Chapter 3122

Su Mi: "

Well, she knew Wang Chang thought so.

Sister Cao smiled and said, "Mr. Wang, it's already here and can't be saved. Besides, you can't let Su Mi abandon her husband and son? "

Wang Chang was so angry that he didn't speak. He just went abroad on a business trip. He didn't receive a call from sister Cao in time, so he was poked out of such a big basket. He was also very ignorant, okay?

Sister Cao comforted: "this concert should be given to the staff and the company. There will be no less points. Sumi will bear it. Besides, the outside world has no longer questioned this matter. Isn't this a good thing? "

Wang Chang said anxiously, "do I love the money? I also love Su MI. It's not easy. "

He thought of Su Mi's rich husband, who threw a lot of money, and said, "forget it, I love you blindly. I should love the hair on my head that doesn't belong to me. "

Sister Cao and Su Mi both laughed.

After Wang Chang was angry for a while, he didn't want to stay here and went back to his office.

Sister Cao looked at the ticket refund on the Internet and said to Su Mi: "although the notice has been basically in place, less than 20% of the fans who came to refund the ticket. Look at the words of these fans: "in order to support Su MI, I won't refund my ticket" and "I won't refund my ticket. At that time, everything was worth it. All the songs made me realize a dream. I spent so much money and enjoyed so much. Why should I refund my ticket?"

Su Mi took a look and found that this argument still accounts for the majority. The vast majority of fans are very rational and compassionate people. They are embarrassed to take advantage of Su MI, even if Su MI is willing to give it to them.

"Wait and give them some time." Su Mi said, "if they really don't come back at that time, they will donate to charities in the name of fans to help those in need. With the money in my account, I filled in the cost and the company's income first, and all the salaries and bonuses of the staff were paid in place. "

Sister Cao nodded. In fact, she also wanted to say that Su MI was too solid eyed, but she also knew that in her mind, the status of fans was very important. What she valued was not money for a long time.

At work, Chu Zhuohang openly drove in front of his car to pick up Su MI. He no longer hid and covered up as before.

The paparazzi followed Chu Zhuohang's car. Like the outside world, they were too curious about who Sumi married and what the children were like. They all wanted to capture the truth.

Seeing the super luxury brand car driven by Chu Zhuohang, the paparazzi were very excited and followed all the way.

However, after a while, he was thrown away. In Jingyuan, where there was a huge traffic jam, he lost someone.

Su Mi looked back and found that the paparazzi had not followed. She couldn't help laughing: "your driving skills are getting better and better."

"Driving skills?" Chu Zhuohang raised his eyebrows. "I don't know whether it's night or day?"

"Drive your car." Sumi hammered him lightly.

Before she got home, Su Mi received a work message from sister Cao. She pursed her lips and smiled all the time.

"What's the matter?" Chu Zhuohang asked.

"Sister Cao said that several advertisers came to me and hoped that I could endorse milk powder and diapers. It seems that this storm has finally passed. "