Chapter 2827

Dr. Fang smiled: "why is it getting bigger and more like a child?"

"Because my parents are here, I'm a child," Fang LAN loosened them and brought youyou over.

Youyou hasn't been here for a long time. You're in a good mood when you see your grandparents. You laugh sweetly and call, "Grandpa and grandma!"

"Youyou, come on, grandma made a lot of delicious food." Su's mother also apologized to youYou. During this period, their mother and son couldn't meet. Fang LAN really gained a happy and simple time, but youyou didn't know how sad it should be.

Su's mother tried to make up for it and made a full table of his favorite food.


Zhuang Shihao went to the restaurant where three people were booked.

I ordered a full table of dishes and a children's set meal.

However, he looked at a table of dishes without chopsticks. He just drank a bottle of wine.

When she got home, Aunt Zhang was cleaning up. When she saw him coming back, she helped him: "Sir, what's the matter?"

"It's all right. Go back first." Zhuang Shihao pinched the center of his eyebrows and waved to prevent her from touching herself again.

He has always had the habit of drinking more wine outside, and he doesn't want women to touch his body.

He always thought it was a cleanliness mania, a close contact with outsiders.

But now he thought that even when he hated Fang LAN most and hated her most, he didn't hate physical contact with her.

Aunt Zhang had to loosen him, took off her apron and asked, "Sir, do you want to call a doctor?"

"Said no." Zhuang Shihao's tone began to be impatient.

Aunt Zhang said no more and left in a hurry.

Zhuang Shihao pulled off his tie and laid himself down on the sofa.

There is only one person in the room, which is particularly quiet. Peacetime youyou always likes to move and run around, either taking toys or eating, watching cartoons like a little mouse, or pestering him to tell stories and read picture books.

Without blessing, the whole air is quiet, and even the sound of breathing can be heard.

Drinking did not eliminate his discomfort.

Zhuang Shihao took out a cigarette, but suddenly thought of Fang Lan's words. He didn't light it after all.

Turn on your mobile phone and there are many SMS and wechat.

He doesn't often use wechat in his life, so wechat comes up with work information. There are some miscellaneous advertising contents in the SMS, the news that his friends asked him to go out for a drink, and the SMS sent by his parents to ask how youyou is now.

He replied to his parents, but his finger touched Fang Lan's wechat.

Like text messages, basically, 90% of his conversation with her is what she is talking about, and he only answers once in a while.

She slipped over and saw her repeated words: "husband, when will you go home? I made you a soup of corn ribs. The fresh corn brought back by Aunt Zhang from her hometown is waxy and sweet. "

"Husband, youyou won the first prize in the painting competition at school today. This is his painting. Look, it's very good. "

"Husband, did you get off the plane? It's raining. Take your coat. "

And he replied occasionally, probably: "well, I see."

Or: "there is entertainment, you eat by yourself."

Even his heart was blocked.