Soon, Li Mengze arrived at Zhang Wenxuan's company

"who are you looking for, sir?" The security guard at the door stops Zhang Wenxuan and asks

"get out of here." Li Mengze has long forgotten the etiquette rules. He just wants to find Zhang Wenxuan and ask him where Zhao Xiaomeng has gone

"you want to see Mr. Zhang. Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked innocently

"I'm asking you where Zhang Wenxuan is," Li Mengze asked impatiently

"don't you tell me where he is now? Can't you see that I'm worried?" Li Mengze said

"Mr. Zhang has not been to the company since this morning, and no one knows where he has gone." Said the receptionist

"dududu..." Li Mengze took out his mobile phone, looked through the address book, found a number and dialed it

"Hey, help me find someone. If I find one, I'm willing to promise you all the conditions." Li Mengze said

"what's the matter? Who is so important? Can you take the initiative to call me and promise me all the conditions? " Li Jian said

originally, Li Mengze called his father. He knew that it was very easy for his father to find people in this city. So in order to find Zhao Xiaomeng, he is willing to agree to all the conditions put forward by his father

"you don't care who I'm looking for, you just need to help me find him." Li Mengze said

"OK, wait for me, I'll be right back." Li Mengze said

Li Mengze parked the car, opened the door and went straight to the old house

looking at this, he has been away from home for nearly 20 years, but he has no feeling of missing and kindness. It's like coming to a strange place, full of alienation

soon, Li Mengze came into the room and saw the old man sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him, as if he had predicted when he would come back

"if you help me find someone, I'll give you all the conditions." Li Mengze came straight to the point, didn't drink too much from the old man in front of him, and directly told the purpose of his return

"life is at stake. I'm very worried about her safety now. I don't have time to talk to you. I'll ask you if you want to help me or not. If you don't help me, I'll think of other ways to stop wasting time here." Li Mengze said

"don't worry, her comfort is not a problem at all." Li Jian said lightly

"what do you mean by that? How do you know if she's safe and who I'm looking for? " Asked Li Mengze

"because I know who you're looking for. It's Zhao Xiaomeng who you have been around all the time. I know what you have guessed in your mind now. Then I'll tell you that you guessed right. I sent her away. How can I help you find someone? " Li Jian said

"why did you send her away? She didn't hurt your interests at all. She is just an ordinary girl. What are you doing to her?" When Li Mengze heard that it was his own father who sent away the person he was most concerned about, he asked angrily

"if you ask someone to follow me, aren't you afraid that I hate you?" Li Mengze said with gnashing teeth."When you are old, you will understand my good intentions one day. Even if you hate me now, it doesn't matter." Li Jian said

"I'll ask you again for the last time, man, you are looking for me. Or insist on sending it away? " Li Mengze said

"it's impossible to get it back." Li Jian said with great certainty

hearing Li Jian's reply, Li Mengze turned around and left the old house of the Li family without even looking back

out of the Li family's old house, Li Mengze sat in the car, some of them felt that he could do nothing. After all, he knew the inside. After reviewing, she cultivated a lot of underworld forces in secret. It was really easy for him to hide a person. For Li Mengze, who has just returned home, it is not easy to find someone

although he knows this in his heart, he is willing to pay because the other party is Zhao Xiaomeng. He doesn't want to do nothing when his most important person has an accident, so he doesn't deserve to be a man. Not to mention protecting her

after the decision was made, Li Mengze turned the front of the car to Tang Chenxiao's home. Tang Chenxiao can be said to be an unknown figure in a city, and his home address is no secret

"dangdangdang..." Li Mengze knocked on the door

soon, Tang Chenxiao's servant opened the door and saw Li Mengze. The servant asked, "Hello, sir, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Tang Chenxiao, president Tang." Li Mengze said

"Oh, yes, sir. This way, please. Mr. Tang is in the study upstairs. I'll call him for you. You can sit on the sofa first." Said the servant

"thank you." Li Mengze said

the servant didn't dare to delay and immediately went upstairs to call Tang Chenxiao

"dangdangdang..." the servant knocked on the door outside

"please come in," Tang Chenxiao said

"Sir, a gentleman downstairs said he was looking for you. It looks like there is something urgent. Go downstairs and have a look." Said the servant

"didn't he say who he was?" Tang Chenxiao asked suspiciously. Ren Dongping and Zhang Wenxuan usually ask her out when they have something to do. They often go to the bar to discuss. They seldom come to their home. Even if they have something to do, they will call him in advance. But this time, they don't receive any calls. Tang Chenxiao is a little curious about who is coming from outside, so he quickly follows the servant and goes downstairs

seeing Tang Chenxiao coming downstairs, Li Mengze stood up from the sofa and took the initiative to introduce himself: "Hello, Mr. Tang, my name is Li Mengze, and my father is Li Jian. I know you may not know me. After all, how can a big man like you know me who has just come back from abroad? "

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Tang Chenxiao asked

"yes, she is Wenxuan's wife." Tang Chenxiao replied

"a while ago, she had a quarrel with Zhang Wenxuan, and then I happened to meet her when I was driving on the road. By chance, I brought her home. Later, I found that she was an old friend I knew many years ago. But today, my father misunderstood the relationship between me and him, so he sent him away by means. I know my father's ability. He wants to hide a person in a city. For me, it's hard to find this person. " Li Mengze said

"so, what's the purpose of your coming to me this time?" Tang Chenxiao asked

"I'm willing to pay any price. I just hope you can cooperate with me to find out where Xiaomeng sent my father." Li Mengze said

"if Zhang Wenxuan knows that Xiaomeng is missing, she will also want to find her whereabouts. In a city, no one does not know about your relationship with Zhang Wenxuan. Even if Zhang Wenxuan asks you, you will certainly agree to help him find Zhao Xiaomeng. In this case, I am willing to give you the benefit in vain. Why don't you agree with me? " Li Mengze said

"young man, you are very smart. I am willing to cooperate with you, but will you do what I ask? " Tang Chenxiao said