Chapter 2676

It is natural that a young man like Mr. Chen, a legitimate businessman, does not want to see him compete for power and profit outside his home.

Qiao Hui, however, is bound to be on this road and will not go far.

It goes without saying who President Chen should choose.

After returning that night, President Chen convened an emergency company meeting to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of cooperating with Su MI or Qiao Hui.

As soon as they heard this, Qiao Hui, together with Lin Xialu, pretended to be the child of the Lin family and deceived master Lin, they knew that the woman's dilapidation was a matter of minutes.

What's more, what Su MI can take out is several times better than qiaohui.

Not surprisingly, almost everyone agreed to cooperate with Su MI.


When she got home, Sumi was still thinking about it.

"Are you worried about President Chen's choice?" Chu Zhuohang asked softly.

"He is a smart man. Naturally, he knows how to choose. But... Grandpa asked me to help manage the company. I didn't have that mind. "

It turns out that this is what worries Su MI.

Chu Zhuohang knows that she has a grudge against the Lin family. Her biological mother has suffered those hardships. She can't just act as if it hadn't happened.

But now the Lin family is so stormy that Su Mi doesn't seem to make sense if she doesn't go.

Chu Zhuohang sat down and said softly, "no matter whether you go back or not, you can solve the matter in front of you first, okay? As for other things, let nature take its course? "

Su Mi said with a smile, "I want to let it go, but I also know that maybe at the critical moment, I can't help coming forward. This is unfair to my biological mother. "

"But I also believe that as a mother, her greatest wish is for you to have a happy life and have a clear conscience, not to become a heavy burden of life with hatred and the gratitude and resentment of the elders." Chu Zhuohang said.

"Would she really think so?"

"You are also a mother. What do you think?" Chu Zhuohang asked.

Su Mi thought, "if it were me and Chen Bao, I really hope that Chen Bao can live happily all his life without any trouble or worry."

She thought of this and smiled, "so as a father, you think so, don't you?"

"Yes." Chu Zhuohang nodded.

Therefore, real parents love their children. How can they bear such a burden?

"I see." Su Mi felt much better after hearing Chu Zhuohang's words.

A lot of disturbing thoughts have gradually become shallow.

She leaned against Chu Zhuohang and said with a smile, "it's nice to have you. I can discuss everything with you, and then get the guidance and strength to move forward."

"I have you, isn't it the same?" Chu Zhuohang reached out and hugged her.


Early the next morning, when Mr. Lin was still in the hospital, Cao Fu came with large and small bags of gifts.

"Grandpa, I'm here to propose to lulu. I want your opinion." As soon as Cao Fu came in, he said bluntly.

The tone is also very solemn.

After all, Lin Xialu is pregnant. He doesn't want to drag all the time.

Mr. Lin didn't want to be so fast.

However, he couldn't take care of Lin Xialu's affairs. He just asked, "I heard that Lulu was injured a few days ago. Is it all right now?"

"Everything is safe." Cao Fu said.

Lin Xialu didn't mention the abortion to him, so he thought the child was there.