Chapter 2628

Su Mi saw that she looked like an emperor and asked, "Tong Tong, is it too hard? You can tell me something. "

"Nothing, nothing." Lu Tongtong likes Su MI, but her self-esteem makes her unable to open the mouth.

I know clearly in my heart that this shooting may not be so right, and my intuition is very flustered.

But if you tell Sumi, mother will know.

She doesn't want to.

"If you have anything, feel free to call me." Sumi left her a business card, hoping she could figure it out early.

After su Mi separated from her, she immediately told sister Cao about it and asked sister Cao to inquire about brother Shui's arrangements for Lu Tongtong.

Sister Cao has been in the entertainment circle for a long time. She has a wide range of contacts in the circle. It's very simple to inquire about this kind of thing.

It was her own daughter's business, and she naturally spared no effort.

Soon, sister Cao heard that brother Shui wanted Lu Tongtong to be the back substitute. Although the back substitute was nothing, it was still not a good choice for a fledgling girl.

Obviously, brother Shui, this is red fruit's revenge.

Moreover, this will not be the only time. He will test sister Cao's bottom line step by step, and then step on it.

After hearing this, sister Cao was very angry and went to find Lu Tongtong immediately.

Lu Tongtong saw her coming to him, but he had a rebellious psychology: "you don't care about me. I know what I'm doing."

"Do you really think Wu Youshui really wants to sign you and intends to cultivate you well? He just borrowed you to retaliate against me. He and I are competitors and can't compare with me in work. Only then can he use this means. Why don't you believe it? "

"You just want to belittle me and think I don't deserve to be an artist. I don't have that ability, do you? You'd rather focus on your own artist than look at your daughter. It's so bad in your mind, isn't it? I have to prove myself. It's not that bad! You wait and see! "

With that, Lu Tongtong turned and left.

Sister Cao shouted, "Tong Tong!"

Brother Shui took Lu Tongtong to the crew.

Compared with the orderly environment of the whole crew, Lu Tongtong seems timid.

She didn't see the director and the popular flower at all, because like her, a back-to-back, one second scene can be shot by the assistant director and handed over to the director.

Because her role is to make up and shape on her back, and the stylist happens to be a man. He came with something and said directly to Lu Tongtong, "take off your clothes."

The tone is quite impatient. In this place, the respectful tone is to the director and the protagonist.

Other people are divided into classes. When we are busy, the tone is naturally not good.

Lu Tongtong, after all, just came out of school. He usually grew up in the palm of his family. Don't talk too hard. Quarreling with sister Cao is the most powerful thing.

Now a man came and asked her to take off her clothes. Although she knew it was work, how could she stand it?

"Can you find a woman?" Lu Tongtong asked.

The stylist smiled: "can you do it? Dare not change people! Who do you think you are, and I'll replace you? "

"I......" Lu Tongtong, who had suffered such injustice, cried bitterly all of a sudden.

Brother Shui stood aside, but he didn't say a word for her.