The man cold mouth, "you have to perform the task, the risk factor is very high, the possibility of sacrifice is also very big, you know?"

This sound is produced by the voice changer.

But Yi Xiaozhu, in line with the attitude of completely obeying the orders of his superiors, nodded and seriously replied, "I know that I will finish the task at all costs!"

When you enter the special forces, you must have the consciousness to sacrifice for your country at any time.

It's the most dangerous place and the most honorable place.

The man with the voice changer pauses for a moment and says to her, "very good."

When he said this, he stopped for a moment, and his body overflowed with a gentle breath, which made Yi Xiaozhu have the illusion that he was Gu Shen.

Yi Xiaozhu subconsciously said, "Gu Shen?"

When she heard the man's step, she turned around and said, "when you enter the special forces, you have to forget your previous identity and who you were. Do you hear me clearly?"

Yi Xiaozhu's nervous system was tense, and his subconscious feet stood in a military posture, "yes! Sir

In the army, the commander's orders must be obeyed absolutely!

Since this person can come to instruct her, she must be her officer. She will listen to him and forget that she is Yi Xiaozhu!

Also forget... Gu Shen.

Yi Xiaozhu was sent to carry out the task, it is really dangerous, is ambush in an international arms smuggling Gang "fire phoenix" inside when undercover.

Yi Xiaozhu's strong personal ability makes her disguise easily. She comes to the boss of the smuggling gang and becomes his confidant in one year.

Huofenghuang is a very powerful arms smuggling group in the world. It has rich financial strength and a huge military weapons research base. Their existence has caused many countries to start a prairie fire, and even the domestic unrest can not do without their credit.

Yi Xiaozhu's task is to cooperate with the army to catch up with the smuggling group!

Fortunately, she was very successful in camouflage as an international mercenary.

Yi Han is her direct supervisor, and has direct guidance for her. A year later, Yi Xiaozhu has successfully entered the core of the group. Ming Xiao, the leader of the smuggling group, trusts her very much and has begun to take her in and out of her hometown, an archipelago in the border waters of M country.

Ming Xiao is cunning and has no fixed place to live in, but it's very difficult to catch him because he's hidden in the sea and has a very keen insight. Yi Han had arrested him before, which not only caused heavy losses, but also was ridiculed by Ming Xiao, saying that they were a group of waste.

So Yi Han changed his tactics this time, and let Yi Xiaozhu come undercover. Yi Xiaozhu has been with Ming Xiao for more than a year, and he has a deep understanding of him.

Ming Xiao is a mixture of Chinese and Russian. He has the strong physique of the fighting nation. He also has the typical handsome appearance of Asian men. He has handsome facial features, which are carefully carved by God.

He is also very smart. When he should keep a low profile, he can be seen in the international news every day. However, many countries have sent special operations forces to catch him. He has been whipped one by one to teach him lessons, and all of them have been beaten back, with heavy losses.

Even Yu Hao, the current president of the f country, did not catch him when he went out to catch him. He was also injured.

So this time, Yi Han and Yi Xiaozhu were very careful.

Yi Xiaozhu, now a pseudonym of Yi Zhu, is often taken by Ming Xiao, but it's only the second time that he brings back the moon island where he lives.

It can be seen how defensive Ming Xiao is and how careful he is.

But once you get his trust, you'll get his importance.

For example, around Ming Xiao, there are two bodyguards who follow him all the year round. The two big men are named Tom and Jerry by him respectively.

For a long time, Yi Xiaozhu felt that Ming Xiao was a criminal leader with evil taste, but it turned out that Ming Xiao did have a lot of evil taste.

For example, tomorrow he is going to meet an arms research expert who has spent a lot of money. He asked Yi Xiaozhu to dress up a little more beautiful and seduce him first.

For this task, Yi Xiaozhu is adamant, righteous refusal, "boss, I don't go!"

In front of Ming Xiao, she did not hide her character and temper, otherwise it would be too easy for him to find out.

On the beach side reclining chair of the island, Ming Xiao wears a suit of pretending, and his shorts are very coquettish flower underpants. When he smiles, his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose tremble a little. "Yi, you are a woman. Although you are often used as a man, I ask you to face up to your sex, OK?"Yi Xiaozhu bites her teeth. It's not the first time for her to be the cheapest of Ming Xiao. She wants to beat him!

Ming Xiao looked at her clenched hand, bit the straw of ice drink, and laughed defiantly, "look! You still want to hit me? It's not my opponent, and you can't fight with me. It's useless! "

Behind the owl, Tom, a strong man with a machine gun, laughed, "that's it! Boss, Yi always thinks that she is more powerful than men, but she is such a thin woman. "

Yi Xiaozhu stared at Tom with a cold voice. "If I remember correctly, you were thrown into the sea three times by me in the last fight!"

