Dubai hospital.

Many days have passed, and ye Junmo still has no sign of waking up. Bai Yu, who has always been calm, is manic. He can't let ah Jun abandon himself. It's time to do something.

"Ah Yi, get me the shock apparatus."

Ji she's eyes suddenly stare round, "Xiaobai, are you crazy? You want to play dead

Bai Yu, "rather than looking at him lying here, it's better to give him a good time."

These days, Bai Yu really feels that he is going to collapse. The man he knows is a man who is not afraid of everything, so powerful. Now I'm lying here motionless, looking at it chilling.

"No, it can't be like this." Ji is not careless at the critical moment. If something happens, it's not good for anyone.

Bai Yu clenched his teeth, "if you don't go, I'll go myself."

Bai Yu finished leaving the ward, Ji she can't stop Bai Yu, immediately call Mu Bei and Huo Dongcheng to come.

Did not expect that Bai Yu said to take, but also really brought the electric shock instrument.

Ji Yi quickly stops in front of Bai Yu, "Xiao Bai, calm down."

Bai Yu drinks, "ah Yi, get out of my way!"

Ji she would rather die than follow, "don't let."

Fortunately, Huo Dongcheng and Mu Bei got a call from Ji she and arrived in time.

Mu Bei rushed to him first and said, "ah Yu, you are always calm. What are you mad about today? "

Bai Yu, "yes, I'm crazy. Look what ah Jun looks like now. Can you just watch him not wake up and become a vegetable? "

The three of them were silent. Indeed, no one wanted to see ah Jun become a vegetable.

Bai Yu looked at ye Junmo and said, "it's better to be a living horse doctor than to continue like this."

Ji Yi, Mu Bei and Huo Dongcheng acquiesce to Bai Yu's method, because they take ye Junmo, who has never been awake, and there is no better way.

Bai Yu takes the electric shock instrument to walk toward ye Junmo. Ah Jun, I believe you will wake up. You are so powerful!

Bai Yu stands beside the hospital bed, seems to have made a great determination to lift the electric shock instrument, ready to press down.

Ye Junmo's fingers miraculously moved, but very slight movement. Huo Dongcheng blinked, reconfirmed that ye Junmo was still lying motionless, as if it was an illusion at first.

When Huo Dongcheng thought it was an illusion, ye Junmo's hand moved a few more times, which was much more powerful than the beginning.

Huo Dongcheng exclaimed in surprise, "ah Yu, wait. Jun, it seems to move. "

By his such a reminder, Bai Yu also found that ye Junmo really moved. Then ye Junmo's eyes turned a few times, and opened his eyes leisurely. The dark fundus was a familiar indifference.

Mo punch to throw away the instrument in the hand of white Yu.

Ye Junmo eat pain to cover the chest, "you want my life ah?"

Bai Yu, "do you know how bastard you are?"

Huo Dongcheng smile, "fortunately you wake up, otherwise a Yu will give you electric shock."

Mu Bei Pi Pi to hook lips, "in fact, I'm still looking forward to the scene that ah Jun was shocked."

Ji she, "as long as I knew everyone wanted to see it, I shouldn't have stopped Xiao Bai."

Ye Junmo looks at his brothers who care about him, and his lips bend slightly. They went through life and death together and had already established a deep friendship.

Ye Junmo suddenly thought of what, seriously grabbed eyebrows, "a Yu, wanting people?"

The four of them looked at each other. When ah Jun woke up, shouldn't he ask Yan'an? Now it's Zhao wanting. What's the situation?

Ye Junmo looked at them and asked nervously, "what happened to wanting?"

He then reproached himself and said, "I should stop wanting at first. I shouldn't let her lead the killer from the phantom alone."

The four of them are even more affected. When was Zhao wanting a new killer sent by the phantom? They were not on the yacht together. Zhao wanting in order to save ye Junmo, hurt the phantom.

When they arrived at the scene, the phantom couldn't bear the stimulation and chose to commit suicide Did they open it in the wrong way?

Ye Junmo looked at the silent four people and asked anxiously, "what do you say?"

Finally, Bai Yu was pushed to the front by the other three, responsible for reply, "she's OK."

Before making clear the situation, Bai Yu dare not say more.

"And where is she now?" Ye Junmo did not see Zhao wanting, there is no way to rest assured. Because Zhao wanting took risks for him.

As a man, he disdains to let women appear. Just Zhao wanting while he did not notice, a person rushed out. When he went after them, they were gone.

It's too late to catch up at last.

Zhao wanting, who is preparing to see ye Junmo, hears ye Junmo looking for her at the door of the room, and her heart is in full bloom. Quickly push the door, went in, "Jun, I'm here."With a smile, Zhao wanting walks to ye Junmo and naturally sits beside his bed.

Ye Junmo quickly reached out to hold her hand, "well, it's good to see that you're OK."

Bai Yu's eyes became dark, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Huo Dongcheng, Mu Bei and Ji Yu, you look at me, I look at you. What's going on now? Ah Jun finally wakes up. The first one to look for is Zhao wanting. What about Yan'an? Doesn't he care?

Doubts belong to doubts, but no one dares to say or ask. Because up to now, Yan'an has not been found. Ah Jun is seriously injured now. They don't want him to be stimulated any more.

Zhao wanting asked with concern, "ah Jun, is your wound still painful?"

Ye Junmo, "this little injury is nothing!"

Ye Junmo looked at his chest pain wound, slightly frown. He was obviously wounded by a knife. Why did he become a gunshot wound?

He always feels as if he has forgotten something very important, but he can't remember what it is?

Ye Junmo asked, "ah Yu, did the phantom come?"

Bai Yu frowned slightly and replied, "ah Jun, you just woke up. Don't think too much. Have a good rest. "

Ye Junmo nodded, "then you always pay attention to the movement of the phantom, and protect wanting well. She took ice and Fire Island for us, and the phantom will not let her go. "

White Yu black eyes a sink, this is six years ago a Jun encounter chase, injured scene. Does ah Jun's memory really stay six years ago?

"Anything else?" Ye Junmo doubts to stare at a side silent ground white Yu.

Bai Yu shook his head, "nothing, I know."

Bai Yu said to Huo Dongcheng, "Dongcheng, since ah Jun wakes up. You wait, remember to come and give him a general examination

Then he deliberately looked at Zhao wanting, who was holding ye Junmo's hand, and motioned to Huo Dongcheng.

Huo Dongcheng immediately understood, "yes, let's go out first. Ah Jun just woke up. He is still very weak. Let him have a good rest here! "

Huo Dongcheng by Ye Junmo just wake up need to rest, all people out of the ward, he is no exception.