Chapter 2477

Jin qiao'er sat beside Nie Yuling and was not very happy.

In fact, the whole organizing committee is very grateful to Chu Ning for her presence, because she may have to increase the attention of this music award by at least 10 percentage points.

Although the Wufeng music award itself is already very famous, in this society where only attention can produce huge economic and sensational effects, no one can refuse the popularity brought by artists for the award.

Sure enough, the reporter saw Chu Ning and Su Mi sitting together and immediately came forward for an interview.

"Chu Ning, I didn't expect you and Su Mi to have a relationship in private."

"The first time we met, we hit it off." Chu Ning answered without a leak.

"What do you think of Su Mi's songs? What do you think of the award this time? "

"Personally, I like Su Mi's songs very much. A film invested in before set Zhuo Yan's new song as the theme song, which was composed by Su MI. So although this is the first official meeting, in fact, it has been fascinated for a long time. " Chuning said with a smile.

She glanced at Su MI and said with a smile: "as for the award, everyone here is very hopeful. Everyone has their own strengths. It depends on how the judges choose. Such a problem should be left to professionals."

The reporters laughed kindly and talked about some other issues.

Chu Ning had been familiar with them for a long time. Every question came at his fingertips. However, he showed a very appreciative attitude towards Su MI.

Because chuning coffee is bigger than Nie Yuling and Sumi coffee is bigger than Jin Qiaoer, the reporter is naturally happy to interview and publish their news.

Nie Yuling and Jin Qiaoer are very close tonight. I'm afraid they will be completely defeated between Chu Ning and Su MI.

Nie Yuling sat and stood uneasy because she could predict the result.

Jin qiao'er also felt something bad, but there was no way to recover it.

The declaration activity was successfully completed that night.

The selection of awards still needs time. Next, it is the highlight.

That night, sure enough, the news of Su MI and Chu Ning occupied a lot of pages.

"Chu Ning rarely appears once, but each time he gives everyone a great surprise. It's also impressive to take the album to participate in the Wufeng music award this time. "

"Chu Ning and Su Mi have an intersection privately?"

"Didn't you see the reporter's interview? It was the first time they met. Before, they just had a concept of each other's music."

"Don't you say that Chu Ning looks so good, and Su Mi doesn't look like Feng, but she is unexpectedly harmonious when sitting together. What's the matter?"

"Go back upstairs. Maybe it's a combination of Qi fields. It'll be particularly comfortable to watch together."

"Ha ha, ha ha, how can I feel that the more you say, the more basic it is?"

As for Nie Yuling's carrying Jin Qiaoer, walking on the red carpet together was overshadowed by Chu Ning and Su MI. Few people mentioned it.

Besides, Nie Yuling and Jin Qiaoer have occupied the page before. I don't know how many times the predecessors have helped the newcomers, so the degree of attention is naturally not so high.

Chu Zhuohang came to pick up Su MI. Chu Ning didn't come to see him. There were too many reporters that night. She didn't want to attract reporters to interfere with Chu Zhuohang.

Just called him and told him he had met his little sister-in-law.