Chapter 2739

In addition to checking the condition of seriously ill patients, they have to deal with people like Peng XiuXiu. It's really a big headache.

"Peng XiuXiu, if you make trouble again, please leave the hospital as soon as possible. If you have psychological problems, go to the psychological clinic. We are all very busy and have a lot of things to do. We don't have time to fool around with you here. " The doctor said seriously.

The nurse looked at her with a tired face.

Peng XiuXiu's suicide soon became a story of a wolf coming, which no one believed.


Fang LAN didn't know much about the farce all night.

She slept in youyou's room and slept well all night.

After getting up in the morning, she went to the kitchen. When she passed the restaurant, she glanced at the table. The divorce agreement had disappeared.

It seems that Zhuang Shihao saw it.

I don't know if he's finished reading it.

Fang LAN picked up her apron and went to the kitchen. The next second, she saw the divorce agreement in the trash can in the kitchen.

Fang LAN stroked her forehead. She really didn't think what Zhuang Shihao was thinking. She had put what he wanted to do in front of him, but he refused again and again.

Fang LAN had to make breakfast first and was busy asking youyou to eat early and go to school.


When she went to the company, Fang LAN took the document and went to find Zhuang Shihao to sign it.

He didn't seem to sleep well last night, and his eyes were black.

When Fang LAN went in, he was telling his assistant what to do. Fang LAN vaguely heard three words Peng XiuXiu.

Because it was something she didn't want to pay attention to, she didn't want to listen more and quit a few steps first.

When the assistant left, she went over, handed over the documents, and said, "President Zhuang, this is something that needs your signature."

Zhuang Shihao looked up at the woman and saw that she was radiant and slept well. What happened on the Internet seemed to have no interference with her.

When did she become so heartless?

Thanks to him, he searched for someone all night last night and deleted all the rumors against her.

It's not for her, but for his son. He doesn't want his son to be affected by the negative news. Zhuang Shihao angrily pulled his tie, thinking so.

"Yes, how's the work of the Department recently?" Zhuang Shihao asked.

Fang LAN reports one by one. She is not in a hurry. She knows nothing about these businesses than she came to the company before. Now she can be alone for a long time.

I think it was for him that she changed her career to the company... Now think about it, the change is really great.

Zhuang Shihao was in a trance. He saw her touch her upper and lower lips and say words one by one. He didn't listen and just looked at her face.

I haven't seen this face seriously before, and I've been avoiding her impression in my heart.

But he didn't know what had happened for a while. Instead, he felt that her impression was much deeper in his heart.

Fang LAN finished reporting and waited for his instructions.

Seeing that he had been distracted and guessing that he was worried about Peng XiuXiu, Fang LAN paused, didn't wake him up, looked sideways and avoided seeing him.

Until Zhuang Shihao suddenly woke up from his meditation, Fang LAN had stood for a while.

"Mr. Zhuang, do you have any other questions?" Fang LAN asked.

Zhuang Shihao didn't listen to a word. Of course, he couldn't hear any problems.

Subconsciously, he was rejecting the divorce agreement.