Chapter 3141

Su Mi's love reality show this time is called "moving you", which is already the third season. Each season invites either husband and wife or lovers. Although it is not popular, each pair who has participated in the program also has more names than before.

The program group doesn't want the program to continue to be so calm. It wants to do something big. It doesn't want to have a name, but to be popular. It needs to be remembered as soon as it is mentioned and the degree of topic. That's why it chose Su Mi this time.

But at the meeting, they all had the same idea: "I'm afraid Sumi and her husband won't accept cooperation."

"I think Su Mi might want to, but what is Chu Zhuohang's identity? How can a man like him cooperate? "

"Have you ever thought about how you're going to pay the announcement fee if Chu Zhuohang agrees?"

People suddenly realized and said in one voice, "we can't afford it!"

"But what if someone comes?"

People: "

"Gather together, as long as Chu Zhuo hang comes, our sponsorship fee will not be less."

"Yes, as long as he can come and the price is not unreasonable, the advertising fee will certainly soar. How can we still lose?"

"But... How do you know if his price will be outrageous?"

While everyone was having a heated discussion, a phone call from sister Cao came.

Everyone gathered around the phone and guessed whether sister Cao accepted it or not?

"I bet. I think Chu Zhuohang must refuse!"

"Well, I also choose to refuse!"

"I choose to accept it. Su Mi must want to take this opportunity to show her love. Chu Zhuohang should cooperate with her. After all, it depends on the two children."

"Answer the phone quickly. If you don't answer, you'll lose all opportunities."

The planner reached for the phone.

Sister Cao's voice sounded on the phone: "Hello, Zhong planning. Su MI and Chu Zhuohang agreed to come to the heart of you to record this program. Can we talk in detail?"

"Well, well, absolutely. Then we can talk about the announcement fee from President Chu alone. " After all, this is the top priority. If this point is not communicated in place, everything will be in vain.

Sister Cao said with a smile, "as president Chu said, you can give it according to the market price. You don't have to consider his identity alone."

"Thank you so much!" Zhong Qiaobu directly thanked president Chu.

With Chu Zhuohang's wealth, the cost of his departure was unimaginable, but the other party only put forward a reasonable price.

How can people not be excited?

The fans were very excited when the news that "you in the heart" would invite Su MI and Chu Zhuohang to the program came out.

In fact, they don't know much about Su Mi's marriage life. Everyone wants to know whether Su MI is doing well and how she gets along with Chu Zhuohang in private.

Now that we have such an opportunity, we naturally look forward to it.

As soon as it was determined, the fans had made various promotions and were full of expectations before recording.

The black fans brushed the screen without exception: "it seems that Su MI can't sit still. We must let Chu Zhuohang cooperate with her to show en AI?"

"Alas, after all, where does she deserve Chu Zhuohang? When I see this program, I probably watch the editing. "