Chapter 2756

Just for a short period of time, he felt great emptiness and boredom.

Fang LAN enjoyed her life very much.

After quitting the job she didn't like very much, her life these days is to pick up youyou and learn new recipes.

The advantage of working hard for several years is that by relying on salary and savings, I have left several houses for myself, as well as a fairly good deposit. I don't have to worry about and bless my life if I don't work for a few years.

She changed her cell phone number and said goodbye to the past.

The number has been told to his parents and close friends, even Zhuang's parents. As for Zhuang Shihao, he may not care. Instead, he wants her not to pester him, so Fang LAN plans to tell him when she goes to sign the divorce agreement.

In the afternoon, she received Youyou, took his little hand, came out, smiled and asked, "are you still happy today? Is it cold? "

"It's not cold. Touch my hand." Youyou said obediently and put her little hand in Fang Lan's palm. "I recited English today. Hey, apple, apple, I like apple best!"

Fang LAN rubbed his hair with a smile. Every time she saw youyou's smile, she was more satisfied than anything.

She took youyou's hand, slightly lowered her eyes, talked to youYou, and walked towards her car.

When she approached, she was about to open the door. Only then did she see Zhuang Shihao's tall figure leaning on the door, staring at him with a cold look in her eyes.

The man is a little haggard. His hair and clothes, which have always been taken care of meticulously, are a little messy.

His clothes are basically taken care of by Fang LAN. His suits and shirts are ironed and put away neatly every day. When he is on a business trip, he has his own assistant to do such things.

But these two days at home, he has no mind to do this kind of thing. His shirt is wrinkled. He may not see anything on ordinary people, but it is particularly obvious on him.

Fang Lan thought to himself mockingly that he just lacked a nanny. What did he do with so much heart? Mind your own business?

When youyou saw Zhuang Shihao, he subconsciously stopped. This father is sometimes too fierce. Looking at the frightening, he blinked a pair of innocent big eyes and hugged Fang Lan's legs.

Fang LAN held his hand tightly and whispered, "I'm not afraid. Youyou, let's get on the bus first."

Zhuang Shihao also followed the car honestly and impolitely.

Fang LAN drives, he sits in the co pilot, and youyou sits alone in the back row, turning his big eyes.

Zhuang Shihao wanted to ask about the move. Because youyou was there, he could only be silent for a while.

"Where are you going? I'll take you there first. " Fang LAN asked.

In Zhuang Shihao's eyes, it was hard to hide his anger. He slightly raised his eyes and looked at her: "don't you go home?"

Unfortunately, Fang LAN drove the car seriously and didn't pay attention to his eyes, or his thoughts.

She held the steering wheel tightly: "in the future, we don't live in the same place. We moved."

"Why didn't you inform me?" The man's voice held back his anger.

"Because that place should be a place you won't set foot in the future." Fang Lan said calmly.

She tore him out of her heart with full courage and heartbreaking pain, and then began a new life. Naturally, there would be no hopeless expectations.