Chapter 2701

The other side weighed it for a while and finally agreed.

That night, Peng XiuXiu failed to come on stage!

After this incident passed, Su Mi didn't mention it to Chu Zhuohang and Fang LAN for the time being.

She knows that even if Peng XiuXiu wants to leave, it is not something that can be done in two or three days, and Peng XiuXiu is afraid to have some later moves.

Su Mi doesn't want Fang Lan's mood to collapse again.


It hasn't happened for two days. One day, when Fang Lan was working in the company, she received a call from the kindergarten teacher.

The teacher said anxiously on the phone, "Mrs. Zhuang, youyou is ill. Come and have a look."

Hearing the teacher's words, Fang LAN had no time to think more. She handed over her work directly to her secretary, immediately picked up her mobile phone and clothes, and drove directly to the kindergarten.

When she was in the car, she called Zhuang Shihao: "youyou is ill. I'll take him to the hospital now. If you're busy and free, come over quickly."

Although he has no feelings for himself, youyou is always his son. When youyou is ill, Fang LAN still hopes Zhuang Shihao can accompany him more, which is her only hope.

At the kindergarten, Fang LAN received youyou.

Youyou's face is red and his forehead is hot. The teacher has pasted him an ice paste to reduce his fever, but it can only be relieved temporarily. It's not very useful.

Fang LAN hurriedly took youyou to the hospital and sent him to the pediatric emergency room.

After some fuss, the child finally lay in the hospital bed, and the doctor prescribed medicine to reduce his fever.

But this time youyou's fever is a little serious, so you need an infusion.

Zhuang Shifang didn't want to disturb his father, so he had to call her soon.

However, at dinner time, Zhuang Shihao still didn't come,.

Youyou has only lost half of his infusion. He is a little hungry, but he is too young to leave people at all.

Fang LAN can't go out to buy food for him. She can only wait for a nurse to be a little free. Fang LAN goes over and asks her to help look at youyou. Only then can she go out to buy food for youyou and buy a dinner for herself.

When she came back from buying food, she saw Su MI and Su's mother sitting in front of youyou's hospital bed.

Fang LAN asked unexpectedly, "Su MI, aunt, why are you here?"

Su's mother said, "why don't you tell us about youyou's illness?"

Fang Lan said, "I thought the fever had gone away, and there was no big deal, and Shihao said he would come in a minute, so I didn't call my father. And it's just a fever. I don't need my father to treat it. It's okay. "

Su's mother said painfully, "it's all right. Fortunately, the doctor who knew your father called us, and we knew that youyou was ill. Your father has gone to talk to the doctor. When we came over, only the nurse looked at Youyou, but other beds have been asking the nurse to help. The nurse doesn't have so many eyes alone. In case something goes wrong, what should you do here alone? "

Fang LAN is really guilty. It's all her own responsibility. Would everything be different if the father she found for youyou was not Zhuang Shihao?