Next to Tom, a skinny but paralyzed Jerry, with a sharp voice, sneered at Tom and said, "I can't measure myself."

Tom, a rough man, who was more than one meter eight, blushed instantly. He pointed at Yi Xiaozhu with a machine gun and said, "you have the ability... You can compete with me again!"

Ming Xiao waved his hand, moved the muzzle of the machine gun to one side, ridiculed him: "how many times, you can't beat her! They are small and have good brains! Rubbish

Tom was scolded with a red face and kept bowing his head. In his heart, he had already scolded Yi Xiaozhu 800 times.

But let Yi Xiaozhu dress up beautiful to seduce the military expert's task, Ming Xiao after the order does not intend to withdraw.

Jerry looked up and down at Yi Xiaozhu and said sympathetically, "I'm afraid Yi can't even wear a skirt. If you add high-heeled shoes, it's very likely that he will step on the skirt and fall in front of other experts."

Ming Xiao is holding the ice drink, biting the habit leader, as if he saw some great business opportunity, "this is just right! Throw yourself in the arms! Maybe the expert was seduced by her! And then sell his R & D achievements to me directly, and develop them together. "

Ming Xiao attaches great importance to the arrival of this expert. The newly developed weapon in his hand is ten times more lethal than the one in his hand. It took Ming Xiao a lot of money before others agreed to talk to him.

Besides, the person with ability has a strange temper. This man is like Ming Xiao, and he is also a strange guy!

There are all kinds of quirks. Ming Xiao has contacted him several times, and every time he comes back, he says that if this man wasn't useful, he would have shot him in the head.

But Ming Xiao sends Yi Xiaozhu to seduce him. Yi Xiaozhu thinks Ming Xiao is the most abnormal one!

And she is not qualified to resist Ming Xiao's orders. In order to make her look like a woman, Ming Xiao specially takes a girl who is the most beautiful and knows how to dress up from the woman he has slept with and calls Xiaobing to teach her how to dress up.

Yi Xiaozhu followed Ming Xiao for a year. He was very strong. Unlike a delicate girl, his skin was also healthy and wheat colored. He had short black hair and was very smart and crisp.

When Xiaobing receives the task of Ming Xiao to dress Yi Xiaozhu up as a goblin who can seduce a man, she has a headache.

She tried to tell Ming Xiao that the task was too arduous for her to finish.

But Ming Xiao put his arms around her small waist, bit her soft earlobe and laughed in her ear, "if I can't, I'll cut off your leg."

Xiaobing's blood coagulates, and she doesn't dare to resist his orders any more. She knows that Mingxiao is a devil, or a laughing devil. He always does the most cruel things with a smile.

The woman who didn't listen to him before and tried to escape from him was caught by him and left to his men for three days and three nights. Then he released half of her blood and threw it into his shark pond to feed the shark.

She listened to the woman's fierce cry and watched her be torn and divided by the shark. From a complete person, she became a shark's belly meal.

She was tortured to death.

Ming Xiao will always use the most cruel way to punish those who have any different intentions or disobey him.

So Xiaobing didn't dare to resist him at all. She thought hard for several days before she picked out a dark blue dress for Yi Xiaozhu. Her upper body was loose, but her waist was tight. She gave full play to Yi Xiaozhu's advantages and made her waist thin.

The dark blue color fits her skin color. Xiaobing helps her make-up. As for shoes

Xiaobing is very considerate of Yi Xiaozhu and gives her a pair of high-heeled shoes with sloping heels. Even if it's difficult to wear them, they won't fall down on foot, fall into the arms of experts and deliberately seduce her.

The next morning, Yi Xiaozhu appeared in front of Ming Xiao and his two bodyguards dressed up like this. When Ming Xiao saw her, he gushed out a mouthful of ice drink and laughed.

Behind him, Tom smiles like a retarded man.

Only Jerry was calm at any time, but boasted, "Miss Xiaobing is really beautiful and good at dressing."A woman man threw into her hand, two days time, also changed a little bit goddess style.

Although it's just a little bit, it's not easy for Yi Xiaozhu.

Yi Xiaozhu stood behind Ming Xiao and watched the helicopter with experts hovering down. She was still struggling to ask Ming Xiao, "you have so many beautiful women, why do you want me to perform this kind of task?"

She thinks it must be Ming Xiao's evil taste. Ming Xiao likes to toss his men!

This is his behavior, very annoying, and a huge bad taste!

Ming Xiao tidied up today, dressed more like a boss, with a lollipop in his mouth, glanced back at Yi Xiaozhu, "are you a woman?"