After packing up, Zhao Xiaomeng is ready to lie on the bed to have a rest. The busy day has passed. Zhao Xiaomeng lies on the bed, thinking about what happened in the day. The happiest thing is that she has a job. Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaomeng was so happy that she could hardly sleep.

Tomorrow Zhao Xiaomeng is going to prepare some clothes suitable for work, and then look for information on the computer to see what she should do when she goes to work. So she must have an early rest today and have the spirit to do these things tomorrow.

"Come on, Zhao Xiaomeng," Zhao Xiaomeng said to herself. This is the psychological suggestion she once saw in a book. Every day she said to herself, "come on," and "you can do it". Such a person will not give up easily when encountering difficulties and setbacks, so since she saw it, she would say "come on" to herself every night, sometimes Will also say you can do, and then close your eyes, even if you don't want to sleep, also force yourself to sleep.

Soon, Zhao Xiaomeng fell asleep. In her sleep, the corners of her mouth are still filled with a smile, very happy appearance. Zhao Xiaomeng has not been so happy for a long time since she lost her child. It can be said that today is her happiest day recently.

The next morning, Zhao Xiaomeng woke up early. Although he went to bed early last night, she still didn't want to get up when she got up.

"I'll sleep another half an hour, just half an hour, and after half an hour, I'm sure I'll get up." Zhao Xiaomeng, looking at the time on her mobile phone, said to herself. After watching, I threw my cell phone aside and fell asleep again.

But how could this sleep be used in half an hour? When she opened her eyes, it was two hours after the half an hour she had calculated.

"My God, why did I sleep so long again?" Zhao Xiaomeng said to herself, and then got up quickly.

Like every day, the first thing she does after getting up is to go to Duoduo and have a look at Duoduo, which has become a habit. And Duoduo also heard someone close to him, opened his eyes and saw that it was Zhao Xiaomeng, and immediately climbed out of the nest happily and ran to her side.

"Good morning, Toto." Zhao Xiaomeng looks at Duoduo and says.

"Woof, woof, woof..." As if I understood more, I also said good morning to Zhao Xiaomeng in her language.

Zhao Xiaomeng happily touched Duoduo's head, and then put it back in the nest, because she still has something to do, so she can't play with Duoduo all the time.

"Duoduo, you stay here and don't run around. I'm going to be busy. What should I do? Do you hear me?" Zhao Xiaomeng said to Duoduo.

No wonder Labrador's IQ is famous all over the world. Duoduo is so small, and after only a few days of training, she can understand so many words, and she is so intimate, so Zhao Xiaomeng is very happy.

After leaving Duoduo's nest, Zhao Xiaomeng came to the living room and looked at the time. It was already more than nine o'clock. Zhao Xiaomeng decided not to eat breakfast and ate it together at noon. Otherwise, she would not be able to eat lunch from breakfast to noon.

In fact, when she was in France in the past, her life was very irregular, because she didn't get up every morning, and most of the time she ate breakfast and lunch together, so she would not have any discomfort in doing so today.

Zhao Xiaomeng took out his laptop, sat on the sofa in the living room, turned on the computer, and searched a lot of information about what designers need to do and prepare for their work.

Sitting in front of the computer desk for several hours, because there are a lot of workplace rules that she doesn't know. Naturally, as a new person, she should learn more to survive in the workplace.

In fact, when Zhao Xiaomeng graduated from University, she had already taken down the qualification certificate of interior designer, but she couldn't find a job, so she couldn't use it all the time. What's more, she came to Italy in such a hurry that she didn't bring the qualification certificate here at all.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaomeng goes to Xu Yan to ask him if he doesn't bring his interior designer qualification certificate, will it affect his work.

"Dangdang..." Zhao Xiaomeng knocks on Xu Yan's door.

Soon someone came to open the door,

"Xiaomeng, what can I do for you?" It was Xu Ya who opened the door. Seeing Zhao Xiaomeng, he asked.

"I came to you to ask you something," Zhao said.

"What's the matter, say it!" Xu Yan looked at Zhao Xiaomeng and said.

"I know that the job you are looking for this time is for me as an interior designer. When I graduated from University, I got the interior designer qualification certificate. But this time I came to Italy in such a hurry that I didn't have time to bring it here. I want to ask you, will it affect me if I don't bring my certificate when I work?" Zhao Xiaomeng asked.

"Certificate, I don't think it will have any impact. After all, the boss helped you find this job. You tell him that you have this certificate, and then I think you can find it on the Internet after passing the examination." Xu Yan said.

"Yes, you see, I have forgotten that I can also find out on the Internet that I once took the interior designer qualification certificate. I'm a little confused when I'm worried. Thank you. I know." Zhao Xiaomeng said suddenly."It's OK. You're welcome. We're good friends. Do you have anything else to do?" Xu Yan asked

"nothing more, I'll go back first. Goodbye," said Zhao Xiaomeng

"OK, goodbye." Xu Yan said with a smile

watching Zhao Xiaomeng close the door, Xu Yan has mixed feelings. He doesn't know what kind of situation he is now. Every time she sees Zhao Xiaomeng, she is a little nervous, but he never shows it on the surface. When he sees her happy, he is happy for her. See him, something, anxious, he will take the initiative to help him, looking for a solution, although I don't know if this is love, but there must be pure appreciation and like

at this time, Lin Xiao came out of the house. Looking at Xu Yan, he knew that he had just been here. "Did Xiaomeng just knock on the door?" Lin Xiao asked

"yes, she just came to ask me something, and then she went back." Xu Yan replied honestly

after a long time, she still didn't remember what the original website was? And then use Baidu search for a while, only to successfully find the website

after logging in and entering her personal information and password, Zhao Xiaomeng can easily find the proof that she has taken the certificate, then connect it to the printer, and print it out. If she can use it at work, she will not have to look for it again

"forget it, I don't want to cook by myself. Go out and have some." Zhao Xiaomeng said to himself

before going out, Zhao Xiaomeng went to one side to find out Duoduo's food, because she remembered that Duoduo didn't eat in the morning

Duoduo comes out of the nest lazily and looks at Zhao Xiaomeng pitifully, as if he is accusing something

"I'm sorry, Duoduo. I've been busy and forgot to ask you to eat. You see, I haven't eaten either. Excuse me, OK?" Zhao Xiaomeng said to Duoduo piously

Duoduo, like the apology in Zhao Xiaomeng's eyes, immediately became cheerful, without the pity and loss

after Duoduo ate all the dog food she brought, Zhao Xiaomeng slowly stood up and prepared to leave, because she was really hungry now, and if she didn't eat again, she might not have the strength to do things

after going out, I came to the prosperous commercial street next to my home again according to the familiar road in my memory

the transportation here is very convenient, and there are many shops, hospitals, schools and restaurants. Zhao Xiaomeng seldom eats out, the main thing is that she hasn't been here for a long time. I'm not very familiar with the neighborhood, and she's very busy recently, so she has no time to wander around

after looking at the special snacks and food nearby, Zhao Xiaomeng was dazzled and didn't know what to eat

walking, Zhao Xiaomeng finally found a hotel with both Chinese and English, Italian and Korean. From the outside, there are many people inside, and the business of the hotel is very good. Zhao Xiaomeng was very happy. She looked outside and went in directly