Chapter 3130

"Do you feel that she can't eat grapes and says that grapes are sour, and that happiness has nothing to do with money and wealth, but she is really laughing to death. If she can marry Li Qi, who will marry ordinary people? If she finds a rich man, she'll change her mouth. "

"But not necessarily. Maybe Su Mi married some rich old man? Li Qi's father's uncle's generation? "

"Lying in the trough, isn't Fang Xiuwen going to call aunt when she sees Su Mi? Think about that picture. It's really beautiful. "

Although the topic was suppressed, Fang Xiuwen vaguely gained the upper hand this time.

However, this gossip has no essential impact on Su MI, so Fang Xiuwen won't stop at all.

Therefore, when this gossip is only slightly pressed down, another gossip immediately rises to the surface.

Compared with "whose object is more powerful", the following gossip obviously attracts more people's attention.

That's "where's Sumi's 400 million".

This gossip was sent by a marketing number. The screenshot of the marketing number lists a lot of evidence to prove that Su Mi's concert ticket sales totaled about 400 million, excluding various costs and the profits of the cooperative company, at least 200 million.

Su Mi said before that she wanted to give back to her fans and return all the ticket money to her fans, but according to the records and various evidences, most fans didn't ask her to return the money.

So Su Mi just gave herself a show to establish her reputation, but she didn't return much money at all?

It's well known that there was so much trouble when returning the money. Now it's not refunded, but it's gone secretly. As nothing happened, does Su Mi owe the public an explanation?

This matter has indeed aroused the dissatisfaction of many netizens.

"Sure enough, do you want to take the money to support your husband who has a soft meal? This money is so secretly occupied by Su MI. Don't you tell us all?"

"Just said, if a female artist can't find a husband, many things will not work. I put my words here. If Sumi goes on like this, something will happen sooner or later. "

"It's my duty to refund the money for the concert held by others. You can talk about it? I just don't want to refund. I want to give the money to honey. What's the matter with honey? Isn't it tired to have a concert? Can't you make money from normal work? "

"Are you talking about refunding money now? It's su Mi who earned a good reputation for refunding money, but there's no refund, okay? Do you want to return the money? "

"Fang Xiuwen next door wouldn't show off such things. It's said that Fang Xiuwen and Li Qi donated three million yuan to poor children yesterday. Su MI, learn something! "

"Anyway, people like Su Mi will be ruined once they get involved with a scum man. Such things will be indispensable in the future. "

When Su Mi saw the news, she was speechless.

Sister Cao said, "not surprisingly, I'm afraid this Fang Xiuwen did it again. We have completely ignored her, but she is in hot pursuit. "

"My popularity is higher than her. It's equivalent to running ahead of her. She doesn't surpass me. How can I improve my popularity?" Su Mi said, "sister Cao, take care of it."

"I see. Well, does Chu always know these words on the Internet? "