Chapter 3827

When he Yixia left the studio, it was already more than 11 p.m. and Elle asked her to come again the next day.

Although very tired, he Yixia is full of joy and joy.

The preparation of the wedding has been in such a tense and orderly process.

Seeing the wedding approaching, Minister Song, Mrs song and Shen Yu'an all arranged their work urgently one month before the wedding, so that they could make time later.

Heard that he Yixia was getting married, he's father called her twice.

He Yixia was busy and didn't receive it.

After seeing he Fu's missed call, she thought for a long time and still didn't call back.

She does not deny that he's father and mother have taken care of themselves and loved themselves, but their love is based on selfish and narrow feelings.

She can't think much. The more she thinks about it, the more difficult she will feel.

So it's good to go like this.

He Fu originally wanted to send a red envelope, but the phone couldn't get through, so he knew that he Yixia didn't want to answer his phone or contact himself.

He slumped in his chair and sighed.

Song Encheng said with a flat mouth: "what's the use of looking for her? Do you really think she will pay attention to you? You don't think about what you do. "

He Fu doesn't speak.

Song Encheng looked down on him more and more. She didn't even know how to refute him. She said, "if you had really done things for me and for he Yixia, you shouldn't have done those messy things to let people find our true identity. You've been hiding the past for so many years, but it's stupid to make those things at that time! "

"En Cheng, we also do it for you..."

"For my good?" Every time song Encheng mentioned this, he would fall into madness, "are you for my good? For my good, you shouldn't have given birth to me to make me suffer! You shouldn't let people find my identity and let me lose everything! I'd rather you were dead long ago. It's better! "

He Fu hugged his head and didn't know what to say.

Is this his daughter who has been desperately protecting all his life?

Is that what he wants?

He didn't know.

Just know, I'm more and more sorry, he Yixia.

But everything is irreparable.

Song Encheng came to him and took out his wallet. There were only two hundred yuan bills in it, and the rest were bits and pieces of money.

She hated it, but she took it.

Accustomed to the life of rich clothes and fine food, she has long been unable to live by herself. She didn't work hard for a day in the Song family. Of course, she doesn't want to work hard now.

Last time I went to find a translation job. Although the salary was considerable, the job was really complicated. Song Encheng refused to go after a week.

Fortunately, Mrs. song used to supplement her from time to time, but after recognizing her essence, Mrs. song no longer gave her money.

She has sold one of the two houses she got from Mrs. song, the head of the Ministry of song, for her own expenses.

The rest could not be sold, so she had to find he Fu to spend the money.

Her life is getting worse day by day, but what can she do? She just doesn't want to suffer and just wants to spend money.

She opened the door and went out. Unexpectedly, Xu Meiyi was blocked at the door.

It's too late for her to avoid Xu Meiyi.

"Song Encheng, give me back the things I gave you a few times before. I won't bother you any more." Xu Meiyi also looked haggard.

The Xu family's project went wrong again and again. Her father was in trouble, and so was she.

"When did I receive your things? Don't talk nonsense." Song Encheng immediately denied.

Xu Meiyi's nose smoked with anger. "I've come to you five times. Every time I give you something, it's worth more than 100000! That adds up to nearly a million. I don't want you to have more than half a million, do you? Or, you give me back those famous brand bags! "

Xu Meiyi used to spend a lot of money, but now she can't make ends meet. The Xu family's company has been losing money, and she has long been going to live a frugal life.

More importantly, she really can't swallow it!

Song Encheng had been kicked out by the Song family for a long time. She accepted her things with a frank face every time. Originally, Xu Meiyi thought she could take this to ask Minister Song for help.

Now I know I've been cheated!

On no account can she tolerate such a thing!

How could song Encheng spit out what he had eaten?

In the past, when she was at the Song family, many people flattered her and sent her all kinds of things. Minister Song and Mrs. song were not allowed to accept her every time. She was really uncomfortable.

She secretly received it, and Mrs. song must ask her to return it.

After moving out, under the banner of minister Song, she received a soft hand and finally enjoyed a happy life.

But it doesn't last long. Now her fraud has been exposed, and no one gives her anything anymore. Xu Meiyi wants her to return. How can this work?

"If you don't give it back to me, I'll call the police!" Xu Meiyi was extremely angry.

Song Encheng turned his eyes and said, "Why are you so angry? It's not that I can't help you. "

"How else can you help?"

Song Encheng immediately called Mrs. song, told her she was ill and asked her to get some money for herself.

Mrs. song thought for a moment and transferred 30000 yuan to her later.

Xu Meiyi was stunned.

Song Encheng raised his mobile phone and said, "see? After all, I have lived in the Song family for more than 20 years. Anyway, my parents and I have feelings. As long as I want, I can go back at any time. My parents will still give me money. "

Xu Meiyi had to believe it.

Indeed, the feelings of more than 20 years can't be lost without a word or two.

Song Encheng could still speak in front of minister song no matter what.

Xu Meiyi asked, "can you ask Minister Song to help me? Our family's project can come back to life as long as he does it in one word. "

"Help, it's not impossible. It depends on what you have to pay. "

"I've given you a lot of things."

Song Encheng smiled and said, "what are those? I have plenty of them. But there's someone I hate. If you can tie her up and let me vent, I can consider helping you. "

"You mean he Yixia?" Xu Meiyi felt a chill.

In order to offend he Yixia, song Encheng dared not think so.

Wouldn't that offend Minister Song even worse?

"It's not like you're afraid to kill her." Song Encheng said, "you go and tie her up. Just intimidate her. I can help you. I won't really hurt her. There won't be any problem."