Xiaoyi was stunned and looked back at Xu Yan.

This bail is not so simple. He is the mayor and can be released on bail. But if something goes wrong, it may affect Xu Yanhui's career.

Xiaoyi understands the real meaning of this action once it is done.

He was afraid that he was worried about his father. However, compared with his future, she couldn't bear to worry about it. Xiaoyi immediately shook her head: "the court will soon open. Don't worry about it any more!"

If my father is OK, he will go home and live a good life. If he has something, it's because he made it himself!

He is already an adult and should be responsible for his actions!

Xiaoyi doesn't want Xu Yanhui to help him like this.

Xu Yan replied: "within the scope of my ability, I can only do this! Let him meet Xia Caiyun! "

Xiaoyi was stunned and shook his head: "no way!"


"Don't talk about it any more. It's absolutely impossible!" Xiaoyi shook his head firmly, took Xu Yan's uninjured hand and said: "there are still a few days to go to court. He's OK. He'll go home and find a new wife. If he depends on Xia Caiyun again, it's the sorrow of this life!"

Xu Yanhui was pulled out by Xiaoyi!

To the outside, Xu Yan back to open a way: "Xiaoyi, I'm not impulsive!"

Xiaoyi stops for a while. She doesn't turn her head to see Xu Yanhui. From his voice, she really recognizes the serious emotion.

Xiaoyi took another two steps forward, just to see Yin Chengfeng and Cheng Jin get out of the car together, close the door and walk towards them.

They were afraid that it was not very convenient for them to talk, so they didn't go into the detention center. Instead, they were waiting outside. Now when they saw them coming out, they got out of the car.

Xu Yanhui didn't avoid Yan Chengfeng and Cheng Jin.

Xu Yan said to Xiaoyi: "Xiaoyi, your father is a special case. After a while, he may not be able to survive! In the absence of any antidote, he has persisted for a long time. If he persists, his safety may be affected! "

Xiaoyi body in a flash, although she is very hard to adjust their emotions, don't look affected, but she was still seen by Xu Yanhui, also by Yin Chengfeng and Cheng Jin!

Cheng Jin couldn't help asking, "brother, what are you going to do?"

"Help father Xiaoyi bail for one night, let him meet Xia Caiyun!" Xu Yanhui didn't hide anything!

Cheng Jin was stunned and frowned: "the court will be held immediately. Can't we hold on for a few more days?"

"Look at that, I think it's a bit dangerous!" Xu Yanhui felt that if Jian Jianshan went on like this, he didn't know if he could hold the court.

"But if they meet, the testimony may change!" Cheng Jin is also a little worried!

He looked at Xiaoyi.

Xiaoyi pursed her lips and said, "go to the carnival first, don't bail, don't take risks!"

"Xiaoyi, you have to think clearly that your father can't always find a wife to solve this problem!"

Xiaoyi looked back at Xu Yan and said, "I'll find him a lady of the nightclub, but it's after the court session! Not now! "

Xu Yanhui is stunned!

Cheng Jin was also a little surprised. He didn't know what to say for a moment!

Yin Chengfeng looked at them and said, "is it a virus? The kind of virus that can't be solved without women? More than 20 years ago, some scientists in China illegally manipulated and controlled some high-level people! "

Xiaoyi was shocked: "elder martial brother, do you know?"