Chapter 3345

Fang Minghao stood up and said, "everyone, Xia Fen is young and ignorant. She said some inappropriate words. As her future brother-in-law, I apologize for her. The treasures of human civilization have never been measured by money. Relics such as Ms. Gong Enzi are respected by us, and we only bid if we want to study and observe them.

In particular, my fiancee Xia Rumeng is an excellent designer. Now she has won the kindness of the National Garment Association and joined the association. I intend to take Gong Enzi's design and give it to my fiancee. First, to celebrate her joining the association, second, to celebrate that she has been recommended by the Association and will participate in the garment design competition in Paris, and third, to encourage her on the road of art design in the future, Take a longer and broader path.

Therefore, we respect Ms. Gong Enzi's design and her charitable feelings. We auction this design because of this mood. I hope you will not be prejudiced against us because of this small episode. "

He spoke with awe inspiring righteousness. He not only explained and reversed the improper parts of what Xia Fen said just now, but also let the whole audience hear how excellent Xia Rumeng is and qualified to join the club. Now he is going to auction Ms. Gong Enzi's works for study, and even go to the fashion design competition in Paris.

Xia Jiu smiled coldly. He is worthy of being a lawyer. His ability to release information is perfect.

Fang Minghao finished, raised his hand and said, "so I'll pay three million for this design."

He is full of confidence and wants to get things. This can also make others never bid again.


"Ten million." Xia Jiu opens his mouth.

The crowd burst out a burst of discussion on the spot: "Xia Jiu pays 10 million? Is she really the other Minghao... "

"I remember. One of my colleagues from Jingyuan University said earlier that the two sisters were making a fuss over a man. Isn't it true?"

"It seems that the two sisters had a big fight last time because of Mrs. Gao's clothes?"

"What Xia Fen just said is true?"

Sitting aside, Shen Muhan didn't say anything, but Xia Jiu felt that he seemed to come back from the South Pole. His whole body was frozen. The next second, it would freeze on her.

Xia Jiu said with a smile, "don't get me wrong. I also admire Ms. Gong Enzi very much. I also want to fulfill her old man's last wish and do more charity. I just met such an opportunity. Is charity involved in other things? "

After these words came out, someone's momentum obviously had to restrain a lot.

Shen Ye turns her arm: "little sister, don't you think it's really a little expensive?"

"I don't think so. What are the advantages and disadvantages of charity? " Xia Jiuyi smiled. Besides, who let Xia Fen deliberately bid and let herself buy a high price pin.

One report for another, come on, hurt each other, see who suffers more.

Fang Minghao had a black face: "twelve million."

Xia Rumeng's face is getting dark. Fang Minghao just let him go out. If he can't get something to celebrate, what's the significance of tonight's auction?

Xia Jiu! Why do you have to fight yourself!

"20 million!" Xia Jiu's bidding method is almost the same as Xia Fen just now.

However, Xia Fen's price is not too high after all. It's outrageous, and it's still within the scope of people's understanding.

Now Xia Jiu has an eight digit fare increase, which is terrible!

Also said she didn't fight Fang Minghao! The people did not believe.

Xia Rumeng takes a look at Fang Minghao and wants to stop, but he doesn't want to lose the good opportunity to put gold on his face tonight.

Her wronged eyes hurt Fang Minghao. Seeing that Xia Jiu didn't give himself face in public, he was really angry: "22 million!"

"Thirty million!"

Xia Jiu's voice has a nasal sound, like a lazy cat. There is a feeling that he doesn't send the on-site things in his heart at all. He lifts heavy as light.

Fang Minghao's budget has been greatly exceeded, but in this way, he is unwilling to take a look at Xia Rumeng. This time, he added a cruel: "35 million!"

Xia Jiu took the finger of the brand and moved. If he wanted to lift it or not, Xia Rumeng's heart was mentioned to his throat.

Fang Minghao's face is also darker. If Xia Jiu really increases the price, he may have to give up.

This money has far exceeded expectations. What's wrong with it?

Now he is a little regretful. He shouldn't have made those words that were too righteous and said his determination to win. Just because of those words, if he gave up early, it would be too slapping in the face.

Now I have to hold on.

Seeing Xia Jiu's fingers moving slowly, he bit his teeth and restrained himself.

Xia Jiu thought for a while, and then slowly said, "Oh, I accidentally made 35 million. Oh, forget it. This money is too much. I'm afraid I can't earn it back if I engage in design all my life. Even if I want to do charity, I still have to consider my own life. Then, forget it. Take it. "

Xia Rumeng was so angry that it was obviously ironic that she couldn't earn so much money even if she got the design.

But Fang Minghao's heroic words before... Now he has to suffer.

Everyone knows that Fang Minghao lost a lot this time.

But think about it carefully. It seems that Xia Jiu is right. Didn't Xia Fen provoke Xia Jiu just now?

Xia Jiu can at most treat him in his own way?

Fang Minghao's face was unhappy, and Xia Rumeng also regretted and distressed. However, on the other hand, Fang Minghao fought with Xia jiudou like this for himself, which shows that he values himself and loves him.

When she thought about it like this, she was very angry and said gently, "Minghao, thank you very much. With your care, I will join the fashion design association this time, and I will move towards a better peak in the future. thank you! thank you! I love you! "

Her words changed from tenderness to eagerness, and finally managed to calm Fang Minghao's inner depression.

Next, there is the auction of some other items. Because there are no troublemakers, the next auction is basically the normal process, and the auction price is also within a reasonable range.

As a result, the whole audience was somewhat more dull and less lively.


When the host introduced the final auction, the whole venue began to warm up again.

"The next item to be auctioned is the fairy skirt left by Ms. Gong Enzi!" The host is concise and comprehensive, but it's hard to hide his excitement.