Xiaoyi was stunned: "did he post?"

"Yes! Shall I delete it for you? "

"No!" Xiaoyi said: "if you need to delete it, I'll find you!"

"Good!" Yin Chengfeng said: "Xiaoyi, if necessary, it's OK to beat people! I can beat them for you! "

Xiaoyi was stunned and puffed“ Elder martial brother, OK, I'll find you then! If it's really necessary! "

Xiaoyi received the email from Yin Chengfeng and added his chat number. Suddenly, he thought of something and asked him on the little penguin, "elder martial brother, don't you also log on my computer?"

It took a long time for Yin Chengfeng's head to move, and he said, "I have landed now!"

"Ah! Don't look at my computer Xiaoyi quickly sent him a message.

Yin Chengfeng returned a picture, grinning, and then sent a word: good!

Xiaoyi asked, "really?"

Yin chengfengdao: Xiaoyi, I'm Junzi Yinuo!

Xiaoyi is also a little relaxed.

But there is nothing in her computer!

She's not afraid!

It seems that in the future, she will really learn how to defend the master!

Yin Chengfeng is an absolute master!

If you want to prevent such experts, you must make friends with such people!

Xiaoyifan looked at the letter he sent. The more he read, the more annoyed he was!

He gave the letter to Luan Yushu and Ji Qian!

Both of them were surprised.

"This scum is really shameless. It's a habit to make rumors!" Luan Yu wrote: "he also released the hidden rules between girls and a professor in the school of planning of Jinzhou University on the forum. This happened after Wen'an dismissed him. This person used anonymity. Fortunately, elder martial brother Yin is an expert!"

Xiaoyi expression dignified: "it seems that I want to calm down, he does not want to, then really want to offend the swelling!"

Dark night, Xu Yan back expression is dignified, he is driving in the street, is ready to go back to the villa.

All of a sudden, a black car came obliquely, he hit half the direction in an instant, only to avoid a disaster.

When he went to see it carefully, he found that the mahjong car had already passed him. He looked at it and was stunned. Holding the steering wheel in his hand, he couldn't help tightening it.

It's the car!

The same kind of car.

The secret guards of the presidential palace all drive cars of this brand, but the license plate number changes frequently.

Xu Yan stepped on the accelerator and quickly caught up. If he guessed correctly, the car was designed to attract him to chase.

He stepped on the gas pedal to the maximum, and the speed rose in an instant.

The car also drove very fast. He drove very fast. It was like a roller coaster if there was no car on the street.

Soon, the car turned to the mountain road, a dead corner, where the eye of heaven could not monitor!

He braked fast!

Xu Yanhui also brakes quickly!

Then, the car stopped!

No one came down from above!

Xu Yan back to the car and the balance of the position, but also watch its change!

About two minutes later, a message came from his mobile phone: come here!

Xu Yan back eyebrow a Cu, so arrogant tone, afraid is Su Yucheng!

He quietly, back to a message: since you come, don't always be a turtle!

There's another message coming back soon: it's useless for me!

Xu Yan did not return.

He doesn't get out of the car, just like that.

Two people did not move, the car parking position is side by side, intimate in general, but all the same do not open the door!