Chapter 2818

Fang LAN drove back to his residence with youYou. She thought a lot on the way.

She understood that her parents didn't tell themselves about it because they were afraid that they would be hurt by marriage again. Do they want to give youyou to Zhuang Shihao?

It's impossible! Her children, she can raise them herself!

Moreover, how could she be hurt because of her child? When she saw Youyou, all her body and mind were healed.

Youyou is her happiness, how can it become her sadness.

She thought that it was no wonder that there would be happiness and hope in the lyrics she had written before, because it was brought by youyou. He was a little angel.

Thinking that her parents are also for her own good, she didn't call to inquire for the time being. Only when she adopted her son did she know the kindness of her parents. Only when she became a mother did she know that it was not easy to be a mother.

He went straight back to his community with youYou. Youyou really knew everything here. When Fang LAN brought himself back here, he was so happy that he danced and danced: "Mommy, I like it here!"

Fang LAN returns home with youYou in her arms.

Youyou saw his little face drooping at home: "where's my toy? Where's my electronic organ? Mommy, why don't I have anything? "

"Mommy put it away for you. I'll take it out for you soon. Don't worry. " Fang LAN touched his head and gave him some cookies he made. "Wait for mommy for a while."

Youyou obediently sits on the sofa eating cookies and watching Mommy busy at home.

Fang LAN took out her divorce agreement. Before that, she didn't look at it carefully and didn't know what was written on it, but it was all about financial division, so she didn't care.

Now, she turned these things out again and looked carefully. Only then did she find that there was a large mention of Youyou, including the ownership of youyou's custody, etc. youyou really belongs to her own custody.

After reading, Fang Lanchang breathed a sigh of relief.

Youyou is not only his own son, but also his own custody.

She rushed out and hugged youyou again, feeling as good as the bright sunshine outside.

Zhuang Shihao has followed the police and is rushing here.

He has been hesitating whether to call Fang LAN.

That day, Xiaozhu cut his hair and deleted the text message, but it didn't prevent him from remembering Fang Lan's mobile phone number.

She should know and has the right to know about youyou.

However, he was afraid to see Fang Lan's disappointed face. He couldn't say that the child was lost.

Although the police have a clue, what if the result is bad?

Although the child was lost under the care of the teacher, it was always raised by him. Zhuang Shihao hated that he had too little love and care for youyou.

If he had done more of his father's duty to youYou at the beginning, I'm afraid things would not be like this today.

He also has no face to face Fang LAN.

He took out his cell phone and tried to call several times, but he gave up. He just hung his head, inserted his hands into his hair and closed his scarlet eyes.

Fang LAN took youyou out after she ate something with him.

Judging from today's situation, youyou should still be in school.

She plans to send youyou directly to school.

Because she already knew she was the child's mother, she was in a relaxed mood. She didn't rush to the police or anything like before.