When Xiaoyi came back to the dormitory, everyone was there. When she came back, Luan Yushu dragged Xiaoyi“ Xiaoyi, are you back? "

"Are you all here? Why are you so enthusiastic? " Xiaoyi looks at her suspiciously, "what's the matter?"

"Come on," Luan Yushu dragged Xiaoyi to his computer desk, "look here!"

Xiaoyi looks in the direction of Luan Yushu's finger. What comes into view is the notebook on the desk, but the person on the screen is Xu Yanhui!

Xiaoyi was shocked, and her eyes fell on the screen. She saw Xu Yan in a suit and shoes, with a green face. This is a very ordinary photo, which seems to have been downloaded from the Internet. The picture below has been repaired.

"How's it going? Do you look good? " Asked Luan Yushu.

"What for?" Xiaoyi was a little surprised by Luan Yushu's action“ Do you use mayor Xu's photos as your desktop to ward off evil spirits? "

"Poof -" the whole dormitory laughed.

"Xiaoyi, you are so humorous!"

"Xiaoyi, I laugh to death! You actually said Mayor Xu ward off evil spirits! Ha ha ha

Seeing that everyone was laughing, Jane shrugged: "it is

As long as you think of his cold face, you can't help thinking of the word "ward off evil spirits"!

"Ha ha..." Luan Yushu laughed for a while and couldn't help asking, "what do you think?"

Xiaoyi frowned and looked at everyone again: "what do you think?"

"What do you think when you see mayor Xu, the national husband?"

Xiaoyi turns her eyes to Xu Yanhui on the screen. Her eyes are a little complicated. When she faces this face, her feelings are very complicated. The relationship between her and Xu Yanhui is very complicated. This man is the first man in her life. She once thought that she would give her best first love in her life, and always!

But the reality gave her a loud slap in the face. Instead of giving her first love to Qin Boyang, she gave it to Xu Yanhui by mistake. Thinking of this, she felt boundless emotion in her heart.

Soon, Xiaoyi took a look at everyone and found that everyone was looking at himself. Jiqian's big eyes were shining with the light of expectation, and there was a smile in them.

Xiaoyi is a little suspicious. They should not know their relationship with Xu Yanhui. Otherwise, Jiqian has already shown it!

She was a little relieved and said, "it can ward off evil spirits! Stick it on the door. It's better than master Zhong Kui to ward off evil spirits! "

"Ha ha -" Luan Yushu laughed again: "well, what if mayor Xu is your boyfriend? What do you think? "

Xiaoyi's heart clapped for a while, staring at Luan Yushu, is she testing herself?

"I mean if!" Luan Yushu didn't show that he knew everything. Instead, he was smiling and didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiaoyi shook his head: "never thought about it, if not!"

"As far as male sex is concerned, do you think you have an impulse to see mayor Xu like this?"

Xiaoyi looked at her suspiciously: "what impulse? Beating people? "

She saw that Xu Yanhui sometimes had an impulse to smoke him. For example, every time he spoke to her in a sarcastic tone, she really wanted to smoke him.

"Xiaoyi," Luan Yushu grabbed her shoulder and looked at her seriously: "you look at my eyes!"

Xiaoyi said to Luan Yushu's eyes

"Xiaoyi, when you see mayor Xu so handsome, do you have an impulse to take off your pants and jump on him?"

Xiaoyi was stunned, then recovered, reacted quickly, and said: "who wants to jump on it? Did you take the medicine? Do you have this impulse? "