Her brother is always a warm person

Tang Simiao rubbed his brother's head: "yes, I want to apologize to you. Even if you have been back for so long, I have only come to see you several times, but you have been abroad for so long because of me. Is my sister incompetent?"

what she said was sincere, while Tang nianan listened to her words and turned his head abruptly. The former knew why he did it, and did not say anything else. He just waited patiently for him to recover

"because it's my sister."

Tang nianan turned his head and pressed Tang Simiao's shoulder: "because you are my sister, so I care about you, care about you, want you well, you are my family, whether it's mom and Dad, or you, as long as it's about you, I will be very serious and conscientious to complete, sister, do you understand?"

"I understand. I'm also very distressed. You are the youngest in our family and the one who should be protected most." Tang Simiao smiles. She and her younger brother's identities have been exchanged. According to reason, it should be her sister who takes care of her younger brother, isn't it

seeing Tang Simiao's expression, Tang nianan didn't know why. He suddenly thought of something and asked, "sister, this expression seems to be saying that she already has a brother-in-law, isn't it?"

after a long discussion about this matter, Tang Simiao sighed, but he fooled the injury on the back of his hand

the next morning, Tang Simiao was about to leave, but what she didn't expect was that Tang nianan didn't leave with Tang Chenxiao, like waiting downstairs

"I know you don't like driving to school. It's said that last time you drove back, something happened and you don't like to trouble the driver. Can my brother always be in trouble?"

Tang Simiao didn't refuse to bring it to Gu Yuanyuan, but he didn't expect that the whole suitcase was loaded

"so you mean you're going to take me back to school?"

Tang nianan blinked and said that her answer was correct, "don't worry, I won't drive a car that attracts people's attention. I bought a new car and I believe you will like it too. It's not a very expensive car, but I think it's cost-effective."

Tang nianan said with a smile: "even if you don't like my sister, my car is still mine! I drive this car, but you don't drive it. If you don't like it, I won't sell it. Believe me

"I know you are poor. You'd better send me back to school as soon as possible. It's only a few days before the mid-term exam, but I haven't finished reviewing yet."


as he said, Tang nianan's car doesn't look very public, but its performance is very good. At least Tang Simiao feels very comfortable. When the car arrives at the school gate, Tang nianan wanted to send Tang Simiao directly to the dormitory downstairs, but Tang Simiao doesn't agree. She's afraid that something might happen again. After all, her younger brother is handsome, They are all famous brands that can be seen by people

"but it's still a long way from your dormitory, isn't it? Is this really good? My car has already arrived here. It's OK for you to let me drive you in, isn't it? It's a big deal. I don't have to get off the bus. " Tang nianan still didn't agree. How could he have such a reason? When he arrived, would he still have to watch his sister drag her suitcase?Tang Simiao was very sure of his idea, but when he got out of the car to get the suitcase, he returned to the co driver's seat and said, "you can take me in. The things my mother asked me to take are really a little heavy. I'm afraid I'll be exhausted before I get to the dormitory."

With permission, Tang nianan's face began to smile again. "Then you can sit down. I'm going to start it!"

Tang Simiao has nothing to do with Tang nianan's childish behavior, which brings a bit of indulgence.

When Tang Simiao got downstairs, as he said, Tang nianan didn't get off the bus. He just watched Tang Simiao go up the steps and then drove away.

"Tang Simiao, you are really cheap, aren't you?"

At the corner of the dormitory, Tang Simiao was thinking about these things. He didn't know how long he would finish them. When he turned around, he saw Li Rui. Seeing her face was very bad, he frowned. "I think your parents should have taught you how to write politeness."

Last time Li Rui had learned Tang Simiao's glib, so now she was not surprised. She just sneered, "do you think I should call you social flower? In the school and several men hook up do not say, now all hook up outside the school? I don't think that man is very old. He is still in high school, is he? Tang Simiao, do you know how to be ashamed? "

Tang Simiao puts the suitcase aside. Li Rui only has a few words to know who she is talking about. The only person who has just sent her back is Nian an, and the only person she seduces in Li Rui's mouth is Nian an.

But nianan is her brother.

But she didn't have the heart to explain this to others. Li Rui was not the one she cared about, so she didn't care what she said or what she misunderstood.

"Sorry, you're in my way."

After that, Tang Simiao picked up her suitcase again, thinking that she should not pay attention to this person. Anyway, she has arrived at the door of the dormitory now, and the suitcase is not a burden to her at all. As for Li Rui, she is lazy at all.

But it's right for her to think like this, but her reaction in Li Rui's eyes is obviously that she has admitted that she knows someone outside school, and that she has an unusual relationship.

She likes Chu Ningyuan so much that she even wants to be proud that she can write a love letter to tell him, but he tramples her heart on the ground. All this has nothing to do with it, as long as he is happy.

But what's the situation now?

Why did he give Tang Simiao special preferential treatment? Mingming has a fox's face. What's the qualification to get his favor?


Li Rui suddenly blocked Tang Simiao's way, "want to go? There's no door. If you don't explain it to me today, you can't get in this door! "

As a last resort, Tang Simiao had to put down his suitcase again and looked at Li Rui in a funny way, "what qualifications do you have for me to explain? Besides, I have no need to explain to you. Who do you think you are? If you want me to explain, I will explain it to you? Li Rui, do you know yourself well

"Do you know yourself well?"

Tang Simiao's words and the last time Chu Ningyuan refused her words slowly combined together, but in a short moment, Li Rui felt that she was about to burst out, "Tang Simiao! If you don't explain it to me clearly today, I will report you and your bad style. If you don't have the support of the school, you can't live, can you? "

As far as she knows, Tang Simiao's living expenses always depend on the scholarship in the school, but what is the most important thing in the school? It's reputation. If a student can bring excellent influence to their reputation, then they are willing to subsidize the student. But when they know that the student's style is bad, how many schools can accept such excellent students?

No matter how good their grades are, in the eyes of the school leaders, it's still the rat excrement in a mess.

Li Rui thinks that if Tang Simiao doesn't explain to her, she will let her become this rat dung and see if she has other abilities to survive in this school.

I don't know why, after Li Rui said such a thing, Tang Simiao thought that she was very naive. If there was no other evidence, she would not use such a poor threat, would she?

Yes, they only know that she is the one who gets scholarships every year, but they don't know that she never needs those scholarships. The pocket money on weekdays is enough for her to live for several years.

"If you think it's necessary, go."