Chapter 3870

The car suddenly stopped. Qiao Jin saw that it was at the door of a drugstore.

"Don't you mean going to dinner?" She was a little surprised.

"I have a cold. Go buy some medicine."

Qiao Jin snorted and whispered, "why didn't you die of a cold."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing. I said I should drink more water when I have a cold."

"Xia Sheng will look at her deeply."

Qiao Jin smiled, but scolded him a hundred times from the bottom of her heart.

While he Xiasheng went to buy cold medicine, Qiao Jin also took the time to buy alcohol and band aids and took it back to the car.

After handling the wound on his foot and sticking the band aid, he saw he Xiasheng slowly coming out of the drugstore.

He Xiasheng chose a restaurant with elegant environment.

This is in line with his consistent temperament. He doesn't like to be disturbed by others and pays great attention to privacy.

I can see that he is a regular here.

Seeing that there was dust on him and Qiao Jin, the waiter naturally took their coats and took them out to clean up.

After the tea was delivered, he Xiasheng waved back the waiter and didn't let her stay to continue the service.

Qiao Jin saw that it meant to pour her own tea.

In other words, a long time ago, she wanted it. She cherished getting along with him alone and was happy to do anything for him.

But now she just wanted to lift the teapot and hit him on the head.

But thinking about the reality, Qiao Jin still removed the fantasy picture in her mind. It's not necessary, it's not necessary.

Anyway, just take care of him as a normal Party A.

It is the industry consensus that people of Party A are always difficult to serve.

It's just pouring tea. It's not going to sleep with you.

Qiao Jin thought of this and reached for the teapot.

He Xiasheng picked up the teapot first, poured two cups of tea naturally, and handed one cup to her.

It surprised Qiao Jin.

"What? Afraid of my poisoning? " He Xiasheng asked faintly when he saw her holding a tea cup and looking incredulous.

"No, I'm a little uneasy because I'm always bothered. Afraid to go back and be approved by the company's boss. "

He Xiasheng looked indifferent: "do you just think I'm Party A?"

"Otherwise?" Qiao Jin took a sip from her tea cup.

He Xiasheng was a little stuffy for a moment.

The air conditioner in the private room is turned on to a cool and breathable temperature. The whole environment is very comfortable, but I always feel a trace of unspeakable irritability.

If it weren't for Mingxi's design and trying to get the list of Xuri group, Qiao Jin might not meet him in private at all.

Qiao Jin put down her tea cup with a professional smile on her face: "Mr. He, didn't you say there was still work to be instructed? If there's anything you want to warn us, please don't hesitate to open your mouth. We will try our best to do what we can do, and we will try our best to do what we can't do. "

He Xiasheng drank a cup of tea and said faintly, "it's not so easy to get this list."

"I understand. After all, several companies want to take this list."

The competition is still strong.

Qiao Jin only hopes that he will not be personal. Because of his own existence, he will take the lead in giving up Mingxi design.

Mingxi's design qualification is good. Compared with those companies, it has the strength of a war.

"So I hope you'd better be on call 24 hours a day."