Chapter 2500

Doctor Fang said, "don't worry, I'll take good care of Jingshu."

When she came out of her mother's house, Sumi was still immersed in her emotions.

I didn't expect that my life experience would be like this for so many years.

She didn't ask about her biological father, nor did she want to explore more. She didn't want to use any thought for the person who had chosen to abandon herself and her biological mother.

Chu Zhuohang held her hand. No one spoke at the moment, but he sympathized with her mood.

The next day, Chu Zhuohang's assistant sent the list of Wufeng Music Awards.

"Congratulations, Su MI. You're a finalist." Chu Zhuohang smiled.

Su MI, who has rested all night, is in a good mood at the moment.

Looking at the names of herself and chuning on the list, she couldn't help laughing brightly: "chuning and I are shortlisted."

"Although Ning Ning is in the nature of playing tickets, her album is of high quality and has been carefully created. Shen Jingyu is really very attentive to her. "

"Is Shen Jingyu Ning's husband?" Su Mi asked. Because these questions are more secret and Chu Ning never publicizes them, few people know them.

"Yes. He is a good man. "

Hearing Chu Zhuohang say this, Su MI is very curious. How good is the man who can make Chu Zhuohang comment like this?

After all, she thinks Chu Zhuohang is good enough.

"How are you?" Su Mi asked with a smile.

Chu Zhuohang hooked his fingers and said, "come here and I'll tell you."

Su Mi approached him. He stole a kiss on Su Mi's face and said, "it's almost as good as me."

"Not ashamed. How can you boast of yourself? " Sumi scraped his nose.

In front of Su MI, Chu Zhuohang looks like a teenager. Where else does he look like a mature man?

He hugged Su MI. "Have you seen the news of Nie Yuling and Jin Qiaoer?"

"Yes, I was scolded miserably. In particular, Nie Yuling, the more popular she is, the more she will bear the responsibility for the accident. "

"She deserves it." Chu Zhuohang said mercilessly.

Want to use this to suppress Sumi? Did you ask his permission?

Chu Zhuohang's eyes are slightly narrowed. At this time, people will feel his danger.

"I don't know how they will choose?" Sumi is curious.

When she finished asking, sister Cao called: "honey, congratulations on your shortlisting!"

"Thank you, sister Cao. Sister Cao, what's going on with those two people? "

"It's funny. Neither of them wants to go, but they're afraid of being scolded. They're so worried that they're going to be bald. Brother Shui is too worried to sleep. " Sister Cao is really happy. She has competed with brother Shui for so many years. She usually wins or loses, but it's the first time to see brother Shui worry like this.

She was in such a good mood that she invited the whole company to drink milk tea today: "although it's a little unkind to laugh at them so much, it's still related to the patient, but I really can't control it. You have to thank Young Master Chu for me. I haven't been so happy for a long time. "

"Sister Cao, you have news to tell me that Master Chu may have something more pleasant for you."

Sister Cao is looking forward to hearing from Su MI.

Su Mi hung up the phone and said, "Master Chu, sister Cao took revenge with one arrow. Thank you."

"I don't want her thanks. I want yours."

"Not enough?" Su Mi pinched his nose blushingly.

Chu Zhuohang kissed her.

In the afternoon, sister Cao called again.