Chapter 2727

Su Mi directly used that version. Once she joined, Peng XiuXiu's voice was under her voice, as if it had been swallowed, and could no longer be found.

If Peng XiuXiu's song is like a river, Su Mi's mouth is the sea. She will directly absorb her and there will be no water left!

Peng XiuXiu panicked. How could it be?

She didn't always bribe the cleaner aunt of Yaoshi media to pay close attention to Su Mi's trend. Every time the cleaner aunt gave back information, she said that Su Mi really had an uncomfortable voice, didn't like to talk, and had been taking medicine.

What had been a sure thing suddenly became uncertain.

Peng XiuXiu panicked at once.

Su Mi's voice has a wide range. If the tone is deliberately raised, Peng XiuXiu can't keep up at all.

Originally, Peng XiuXiu thought the same as some people. Su Mi's scene could not be as good as that outside, so Peng XiuXiu could keep up even if she could really sing.

Who knows, Su Mi's ability is better than what the outside world says

After singing one song, there was nothing about Peng XiuXiu at all.

The host chose a song again, and Peng XiuXiu began to sing first. This time, she was ready and played very high from the beginning.

However, Su Mi easily joined in, and Peng XiuXiu was obliterated again.

Later, no matter what song the host chooses, Peng XiuXiu can sing first every time, but once Su Mi joins, Peng XiuXiu will become a firefly and can't compete with the sun and the moon.

If Su Mi starts singing first, it's really over. Peng XiuXiu doesn't even have a chance to plug in.

Just like a person who doesn't speak very well, when she meets a eloquent person, even if she wants to show again, she will be directly pressed down.

The audience was boiling. Indeed, many people knew that Su Mi sang very well.

But I never thought that she sang so well that some people with the idea that "Su Mi's reputation is too famous to be true" were severely slapped in the face.

On the stage, Peng XiuXiu was beaten in the face one song by one. Even the host couldn't see it. He thought to himself, "who gave Peng XiuXiu this ability? Who gave her confidence to challenge Su Mi?"

After several songs, Su Mi not only gained the upper hand, but also made Peng XiuXiu's voice hoarse and ugly because she sent out a high voice that did not belong to her.

"Still coming?" Su Mi raised her eyebrows and asked Peng XiuXiu. Her face looked calm and deeply despised.

Peng XiuXiu was certainly unconvinced. She clutched the microphone hard, but what could she do if she was unconvinced? She was a loser when she sang with Su MI.

Su Mi held up the microphone and said to the audience, "please give me a witness. Peng XiuXiu lost today. From tomorrow on, I don't want to see her in Jingyuan again! "

Peng XiuXiu's eyes were red and full of cold water. She was caught in a close-up on the big screen and put it on the Internet.

There are comments on Su Mi's singing skills everywhere.

However, some people sympathize with Peng XiuXiu and think she is too miserable.

After su Mi stepped down, a small group of fans gathered around and shouted, "Su MI, you have to forgive others. Let Peng XiuXiu go. She didn't make any big mistakes. Isn't she a little too proud and competitive? "

Sumi was too lazy to look at them.