Chapter 3919

Han Dong hung up before Qiao Jin refused.

Qiao Jin's mobile phone rang and came in with the location details of Han Dongfa.

She returned to the table with her cell phone.

"Who?" Qin Tianlan asked.

"Han Dong."

Qin Tianlan and Jiang yuche both know who Han Dong is.

"He's looking for you..."

"Han Dong said he Xiasheng was drunk and unconscious. Let me go there." Qiao Jin said lightly, "I suggest he go straight to the doctor."

"Shall I ask my assistant to take you there?" Jiang yuche spoke quietly.

Qin Tianlan was anxious to pinch his neck. How could he send Qiao Jin to his competitors like this?

Jiang yuche just smiled gently. He never thought such a small thing was worth paying more attention to.

"I can't go." Qiao Jin put down her cell phone and picked up her glass. "Why are you looking at me like this? Can you eat and drink well? "

"In that case, keep drinking." Jiang yuche then picked up the wine glass.

"No, I won't go there. Someone wants to go there." Qiao Jin immediately forwarded the location and hotel room to Xie Lu's assistant.

She doesn't have Xie Lu's contact information, but she was added to wechat by Xie Lu's assistant last time.

"What is this?" The assistant replied immediately.

Qiao Jin: where President he is now, I heard he was drunk. Aren't you an employee of sunrise group? You find a way to arrange the people who take care of him.

The assistant didn't respond immediately.

But Qiao Jin knows that she must tell Xie Lu when she receives such news.

It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. Anyway, Qiao Jin doesn't mind.


After Han Dong called, he looked back and saw he Xiasheng unscrewing a bottle of water and drinking slowly?

"He, Mr. He... I just called Miss Qiao."


He Xiasheng looked appreciative.

Han Dong suddenly felt that he had been regarded as a tool man. He had known he Zong for so long. Didn't he find his acting skills so good?

I have such a strong understanding that I won't be able to go to Africa unless I get a promotion and a raise.

"Then I'll go first?"

"Let's go."

Han Dong left and closed the door. Afraid that Qiao Jin couldn't find a place, he specially explained to the front desk: "a young lady will come to room 1108 later. If she asks you for a room card, please give her this spare room card."

He Xiasheng sat in the room with only a dim lamp.

He looked downstairs, reached for the red wine bottle and poured a full glass.

The strong and mellow wine smell diffuses in the air little by little, mixed with the hot air coming in from the window, and the taste is more complex and obvious.

It's not authentic to cheat Qiao Jin in this way, but this may be the best way now.

I don't know how long later, he heard footsteps at the door.

Put down the glass and he Xiasheng looked at the door.

The woman who came in obviously didn't expect that the door was open. The room card in her hand was not used at all.

She pushed the door in directly, and the perfume on her body broke into the room.

Then she appeared in front of he Xiasheng in a high fork cheongsam and a slim figure.

"He Zong?"

"Is that you?"

"I heard that President he was drunk and needed to be taken care of, so..." Xie Lu was surprised. He Xiasheng was indeed drunk, but he was not drunk.

Some of her thoughts were bound to fail under such circumstances.

A faint disappointment came from my heart.