Chapter 2452

She felt that there was enough evidence to tell right and wrong, and there was no need to have much to say.

Sister Cao and Xiaoke leave with Su MI. Chu Zhuohang comes forward to meet Su MI and takes her to her car.

Sister Cao and Xiao Ke also got on the bus.

He Qiyun still left with Xiaozhan.

Sister Cao received a call from Li Zhenwei. He said ruthlessly on the phone: "reconcile immediately and eliminate the adverse effects. Otherwise, you won't get a penny of investment."

"No, Mr. Li, we have found new investment in the promotional film. At present, it is almost finished. On the company side, if the project can really make money, I believe that new investors will see the potential and follow up immediately. Mr. Li, you'd better go and see your son first. "

Sister Cao hung up the phone.

Li Zhenwei was so angry that his assistant found that someone had indeed injected capital into Su MI.

In fact, he doesn't want to withdraw the capital, because although Su Mi's appearance is not optimistic, every project is profitable. His withdrawal is only an expedient measure, not really willing to give up making money

But now, it's impossible to go back.

When he got to the police station, he also knew that his son really cheated on female staff and almost made a big mistake.

He slapped his son in the face: "rebel, you really lost my face!"

On the bus, Xiao Ke and sister Cao were very happy. This time, they beat down Li Minghao's arrogance.

And everything is the real evidence found by Chu Zhuohang.

Xiao Ke now knows the relationship between Chu Zhuohang and Su MI.

No wonder Chu Zhuohang has always maintained Su MI and helped her solve all kinds of problems.

"Su MI, I really envy you." Xiaoke said sincerely, secretly envious from the bottom of his heart, Chu Zhuohang is so handsome.

Moreover, when protecting Su MI, he has a special demeanor, which makes people really can't move their eyes!

This incident can be described as a big slap in the face for joy and entertainment.

They wanted to please Li Zhenwei and Li Minghao, but now they see Li Minghao in prison.

I'm afraid Li Zhenwei's company will also be affected by this matter.

Fortunately, there is no in-depth cooperation with Li Zhenwei, otherwise, joy and entertainment will be affected

Su Mi finished this matter and went to continue shooting.

The whole crew now knows who is right and who is wrong between Li Minghao and Su MI.

They are all very simple. They know that they were wrong at the beginning. The only way to repay Su MI is to do a good job and speed up the progress of their work.

Soon, the promotional film was shot.

When the crew had a dinner, Chu Zhuohang told sister Cao, "I'll pay for the dinner at night. Everyone is free. But Su MI and I are leaving. "

Sister Cao knew that Su MI was worried about her children and said, "go back early and help me bring a good friend to the children."

Su MI is really eager to return. She is eager to hurry back to Xiaochen.

When he got home, Xiaochen was waiting for her. As soon as he saw her, he rushed over and hugged Su Mi's leg.

Su Mi didn't see him at all when she was born. Now, holding him, she feels the real existence.

This is her child, the son she gave birth to. After ten months of hard pregnancy, she has long had feelings for her child. Mother and son are connected. It turned out to be such a feeling.