's face. In the end, it turned into a scuffle, with cream flying around.

Looking at the dirty people full of cream, although they all dislike each other, they are very happy. They haven't been so reckless for a long time. It's rare to have this opportunity today.

One of the happiest is Gu Yuanyuan. I'm afraid this is the most lively and happiest birthday in my life. I really appreciate Miaomiao's presence.

I've had a good time, but how can I deal with this mess? If I want to go out in this way later, I have to scare the staff to death. I guess I'll kill them. I can't imagine that the cool and decent young master and young lady in my mind will go out like this.

Ren Tianyou was just about to call someone to meet them. Unexpectedly, Tang Simiao stopped Ren Tianyou directly. "There's no need to ask someone to help us sort it out. I think it's good to go out like this."

Seeing Ren Tianyou's dilemma, Tang Simiao joked, "why didn't you know Ren Tianyou paid so much attention to image before? What, are there reporters waiting to interview you outside? "