After returning to dadidu, Xu Yan went into the city. He didn't go to the Lin family. He didn't plan to go to the Lin family when he came back this time. In the end, he went to the Lin family, which can't explain the real situation, but only make Grandma worry more!

He went straight from the airport to the Earl's house and arrived at nine o'clock in the evening.

When entering the door, the housekeeper saw him without any accident, only said: "young master, you are back, the master has been waiting for you!"

Xu Yan returns a Zheng, does the father know that he wants to come back?

In this way, all he did was to predict the result, and to expect that he would come back.

However, Xu Yanhui really did not understand his father's intention?

He nodded slightly, said nothing, and went straight inside.

When entering the hall, my father sat on the sofa in the hall as usual, while on the other sofa sat a woman, who was in her thirties. When she saw her, she was stunned, and then quickly stood up and called: "young master is back?"

Xu Yan frowned and looked at the woman. She seemed to be her father's new sweetheart. He knew that many women had been father's in recent years!

If according to Xia Caiyun's meaning, father is controlled by the virus these years, so he can't do without women!

He now only feels very ironic, a man has many women, the reason is helpless, because the body is controlled by the virus, how windy, how ridiculous!

Xu Yan back to the face of the woman, did not say a word, there is no reaction, expressionless face!

At this time, Xu Mingyang looked up at Xu Yanhui. There was no accident, as if he was waiting for his arrival. He said to the woman who stood up: "go back to the room first!"

"Yes The woman looked at Xu Yan again, then nodded slightly. She didn't have any opinions in the whole process. She laughed and left!

When there were only two people left in the hall, Xu Yan said, "why do you do that?"

Xu Mingyang said, "what do you mean?"

Father and son face to face, two pairs of eyes looking at each other, Xu Yanhui did not have too much emotion, just cold looking at his father.

Xu Mingyang did not have too much emotion, light looking at his son.

The two of them met for the first time after their last bad break up.

"The news that provokes the president and Yeshuai is the first draft you draft and release!" Xu Yan went straight to the theme and didn't cover up his intention.

"Oh, this one!" Xu Mingyang thought about it and said, "if you want to make it, make it!"

Xu Yan looks back, light falls on father's face, fixed looking at him, did not move away, for a long time, he said: "you are under the virus, in the end what's going on?"

In classical Chinese, Xu Mingyang was stunned.

"I know you're infected with the virus, but that's not the reason why you betrayed my mother, and I won't believe it. Why did you treat my mother that way?" Xu Yan asked back, his tone was cold and fierce, hiding a lot of his emotions. He didn't want to reveal his other desires!

Xu Mingyang narrowed his eyes slightly, but he still didn't open his mouth.

"Why not?" Xu Yanhui asked again.

Xu Mingyang still didn't speak.

Xu Yan sneered back and said: "it seems that it's still my wishful thinking. I want to find a reason for you to convince myself, but I'm very disappointed!"

"I have nothing to say!" Xu Mingyang light mouth: "how you think before, how to think good! I just want to tell you one thing, why the president will give in to Yeshuai again and again! "

"Why?" Xu Yanhui is eager to know about it!