Chapter 3933


Qiao Jin packed all the things at home. Fortunately, she didn't come back for long. There weren't many things.

She didn't intend to move to a new house.

However, considering that the new house has a first-class school district, and it is very close to the primary school and junior high school to be attended in the future, which is very convenient for primary one education, Qiao Jin compromised.

He Xing Jane said she would help move today.

Qin Tianlan couldn't make it because she was on a business trip, so she had to wait until she moved out and come back to celebrate.

"Xiao Yi, have you packed your things?"

Xiaoyi took his small suitcase, packed his toys and said, "it'll be fine soon! You can rest assured that it will be sorted out before your uncle comes! "

"Then I'll take some things down and put them in the car. You clean up first." Qiao Jin carried two suitcases.

"OK, make sure you finish the task!" Xiaoyi saluted obediently.

Qiao Jin was so amused by him that she closed the door and went downstairs.


Xiao Yi quickly packed the suitcase and checked that there were no missing toys at home. Then he happily sat on the sofa, ate fruit and waited for Qiao Jin to go upstairs.

When he heard the doorbell, Xiao Yi ran towards the door with short legs and asked, "who is it?"

This is taught by mommy. No matter who knocks, you should first ask the identity of others and don't open the door to strangers.

"Xiao Yi, I'm my uncle."

Xiaoyi happily opened the door: "uncle!"

He Xingjian reached out and picked him up: "I'm quite aware of safety. Who taught you? "

"Mommy!" Xiaoyi said proudly.

"Where is she?" He Xing Jane didn't see anyone and sat on the sofa with Xiaoyi in her arms.

"Take your luggage downstairs and say you'll be back soon."

"Let's wait."

"Uncle, watch cartoons with me!" A little smaller opened his favorite cartoon and pushed the fruit in front of he Xingjian, "Uncle eats fruit!"

Why, Jane can't help feeling it. If only it were the son of big brother and little sister Qiao.

However, if the junior one is really the son of the eldest brother, I'm afraid he won't be so good. It's certainly impossible for the eldest brother to give birth to such a clever and lovely son.

They ate fruit while watching TV. They were amused by the animation plot and burst into laughter.

After watching TV, the fruit was almost the same. He Xing Jane was a little strange: "Hey, why hasn't my sister come up yet?"

Xiaoyi also began to be strange. He ordered his telephone watch and said, "call Mommy."

"Calling mommy for you."

"Sorry, the subscriber you are calling cannot be connected for the time being. Please redial later."

"Call Mommy." Xiaoyi said again.

"Calling mommy for you."

"Sorry, the subscriber you are calling cannot be connected for the time being. Please redial later."

What does he look at, Jane.

"I'll come." He Xingjian dials Qiao Jin's number with her mobile phone.

The response was also unreachable.

He Xingjian picked up the worried little one: "let's go downstairs first. Maybe the signal of the underground parking lot is bad. "

They came to the underground parking lot and found Qiao Jin's parking space.

The doors of both cars were closed and there was no figure of Qiao Jin.

He Xingjian took out her mobile phone and saw that her mobile phone had a signal.

He called Qin Tianlan first.

"I'm away on business. I can't help Qiao Jin move today. OK, Jane, I'll give it to you!"