For a moment, the whole city was discussing where the missing daughter would be? Some people spread rumors that their daughter would have died a few years ago, which is the so-called sensation in the city

however, Cheng An's life is the same as before, and they live their own life. Although there are some disappointments, they walk out of life step by step, and walk out of every step of life

"it's 8 o'clock this evening. Let's go out for dinner by the way."


the concert will start soon. Cheng an and Han Yufei are listening to the music and enjoying the feast brought by the music

the concert ends at about 10 p.m

"what music brings me is a very comfortable and peaceful feeling, which makes me very comfortable." Han Yufei's tone is full of joy

"let's walk outside for a while."

"Hey, girl! Come and give me a smile. " Suddenly, a rough man jumps out of the nearby grass. He is drunk and full of wine. He smiles at Han Yufei and Cheng an

"you stop!" Cheng an screamed out of control

"first of all, the smell of your wine comes from your body, not your mouth, and your clothes are stained with wine, so this is the first point. The second point is that your performance skills are not up to standard. If a drunk can smell the smell of wine from so far away, his judgment of sound is almost zero, and it is impossible to judge the source of sound quickly."

"we are volunteers. Depending on your reaction ability, I hope this girl can participate in our online drama." The man looked at Han Yufei

"Hello, I'm Han Yufei."<

"Hello, I am the man of that day and the director of this play."<

Han Yufei smiles sweetly: "please take care of me for the first time." Han Yufei talks and laughs freely, just like a girl who is as gentle as water, shining into everyone's heart."Hum, if you don't know anything, you'll be the heroine, because you're beautiful and it's over?" A sharp female voice, sharp in Han Yufei's ears.

"Shh, low, they're still in front of you!"

"What are you afraid of?"

These two people's words all fell in Han Yufei's ears, Han Yufei face should not color, what as did not hear.

The woman with sharp words is Zhang Mengyao, and the one beside is Zhang Mengxue. They are twins. They look like each other. They are a character in the play, a schizophrenic.

Soon began shooting, the main content of the network drama is a smart girl step by step to achieve their goals, they have a very good friend, is the schizophrenic actor in the play.

In fact, the actor of schizophrenia needs a strong deductive attainments. During the day, she is a gentle and considerate girl. At night, she is a manic person. Han Yufei's role has quarreled with his friends of schizophrenics. Later, with the help of Han Yufei's role, she finally cured her illness and finally recovered At the end of the story, the girl gains love and the health of her friends. Although this is a very ordinary TV play, it is very inspirational.

Shooting is about to start, but the man of the story does not appear. Han Yufei can't help but feel that people who have no sense of time have no sense of responsibility, so the instant favor degree drops to 0

after waiting for an hour, the man is late.

"I'm sorry I'm late. We haven't been waiting long!" Although it's an apology, it's not sincere.

Han Yufei looks towards the voice. He is a man in sportswear. He has sharp edges and sharp eyebrows. He is very handsome and has a strong bearing, but he is lazy all over.

"Lin Chenyuan, what are you wearing? Didn't I ask you to wear a suit? There's no suit here! How to film! "

Lin Chenyuan light: "I go back to find."

"Lin Chenyuan, do you want to shoot the play? Just waiting for you? Don't go too far. "

"Shoot, how to shoot without clothes."

"Now go out and buy!"

"I'll go now." Lin Chenyuan looks funny.

"Don't go out. Let them go."

Lin Chenyuan said: "good."

Han Yufei hates to wait, but Lin Chenyuan is still playing with his fingers leisurely. As soon as he glances at Han Yufei, Lin Chenyuan takes a breath: where's the beautiful girl from? Tut Tut, I like it.

Han Yufei feels Lin Chenyuan's eyes. With a look in his eyes, he stares at Lin Chenyuan. Lin Chenyuan can't help laughing: "ha ha ha ~"

Han Yufei turns his head to the other side.

Lin Chenyuan walked over to Han Yufei and snapped his fingers: "Hey, sister, it seems that we met somewhere."

Han Yufei snorted coldly: "sorry, brother, we haven't met."

"I've seen her now, sister. I don't know her name."

Han Yufei said goodbye to Lin Chenyuan again.

Lin Chenyuan took a puff at the corner of his mouth, and for the first time met such a proud girl: "then we'll call my brother and sister goodbye. It's so ambiguous, don't you think? Sister

Han Yufei had the idea of going back to the countryside: "Han Yufei."

"Han Yufei, a very good name, I am the most handsome in the world, Lin Chenyuan."

Han Yufei nodded. Han Yufei didn't like to have too much conversation with strangers like this. But Lin Chenyuan was really upset. He always narcissized himself and said that he was handsome, or else he said that he was in a mess. Han Yufei only replied, oh, and so on. Han Yufei thought that he ignored him, he should know how to ignore himself.

I didn't expect Lin Chenyuan to talk harder and harder. Han Yufei was thinking about how the clothes didn't come back. For the first time, Han Yufei thought it was so long.

What Han Yufei doesn't know is that someone has already hated him. It's Zhang Mengyao. Zhang Mengyao has always been attentive to Lin Chenyuan. At the beginning, Lin Chenyuan thought Zhang Mengyao was a very interesting girl. Later, she gradually lost interest and didn't pay any attention to Zhang Mengyao.

Zhang Mengyao looks at them with hatred, and her fingers creak: bitch, you don't care who Lin Chenyuan is, you just do the shameless thing that you dare to seduce, I won't kill you. In fact, another reason for Zhang Mengyao is that Lin Chenyuan's family is not bad. After she married, she was a young grandmother who could enjoy herself. Zhang Mengyao's sisters came to this stage step by step through her own girl.

But they also lost their heart.

"The clothes are back, ready to shoot!"
