Chapter 2545

"It makes sense, so Guan Lian will not choose her."

"I think we still have great hope."

Su MI has long been used to such words. She quietly finds a place to sit down and silently makes preparations.

The staff began to shout the number plate. The number in everyone's hand was issued when they entered the door, so there was no special order.

Don't call people. They go in soon and come out soon. Everyone can stay in only half a minute.

What can I do in half a minute?

Someone has begun to mutter: "it seems that Mai Hui is really determined?"

"Mai Hui's image is OK. Guan Lian's song this time is released synchronously all over the world. I think I will choose a singer with a good image."

"Yes, we don't have much chance."

Everyone talked about it. Basically, no matter new people or goddesses, they didn't stay in it for long.

When it was su Mi's turn, everyone looked tired and had a completely indifferent situation.

However, for Su MI, someone lowered his voice and said, "we can't do it. She's probably like that."

"After all, it's all set for Mai Hui."

Su Mi ignored these voices and went in. There were a few people sitting inside. There were no officials, just a few people in his team.

"Put the materials here. We've heard the sample tape you sent us. Go back and wait for the notice. "

Sumi put down the information and came out.

Seeing that Su Mi didn't stay much, everyone shriveled and said, "it seems that it's just like this. She blew her singing so miraculously. As a result, she's not the same as us."

Sumi walked out without paying attention.

Sister Cao and Xiao Ke came forward and asked, "how, how?"

"I handed in the information and said I was waiting for notice."

"Then go back and wait for the notice. Anyway, it's not completely hopeless." Sister Cao comforted.

Xiao Ke said with a flat mouth, "Guan Lian is really a big brand. He asked the singer to come by himself and just handed over a material. Is it necessary for the singer to hand in the materials himself? "

Su Mi smiled, "they just have capital. When you have that ability, you can also let others do it according to your requirements. You see, as soon as Guan Lian opened his mouth, who didn't come Baba? Those goddesses haven't complained yet. "

"You'll calm down." Xiao Ke is half appreciative and half envious. Su MI is really calm and never arrogant.

She is really the one who should go further.


Guan Lian sat in his office, frowning and listening to all kinds of sample tapes.

According to the requirements of official integrity, the sample tapes handed in by everyone must be singing, no sound repair and no music.

But there are still some people who have practiced music. Although ordinary people may not recognize it, what is the level of Guan Lian's ears? That is comparable to the level of instruments. All those who have repaired the sound will be eliminated.

In this way, half of the people have been screened out. In the current music world, many singers have their own talents, but many singers are packaged to meet the visual requirements of fans. These people should be idols rather than singers.

Even if the album was modified, he even brought the modified tape at his explicit request, thinking it could be concealed!

[exam No. 13, so please allow me to bow a little less these days]