But fortunately, he came in time and saved the woman.

Xiaobing leaned against him and whispered, "the known ending is different from this kind of thing."

"Why not?" Ming Xiao has a touch of interest in his eyes. He suddenly feels that the woman in his arms is special and attracts his attention again.

This time I ran here willfully, I couldn't bear her taste in bed, but now I am interested in her, I really think she is different from others.

Ming Xiao didn't describe how she was different, but he was curious about what she would say next.

Xiaobing is held in his arms by Ming Xiao and looks calm. "The chance of staying on the ship to survive is very small. If I must die, I want to be clean when I die, so I always wipe my blood, but now, you..."

Xiaobing looks up at Mingxiao. She sees a strong feeling in the man's eyes, She didn't dare to say any more.

"You say this kind of thing is different. What kind of difference is it?" Ming Xiao suddenly laughs badly, and then puts his hand under her. Xiaobing suddenly pinches his legs and exclaims, "ah --"

Seeing her startled reaction, Ming Xiao seemed very satisfied and leaned on the boat laughing.

Xiaobing's face is red, and her skin is as attractive as a red apple.

Ming Xiao tilted his head to see her, and did not reach out to hold her. He was afraid that he would take her on the ship if he could not help it.

Although he had never done such shameless things before, her shyness attracted his pity.

Ming Xiao endured the impulse, and when it was dark on an island, he carried Xiaobing into the tent.

It's still half a day's journey from here to Mingyue island. He and Tom Jerry will rest here for one night and go back to the island tomorrow.

As soon as the tent is pulled up, Ming Xiao can't wait to cover Xiaobing.

Xiaobing is trampled by a man. It's like a car accident. There are not so many tools in the tent for Ming Xiao to upset her, but the most primitive desire of a man is to make her collapse.

Ming Xiao tossed about in the middle of the night, just tired from her body down, lying to one side.

He reached out and pinched her softest place. He heard her emotional groan with satisfaction and then gave out a bad smile.

Xiaobing turns her back on Mingxiao. She seems to be angry. She thinks Mingxiao is just like a child now. She has bad taste and likes to make fun of her.

She was teased by him just now. Every time, it made her feel that way and screamed. Then Ming Xiao stopped from her and forced her to smile.

After a fierce attack, Ming Xiao probably had no strength to toss her, so he caught her in his arms and hugged her hard.

Xiaobing is quiet. Most of the time, Mingxiao thinks that this woman is too quiet, and she doesn't talk much, and she never quarrels with him.

But as soon as she spoke, she was always astonishing, which made him feel incredible.

As she said today, if she wants to die, she wants to die clean.

This is not like a young girl can say, she is not calm like a little girl.

It doesn't look like her face at all.

She must be a woman with a story!

Ming Xiao Bing's head will be pressed in the chest, there is not a moment to lift her hair, "Hello! Is there anyone else in your family? You went to school before you got caught? Or what are you doing? "

This is the first time that Ming Xiao talks with her calmly.

Xiaobing leaned in his arms, his voice sounded very calm, "Mom and dad are dead, I didn't finish my studies and went to work."

"So pathetic? How did your parents die? What are you doing at work? " Ming Xiao chatted like a big boy.

Xiaobing can feel that at this moment, his defense is not so deep.

If she takes out the knife in her arms now and stabs it into his heart, it will not be difficult.

Xiaobing took a deep breath, "my parents were killed, my job... Serving others."

"What did you say?" Ming Xiao pinches her chin, and a trace of anger appears in his eyes. He stares at Xiaobing, very angry.

Xiaobing lowers her head and has a sense of inferiority in her eyes.

Ming Xiao threw her away completely, and even had a desire to wipe her hands. How did he touch such a woman?

She did that kind of thing before him. She was slept by a man?Have you been slept by a lot of men?

cao !

How dare those who don't know how to send such a dirty woman to him?

I don't know if he has a habit of cleanliness in this respect!

Xiaobing see his reaction, there is a touch of injury in his eyes, tears gush out of his eyes.

Ming Xiao remembers that when he first met her, she shed blood, but he didn't expect that it was a patching film. The corner of his mouth curved sarcastically. "How many patching films have He patched before? It can still be used now! "

"I... only..." Xiaobing bit her lip, and it was hard to say.

"Only a few times?"

Ming Xiao's hand has touched the gun behind the pillow. He plans to shoot her when she says it!

Xiaobing lowered her head, a drop of tears from the corner of her eyes, fell on the legs of Ming Xiao, she said, "once."

"Once?" Ming Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly remembered that she had said before that her parents had been killed.

In other words, she was robbed and forced to do such a thing?

He has seen many such things, and he has done many evil things himself.

But from this woman's mouth, he suddenly felt that she was a poor woman.

He threw away the gun, grabbed Xiaobing's hair and carried her to his arms. His eyes were poisoned and said, "who is the man who got on you?"

Xiaobing's eyes are full of pain. It seems that she was 17 years old.

Ming Xiao pushed her into the room, tore her skirt, and killed her on her princess bed. Now... He doesn't remember her!


He forgot!

Still ask who she is, but she will never forget in her life!

Xiaobing tears, voice hoarse way: "I don't know who he is, he... Forced me, and then sold me."

Ming Xiao suddenly felt a burst of anger burning in his chest. He scolded fu.ck and immediately walked out of the tent.

When he comes back, with the cold of the night, the frozen Xiaobing shivers.

Ming Xiao stares at Xiaobing angrily, kicks her to a place far away from him, "go to sleep!"

His eyes are red. Naked dislike, look at her as if looking at a piece of garbage.

Xiaobing obediently holding the pillow, curled up in a corner of the tent, sleeping very quiet, did not make a sound.

This night, Ming Xiao is sleeping very uneasy, a heart more irritable!

The next day, he planned to leave Xiaobing on the island and let her die on her own.