Chapter 3090

After hearing this, Su Mi asked, "is this schedule tight?"

Although the younger brother's condition is better, the child's fever is easy to repeat. She is afraid that her younger brother will get sick when she is away.

If the child is absent when he needs it most, he can't make up for it at other times.

Sister Cao could understand Su Mi's mood and said with a smile, "I've inquired about it for a long time. I just helped you talk about it because I know the schedule is not tense. This reality show is a food making program in the countryside. Each recording time is four days and three nights. When there is no special trip in the evening, you can also have a holiday without living in the program group. Would you like to try? "

"I'll think about it first." Su Mi said, "I'll give you an answer early tomorrow morning."

"All right."

Sumi hung up and went to see her brother.

The younger brother is climbing behind his brother. He is about to walk and can't walk. He has infinite energy, uses both limbs and moves quickly. When Xiaochen ran there, he ran up with his hands and feet.

Su MI is really a little reluctant to leave. Xiaochen is about to go to the first grade, and her brother has long teeth and learns words. She doesn't want to put down any of them.

Chu Zhuohang came over from one side and stood side by side with her: "considering the reality show?"

"Have you heard?"

"Sister Cao sent me the information. I just read it." Chu Zhuohang always pays attention to her important itinerary.

Many travel decisions are also made under his supervision.

Sister Cao knew that this matter was very important, so she reported it to Chu Zhuohang early in the morning.

"Although sister Cao said that this program has a good opportunity and is of great benefit to me, I still plan not to go. At least six programs should be recorded, four days at a time, plus the itinerary. If it is intermittent in the middle, it will be gone in two months. Now it's summer vacation again. I have to miss many opportunities to accompany my son. "

Chu Zhuohang smiled, "if I say, can I take my son with you?"

"You?" Su Mi smiled and shook her head. "You have too many jobs. You don't have to give up to accompany me."

She'll love it, too.

"Many of my work can be handled by the following people. I can solve some urgent work remotely. Besides, I promised Chen Bao that I would accompany him to the countryside during the summer vacation. "

Chu Zhuohang waved and Xiaochen ran all the way, "honey, are you discussing going to the countryside for vacation? I really want to go! Want to plant trees, want to pick fruit! "

Su Mi said with a gentle smile, "yes, where do you like to go?"

"Any place with land and woods is OK."

Su Mi knew that she couldn't refuse her reality show even for her son.

She glanced at Chu Zhuohang and knew how much effort he had made to coordinate.

The younger brother climbed over and grabbed Su Mi's trouser legs to hug.

Sumi picked him up. He looked at daddy and Mommy. He opened his mouth and smiled. His mouth with teeth couldn't hold saliva. Saliva flowed out after brushing the ground, which made Sumi laugh all the time.

Chu Zhuohang reached for it, skillfully took out a new saliva towel from his suit pocket, put it on him, and put him on the ground. He soon climbed far away.

There's no need to worry about the baby sitter. He'll climb everywhere, so he won't be hurt.