Chapter 3509

"That's my husband." Shen Muhan sneered. In that case, why did he keep calling his name that night?

What an amorous woman!

Xia Jiu thought the man was really strange. He always spoke in a tone that he owed him money.

But now he asked, Xia Jiu didn't want to make it too stiff, so he said faintly, "my son."

As soon as she said this, she felt the atmosphere in the whole room and suddenly relaxed.

Even the assistant around Shen Muhan showed a relieved look for some reason.

Xia Jiu frowned slightly, but remembered that Mr. Mu himself also had a son and a daughter. Although he was strange and very difficult to contact, he should also have feelings for children.

She might as well play an emotion card and say, "my son is very good. He is about the same age as little ten or eleven. He has a good temperament."

When she mentioned the child, her eyebrows and eyes were extremely gentle.

Shen Muhan's eyes moved on her face. A moment later, he asked, "what's the child's name?"

"Shen Sihan." Xia Jiu didn't set up a defense. "He's in the Dragon Empire and lives with his father's family. Next time I have a chance, I'll take him to find Xiaoshi Xiaoxi."

Xia jiuti's ten small eleven also hopes that he can see this and give himself a chance.

Of course, it's best not to think about the night after drinking. She would rather play one or two emotion cards than be forced to play men's and women's emotion cards.

Jianghu is not easy, Xia Jiu sighs online.

After she finished, she found that Shen Muhan pursed his lips and didn't speak for a long time.

When Shen Muhan heard Shen Sihan's three words, the barriers that had been shaking in his heart almost collapsed. She asked their child to be surnamed Shen.

And it's called Sihan.

Si Han.

He always thought that when he died, she might be sad, but all the rest were happy. After all, he didn't need to try to escape, and he couldn't confine her anymore.

However, that night, she kept crying and calling his name, from beginning to end.

Now, he learned that his son's name was Shen Sihan.

His heart was suddenly filled with emotions and swelled with pain.

"Mr. mu?" Xia Jiu also found his look very abnormal, "Mr. mu, are you okay?"

"I......" Shen Muhan's heart surged, and finally forced it down. "Xia Jiu, I asked lawyer CAI to take your case."

"Yes? Thank you very much, Mr. Mu! " Xia Jiu was very happy, "thank you!"

"I'll have the contract sent to your house." Shen Muhan said, "leave the address."

Xia Jiu nodded hurriedly and took out his mobile phone: "I'll add your contact information and give it to you."

"I have yours..." Feng Ying hurriedly opened his mouth. He knew that the little Lord didn't like Xia Jiu to add his contact information.

Before he finished speaking, Shen Muhan remembered the eye knife, and Feng Ying found that he was wrong again, and the young Lord began to lose steel again.

Xia Jiu added his wechat. He didn't send anything in his circle of friends, and his name was very simple, just an M.

Xia Jiu sent him the address: "then I'll wait for Mr. Mu's good news. Thank you."

Sure enough, it's still useful to play family cards. Xia Jiu thought that he should have played it earlier.

Xia Jiu is very happy to solve this matter.

Finally, a major event has been settled.

In the evening, Cai Jinde asked her for an electronic file. According to the file, he asked her for supplementary information in all aspects.

Xia Jiu said everything he knew.

However, Cai Jinde still has a lot of doubts, because Xia Jiu didn't personally experience it after all. Although she found someone to find out the truth, the details are thousands of miles away from those mastered by the police.

Cai Jinde reported to Shen Muhan: "therefore, I still need to meet some clients around AI Jinsi and return home to find some clients of the Xia family to understand more information."

"Are these enough?" Shen Muhan took out a file and put it in front of CAI Jinde.

Cai Jinde took it over and looked through it. He was very surprised: "Mr. mu, you really have foresight. You have collected all these. I admire you!"

Wind shadow belly Fei: "what did the little Lord secretly do for Xia Jiu?"

Shen Muhan lowered his eyes and looked at the file at will. He handled this case countless times, which can be said to be clearer than the party himself.

She asked him to hide the truth and cooperate with her company.

In order to be afraid of Xia Jiu's sadness, Shen Muhan doesn't want her to leave herself and go to take refuge in AI Jinsi, so he deliberately conceals Xia Jiu's truth.

He is familiar with every detail of the case.

"If you have any questions in the future, you can ask me."

"Yes, Mr. mu." Cai Jinde should come down. It's strange that he knows the case like the back of his hand.

However, successful business people have always been outstanding. Cai Jinde is not surprised that Mr. mu, as a man of honor, has such ability.

Naturally, other people in the aijinsi family also asked Xia Jiuyou to give up the prosecution.

Xia Jiu was too lazy to respond to them.

At this point, Xia Jiu can't decide whether to sue or not.

Since such transnational criminal cases have alerted the police, the procedures naturally have to go far enough.

With the participation of CAI Jinde's team, the lawyer team over there can't fool people so easily.

all is quiet at dead of night.

Only the neon of big cities still shines on the sky, printing a beautiful color in the dark sky.

Shen Muhan opened his cell phone and looked at Xia Jiu's circle of friends again.

Her circle of friends is very simple. She only occasionally sends some beautiful things about finished design drawings and negative photos of children.

It can be seen that her life in recent years is very simple and low-key.

However, on his birthday and "death day", she would send a pure black picture, which could not hide her sadness and panic.

Shen Muhan holds his mobile phone, looks at Sihan's photos again and again, and thinks of the way she speaks with a soft voice around her.

Xia Jiu, if you do it again, will you still want to leave?

Only because of my death, will you be so sad, or if I live, will you still choose to stay away?

Shen Muhan clenched his cell phone.


Xia Jiu received a wechat from "Mr. Mu" and said, "contract to find someone to send it to your home. You just need to sign. "

"OK, thank you, Mr. mu." Xia jiuying said.

She thought that it must be the lawyer who sent things and might have to explain the legal provisions to herself, so she took off her home clothes and chose to go out and put on her clothes.

Soon there was a knock at the door.

Xia Jiu hurriedly opened the door and looked down. She saw the man sitting in the wheelchair.